The Dirt – New Moon Merch, Stoli Shirts and Color Me Badd, Oh MY!

Dear LTT-ers,

So much has happened over the weekend and last week that we couldn’t possibly write letters about everything but we wanted to hand pick the news that we thought you needed to see!

Hold on to your Pattinsons pants cause away we gooooo!

I adore mi amore and bad dye jobs

I adore mi amore and bad dye jobs

  • New Twilight bookmarks available for preorder. Perfect for in between the pages of your copy of The Purpose Driven Life or for when you print out Fanfic and put it in a 3 ring binder so you can read it at work.
  • Remember last week when I wrote Nikki asking where in the world had she gone? Well obviously she reads LTT because she turned up in Greece over the weekend with a member of Color Me Badd
  • Fresh off his shift at the Home Depot and a hot oil treatment, Solomon Trimble still working any Twilight connection he has and makes an appearance at Quileute Days. Is Solomon even Quileute?
  • Seriously, is this what it's come to?

    Seriously, is this what it's come to?

    Rob’s blessed Stoli vodka shirt came out of hiding this week. Some folks at Why Not RPattz and Robsessed did some insanely minute investigation work tracing the rips, stains and lifespan of the shirt. Now just think if we had this kind of attention to detail on finding Osama Bin Laden or curing life threatening diseases. Dayum.

  • Cute Dude with hot  accent will be in Eclipse and his name is NOT Robert Pattinson… welcome to Victoria’s newborn boytoy Riley. Listen to him talk about being cast…
  • If UC and I were creepy guido papparazzo’s with man voices I’m pretty sure this is what we’d say…

“… only two minutes Rob, only two minutes brother…” Apparently Rob is not only the face and cure for vaginal dryness but also the spokesperson for erectile dysfunction. Poor guy.

  • Once again Taylor comes off as the most mature 17yr old I’ve ever heard, listen to him discuss NM and other junk in one of the best videos to come out in a while… also enjoy the music!
She's got legs, she knows how to use them!

She's got legs, she knows how to use them!

  • Some shiz is going on after Comic Con but I know where I’ll be at: an as yet determined watering hole drowning our scream frazzled nerves with Rob and the LTT/LTR gals! Won’t you join us?

So who ordered their set of bookmarks?

Read about all the things that make UC think of Rob at Letters to Rob
Wanna be up on all the news as it happens? Are you following us on Twitter? Are you a member of the forum?

53 Responses

  1. So let me get this straight…Nikki gets to be around Rob all day during shooting…she had a ‘thing’ with him while filming…she gets to make out with Kellan and be all up in his junk as Rosalie…AND to top it ll off she’s dating a billionaire heir??!?!?!?! DAYUM!!! Some bitches have ALL the luck…lucky bitch…LOL

  2. I have been drawn out of lurkdom once again because I have to thank you personally for the Color Me Badd reference. That guy really does look like the eurotrash version of Bryan Abrams circa 1992. I’m going to have I Wanna Sex You Up stuck in my head all day now… and I’m not complaining about that… disconnect the phone so nobody knows, yeah…

    • Do you want to know the sad part? The really, really sad part? I already HAD “I Wanna Sex You Up” stuck in my head due to an unfortunate incident this weekend.

      • tiffanized??? spill girl …….”unfortuate incident”?????
        Come on you all know I live here to live through your lives vacariously….WOW could I use live once more?

        • I went on a date with a guy [that I only agreed to in the first place because he had a similar pair of shoes to Rob’s, but THAT’S NORMAL] and he had what was obviously his “sex mix” going on in the car. Some of the more memorable selections were “I Wanna Sex You Up”, “Super Freak” and “White Horse”.

          • oh god any many who owns super freak and puts it on a mix that isnt a joke should be automatically crossed off the list. GOOD GIRL!

            welcome tuesdaymidnight!!! we love us some trashy r&b groups from the early 90s

      • Girl, that is sad.

  3. HAHAHHAHA Color me badd…ooooohohoho I wanna sex you up upupupupuppupup. OMG HILAR
    Twilight Chocolate? wf?

    Gosh what is awaiting us in november with those twilightfans? What more crazy stuff are they going to make?
    * A sparklepeen-edward-dildo
    * Wolfmade handcuffs to give more pleasure? (you know the fluffy one)
    * “pruple is cool” t-shirt
    * Bottle of “cullen vitamens” for the extra vampire energy

    What the heck…..I am going to wear my costummade rob woodenshoe at the dutch premiere.

  4. OMG the sewn-up Stoli shirt. That’s what he’s been doing with his nights in NYC, sitting on his hotel bed with the complimentary sewing kit repairing Vodka Shirt. It took him three weeks, but God bless him, he did it all by hisself.

    • HAHAHAAH he SOOOO used the complimentary sewing kit and then would ask consuela the maid to look over his work every day and show him how to tie off the ends.

  5. ❤ the post….
    Sooo glad Nikki is 'doing' well…….
    Ashley looks hot……..
    Taylor is a gorgeous boy so well brought up {wish my boys were so polite, must be a British thing}
    OOHHH Moon the count down is well under way….can't wait for your reports….

  6. OK, first UC mentions JTT over on LTR.

    (I WIN for using the most initials in one sentence.)

    Then YOU mention Color Me Badd.
    I have always loved y’all, but never more than now.

    This was the best recap of Twi stuff I’ve ever read. And, just so you know…I read no Twi stuff last week. None. Zilch. Guess what? I didn’t miss it. At all. Awesome. So thanks for getting me caught up. Can you do this every week for me? Thanks.

  7. After a glorious weekend on the beach and getting Daisy Dukes stuck in my head I now have a worse song to go with this craptastic Monday. Awesome!!

    Who is that dude she is with and can she loan him a few dollars to get that awful hair fixed? DAYUM GINA!!!!!

    • it’s paris latsis, paris hilton’s old boyfriend. what a incestual cest pool hollywood is. gross. and i live here!

      obviously they met at the hair salon cause only the person who dyed her to rosalie blond in twi could do this to a man.

  8. Ashley’s SHOES Moon! Her SHOES!!!!! They will be mine, oh yes!

  9. I agree with Leigh Anne, let’s make Moon our ‘cather-upper” every week…. so we can just look at pics of Rob and not worry about the rest of the twi-world.

    I just feel it in my bones- Kristen & Michael are going to be seen making out somewhere this week. I just know it.

    • what? Noooo! She can’t go back to Oregano after she’s had a taste of Rob.

      • Yes!! Yes she can, in fact that would be great…….then Rob can find a different girl , {Moon make it good at Comic Con} one who is better suited to him than Kirsten {I don’t have a problem with Kirsten herself just not for Rob}
        Looking forward to those pictures..

    • Yes! To both!

    • oh god, an oregano/stew sighting this week would really just cap off what i know is already going to be awesome!!!!!!!!!

      and i cant wait for comic con, knowing i have your alls blessing when i bang rob will make it all the more better

  10. Moon! I feel so privileged that you read my little Twi-rants on my blog (and also I might have to get my mom the collectors set too)! