Letters to Twilight dot com

Dear Twilight,

It’s been over a month at our new home at LetterstoTwilight.com and we love it, but we’re dumbfounded why people still think they can find new letters to you here. You know where to find us. Now let’s help the 5,000 plus people who still stop here daily to find new letters to you!

If you’d like to get new LTT by Email: Subscribe to Letters to Twilight by Email here. You’ll never miss new LTT that way!

UC & Moon


Letters To Twilight DOT com!

Dear Twilight,

Can you Tell Stephenie Meyer to Tell Buttcrack Santa to tell Tequila Tomas to tell Bella to tell Edward to come over and show me the leg hitch to tell the THOUSANDS of people still coming here to read Letters to you that we no longer write them here but instead write them at:


Thank you!


Update your bookmarks: LetterstoTwilight.com

Update your feed in your blog reader: LetterstoTwilight.com/feed

Having trouble reading the new site? Comment here & we’ll see what we can do to help!

Happy Birthday UC! You can look here now!

I'm sending this cake to your office today, get ready to have a lot of explaining to do!

Dear UC,

I tried and tried to think of something cool to do for your birthday… maybe I could assume the persona of The Cullens and make you eternally 17 or maybe I would write about how when we met my life was like a moonless night… but none of that seemed right so I took it to the streets and enlisted our best assets (no, not those), OUR READERS! What better way to bring in another year than with wishes from some of the funniest people we’ve ever met.

And since this is a blog and all I thought let’s do it interwebs style and have people send in fan sign pics for you!

Get ready to laugh your face off…

We think your aging is something to celebrate!

(mouse over images to see the names of these ltt folks!!)

Thanks to all our readers who contributed and for all the fun, cute and downright  hilarious pictures you sent in!


Didn’t get to participate? Still want to? Post your well wishes, fan signs and what have you in the comments for UC’s birthday and let’s celebrate!

Our internet game is still ridiculous: The Forum, LTR, Twitter

LTT Podcast Episode 5 – All the family together at last!

Dear LTT-ers,

Guess what! We FINALLY joined the 21st century, figured out technology and Both UC and I AND The Font and White Yorkie are together at last on Episode 5 of the podcast. All our voices together at last discussing all the latest in the Twi-world, it’s like a chorus of angels singing. Kinda like when Robert Pattinson walks down the street. And I must admit it might be the best one we’ve done. For reals.

Episode 5 – Robert Pack-it-in-your-son Part 1 (right click save as)

  • UC intros us!
  • LTT is chosen to participate in the “fan junket” with Stephenie Meyer – White Yorkie & The Font react. They also give us ideas for questions as only they could.
    -Discussion of  the evolution of Stephenie Meyer’s writing
    -How our questions will be different
    -Moon is secretly dating the Twilight guy

The only acceptable ipod to listen to this podcast on

  • Kristen’s Roadtrip
    -Rob Zombie and musical taste
  • The Font and White Yorkie ask us about Ok Magazine
    -Masters of spin
  • Official LTT Store
    -Reaction to the Unicorn tshirt
    -Send your pictures of you in LTT/LTR gear and the Font & White Yorkie will
    -Autographing underwear at Comic Con
    -White Yorkie’s type of ladies
  • Big announcement!
  • The LOD / Brit Pack

Reader Responses from last week – The Flash, Justin Long & Bruce Willis

  • LTT Event during Eclipse week in Los Angeles

Or I guess this one is acceptable too...

Reader Questions

  • Do guys really have a problem dating older women? If Bella can be with Edward who’s 107, why isn’t it the other way around? White Yorkie gets personal. What about the cougar phenomenon? UC gets personal

So there you have it! Part 1 of the whole podcasting family together at last. Wasn’t it great? Want more? Then you have to send us your questions, news topics for discussion, haiku’s to read, poetry and applications for the boys’ hearts! We work off your questions alone! EMAIL your questions to our special podcast email and hopefully your question will be featured on the next LTT podcast!

Happy Thursday!

PS If your name is NOT UC than PLEASE please read this post for a special announcement! Seriously, GO read it!

Need more LTT Podcasts in your life? Check em out!

Our internet game is still ridiculous: The Forum, LTR, Twitter

The new kid on the LTT block finds out she’s normal after all!

(We love to hear from you guys and today we have a fresh newbie treating us to her very first letter and how she’s finally figured out she’s “normal” after all!)

Oh hello there LTT, where have you been all my life?

Dear LTT and LTR,

It was a week ago (last Saturday, to be precise) that I first learned about you from a friend who will forever have a special place in my heart for sharing you with me. LTT & LTR, you have filled a hole in me that I didn’t realize existed. You see, ever since I first read Twilight last fall, I’ve been, well, slightly fully obsessed with all things Twilight and, especially Rob.

I mean, I haven’t bought any apparel; I’ve never purchased a magazine because the cover featured Rob or KStew (I mean, I’ve stolen borrowed them from friends, but that’s different); and I refused to pay full price for the New Moon DVD ($24.99—are you kidding me?). I get points for that, right? And, until last week, the only blog/website I’d used for information about Twilight was Stephenie Meyer’s own site. (Well, and People.com, but that’s not exclusively Twilight content.)

But you have given me a gift: I know now that I’m not crazy. I’m normal.

Lost count how many time's I've read these

Just because I’ve watched Twilight… um, more times than I count… even while cringing at the corniness of the movie and KStew’s mumbling, open-mouthed delivery of every line and emotion (is this the bitch face you write about?(Moon: No, but stick around and we’ll teach you!), that doesn’t make me crazy. The countless hours I’ve listened to the movie soundtracks on repeat, the insane number of times I’ve read the four books and Midnight Sun, the way when I’m reading Eclipse & Breaking Dawn I imagine how the directors will make it happen (the LEG HITCH, Hallelujah!!!!),  the way I replay certain scenes from the movies over and over (Edward first talking to Bella, Edward smirking while Mike asks Bella to prom, the first kiss, then in NM when they’re reunited in Italy… sigh)… there’s more, but I feel like I don’t need to tell you. Because you know (Moon: Oh girl, do we ever).

Although my best friends share my love of the books and movies, I’ve always had this intense feeling of guilt and sliminess: I’m lusting after a dirty (literally), awkwardly built (his hips sometimes look wider than his shoulders, and have you ever noticed how awkwardly he walks with his hunched shoulders? Moon: Oh we notice. Those are his “mothering hips”), smoking/cussing/alcoholic, smarmy guy 5 years younger than me.

Not that one, but just as good...

In truth, I’ve always feared that someone would catch and understand the gleam that comes into my eyes when Twilight (and hence Rob) comes up in conversation—do they see how truly inappropriate my fascination is? I know KStew wants her space and privacy, yet I crave photographs and news of Robsten, dying to factor that confirmed relationship (or not) into my fantasies of when I run into Rob, and he looks like he does in the Vanity Fair 2009 shoot (the photo with the cigarette?? OMG)… and he says to me, “Hello, my name is Edward Cullen.” And then he smells my throat… Well, you understand.

And that is why I will always be grateful to you, LTT & LTR. Because you do understand. You strike the perfect balance of obsessing and distancing yourself from that obsession with humor. Through you, I discovered the online archive of the Vanity Fair shoot (the video! the photos!). And so, while I will still never feel comfortable revealing the true extent of my Twilight/Rob obsession to my loved ones, at least now I know that I have kindred spirits. Normal, rational, intelligent women who say that it’s OK to feel this way.

Thank you, LTT & LTR, for providing me an outlet for my obsession.

Yours truly,


P.S. Seriously, gals. Thank you! You’re the best, and I love your sites. Keep up the great work!! – Kirsten 🙂

We love our readers, truly, madly, deeply (sing it!), we do! If you’re new or hanging out in lurkdom, delurk yourself and comment or write us an email or letter! We’d love to hear from you!! Welcome ThatsNormalGrlNC into the fold! When did you discover us?

Our internet game is ridiculous: LTR, The Forum, Twitter

Eclipse you are ours! Tickets are bought and Pedro saves the day!

Don't mess with Emmett's ceasar cut!

Dear Eclipse,

I’d like to warn you, come midnight on June 30th we’ll be rolling almost 40 deep to see you! But let me tell you it almost didn’t happen. You see after MUCH coordinating between our group and Arclight’s Guest Services we were told they weren’t on sale this morning as originally promised. So fast forward to 9pm when I get a special email from Arclight’s Member’s Only email that said you were IN FACT ON SALE! Cue much screaming and frantic emailing and calling. Buuutt you are lucky Eclipse, because I was only 2 blocks away from the theater. As I ran into the lobby like a rabid TwiWhore I found the first attendant and wheezed out “Eclipse, midnight, tickets, ON SALE????”

Thankfully Pedro was well versed in Twilight fan resuscitation as he immediately pulled out a picture of Rob and sprinkled me with a handful of glitter and I came back from the edge. You know,  if a squinted just right he could have been my Sam Uley rescuing me in the forest from crazy vampires. Only he wasn’t shirtless, he was wearing an Arclight shirt and the crazy vampires were cougar ladies there to see the special 40 dollar Sex and the City screening complete with Cosmos. Manolo’s NOT included.

Hey look it's the nerdy wolf all the way in the back there!

So after much ballyhoo he rang up (in multiples of 10, it was an ordeal!) our tickets and with the help of forum mod and LA girl Emily, we had them all squared away. I gazed longingly at Pedro, as he organized our tickets by number and row, wishing he was maybe just a big taller and named Rob and wearing some holy pants because I could have frenched him good right there between the gift shop and the old man looking at the vintage Playboy book and the pimply faced kid who had to open up a new line because I was taking so long. Oh sweet sweet Pedro, you just made 30 something girls AND boys happy! Well mostly the girls, but you know what I mean.

After he counted the tickets he told me that was the most movie tickets he’d ever sold to one person. Oh Pedro, stop talking dirty to me! But the deed was done and I had to somehow get the tickets back to my house without getting mugged. And then where would I hide all of them so crazy Eclipse ticket thiefs, or Rileys, if you will couldn’t find them until midnight on June 30??!!! Then I thought of the perfect spot…

Well right there between my boobs next to my heart, where else would you store your Eclipse tickets?! Duh.

32 Days!

PS Arclight, you better be glad I was just around the corner, or there would have been HALE to pay if we didn’t get our tickets.

Do you have your Eclipse tickets yet?! Buy em here! Are you going with friends, a significant other, your mom, your clueless friend?

Our internet game is ridiculous: LTR, The Forum, Twitter

It’s Casual Friday on LTT & we have some contest winners!

Dear LTTers,

Fridays are some of my favorite days around the blogs because it’s like we play “Casual Fridays.” We take off our tweed, put on our jeans & baseball cap and stop being so serious (ha!). No one wants to work. Everyone wants to play. And it’s no different around here. So let’s not waste any time and just JUMP into announcing our WINNER of the Contest we’ve been running all week to win a Tshirt of your choice from our brand spankin’ new LTT-LTR merch store!

And the winner is..

Cathy A with her Kristen Stewart: They’re Not Bears entry!

In 20 years, KStew may have escaped the mullet but not the fandom of Bella Blinking Swan. She finally relents and embraces the Bella Swan persona fully (name change included) .Now a blonde and with dual identity, Bella Kristen Swan Stewart received a degree in Zoology and makes it her lifetime goal to inform every man and woman on Earth that THEY’RE NOT BEARS!! with a bucket of fierce of course.

Congratulations Cathy! We hope you picked out the design you want on your tshirt! You’re going to be the HOTTEST gal around!

Runners Up

We had a hard time choosing between the one that ultimately won and Cathy’s 2nd entry:

In 2o years Rpattz will be the DILF OF THE CENTURY. Here he is on a father and son bonding trip to the local Goodwill. Notice he enters through the front since he has (UNFORTUNATELY) retired from his backdoor dumpster days..hence Rpattz junior’s existence *ahem*

This one is OH so Amazing! (and probably OH SO going to get us in trouble for posting it after we found out we will be interviewing Stephenie about this very book!) via whiplashes:

Bree Tanner in 20 years

Fangbanger & Moonjenn worked together to give us this look at Angela in 20 years. I think they might be on to something here…

Thanks to all the Runners Up! It was a hard decision! And congratulations Cathy! We will be emailing you today so watch for that!

Honorable Mentions after the jump! Continue reading

Questions for Stephenie about Midnight Sun

With the excitement of Monday’s surprise announcement, the launch of our LTT Store, Running our contest through Thursday, and the hundreds of dirty dishes piling up on my kitchen counters, we’ve been busy. Our email inbox has been filled with contest entries, fun messages from long-time lurkers and lots and lots of question suggestions for Stephenie Meyer. I think we need an assistant. Brookelockart has been offering her services for years, but turns out she expects payment other than the promise of UC & Moon co-written smutty fan fic starring her, Edward & Larry411. Who knew!? Anyway, a theme has emerged from the questions we’ve been told to ask so far: Midnight Sun, Midnight Sun, Midnight Sun…..I’ve had two fan letters about this very topic sitting around for awhile now, so I thought today would be the perfect time to share them!

Please, God. No

Dear Stephenie:

Brooke’s letter to you when the news about the Bree novella broke pretty much said it all: We want Midnight Sun- not some story about a newborn who barely had a blip of a connection with Bella and Edward (though I know I will end up buying it).

But with the desire for Midnight Sun that is so strong its painful, I would like to ask one thing of you WHEN you relieve our suffering and finish the book (I can’t bare to think of out as an if):

Please don’t have Edward purposely pick out that specific outfit on the day of the meadow so he can match Bella. Tell me that after I read the Midnight Sun draft and (naturally) went back to re-read Twilight, I misinterpreted a detail with the extra information I had. I noticed that Bella, the night before going out to the meadow with Edward, no only gratuitously used “drugs” (cough medicine), but she fussed over what she was going to wear. Does that mean she laid her clothes out? Because Edward was most likely in her room that night watching her sleep. PLEASE tell me that she didn’t lay out the ensemble and Edward saw it and thought that somehow it would be a good idea to dress alike.

Hey Bells, I noticed you picked out Brown panties for today. Me too

Have you seen couples that do this? It’s not cute- it’s not sweet. I cringe whenever I see this atrocity. But more so, it’s not something Edward would do. But I felt I had to mention it because I didn’t think he would have kept a lemonade bottle cap as a “token” either, which made me worry that maybe my fear was valid.

So please, keep that in mind. And for the love of all that is holy finish Midnight Sun!


PS – I can never thank you enough for your choice of Jacob and Edward’s names. But THANK YOU 😉

We ponder more Midnight Sun stuff after the jump! Continue reading

Twilight Moments that have shaped us (Oh, we’re interviewing Stephenie Meyer)

Dear LTTers,

There are those moments in life that shape you- Graduations, Weddings at young ages, anniversaries, pregnancies by vampire husbands, beautiful children’s births, children biting their way out of your womb, Children moving out of the house, your ex boyfriend falling in love with your newborn child…Moments that are Epic– Getting our first commenter on LTT was one like that. To this day we still refer to Christa as our “Fanbase” & our #1 fan. Then there was the time when Sam Bradley commented on a post where we made fun of him. That was before we realized that wasn’t a big deal and could draw his moles from memory.

Big day!

Then there was the first day we suddenly had over 200 readers on the blogs. And then we met you. And you. and you. Then Stephenie said she READ US which we’re still questioning and sometimes fear that her mentioning “LTT” really meant “Linux Trace Toolkit” and her bro & webmaster, inspiration for small wolf, Seth, just threw it in there to make a dorky computer joke (Linux is something the geeky cousin tried to get me to understand once)

Then there was RobstenGate in August, seeing Rob on Ellen in November and that moment during karaoke night when I visited Moon in LA last fall and everyone was singing “We are The Rob” and I just FELT it. What’s “it?” I don’t know- you just know it when you feel it. Those moments shaped us.

And then stuff like this happens and we question once again if Seth, the inspiration for the small werewolf, is taking his anger out at his sister for naming the weakest werewolf after him (But Seth, he does get some one-on-one with Bella & saves her life!! (Ugh.. I think… Note to self- re-read Eclipse before meeting Stephenie)) and punks us YET again & makes it all up. But it looks like the little hat spoke. And shit just got real because I just programmed “Interview Stephenie Meyer in an undisclosed location” into my calendar.

Hey guys,

I want to do something different with publicity for this movie release. For Twilight, I did the normal press junket, for New Moon I got to go on Oprah. Both of these were fun, exciting experiences. However, they both had the same drawback—the interviews were designed for a very broad audience, and because of that, most of the questions were about things you guys have known the answers to for years. I feel like all of the basic questions have been answered, and for Eclipse I want to focus on the more specific questions of the readers. To accomplish that, I’m hosting my own mini-junket with a few fansites. It will be held on Friday, June 18th, the week before the L.A. premiere.

Unfortunately, I can’t talk to every single site, and I want to keep this as low key and enjoyable as possible. So I put all the U.S. fansites in a hat (for logistical reasons, we had to keep this in the country) and drew out four names.

The names I drew were:

* Twilight Series Theories (twilightseriestheories.com)
* Twilight Source (twilightsource.com)
* Twifans (www.twifans.com)
* Letters To Twilight (letterstotwilight.wordpress.com) <——HOLY CRAP THAT’S US!!!!!!!!!

Each of these sites is invited to send two members of their staff (or one member and a guest) to our fan-centric mini-junket. You will be contacted shortly by my assistant, who will give you all the specific information. In the event that any of the sites is unable to send representatives, I’ve already drawn four back up sites, which I will post if it becomes necessary.

I’ll answer all of your questions (and your readers questions, if you want to poll them) about the Eclipse Movie, and the Bree story, as well, which will have been out for a few weeks by then. We’ll have lunch, hang out, and hopefully have a fantastic time. I hope you all can make it!


WHATTTTTT? Are you SURE!? And have you really read our site? We’re not your “What happens when Bella gets her period” kinda question askers (oh wait- we ask that all the time. Should we push her for the REAL answer “I didn’t think about that one- give me a break” since none of us believe that “the blood is dead” crap? ) And Steph we’ve joked from time to time that you have a thing for Edward and therefore for Rob (but then again- who are we to talk? We run a Rob site) so are you sure…We get to meet YOU?

To repeat the majority of the conversations Moon & I had over chat yesterday afternoon:


After the jump. Read some of the MANY responses we’ve received since yesterday: Continue reading

Monday Funnies: Twilight, In 20 Years… and the LTT/LTR Store

Dear LTT-ers,

It’s a Monday and you might be on your 3rd cup of coffee looking to wake up and shake off the tireds. But you can’t, I know. In fact you’re probably looking pretty haggard when you catch your glimpse in the reflection of the coffee pot in the break room and wondered, ‘when the crap did I age 20 years?’ You’re definitely not eternally 17. So I was thinking if normal people feel this way than the twi folks have to have a few haggard days themselves. Since we could all use a pick-me-up and helped out with the site In 20 Years that Brooke sent me, I present you some of our Twilight folks… IN TWENTY YEARS!

First up we have Rob…

Hmmm… they usually say men get better with age… but it appears as though Rob’s eyebrows have just grown with age. And he may just have a drooling problem…

Daaamn and we thought present day Kristen was a hardass… look at what 20 years and some smokes will do to you… Joan Jett, midlife crisis movie here she comes!

Then it was Taylor’s turn and a funny thing happened…
I put this picture in, but kept getting this back
Looks like the apple (or the double bacon cheese burger) doesn’t fall far from the tree…

Follow the cut to see an extra special treat AAANNNDDD an extra special announcement. Spoiler alert it may involve tshirts

Continue reading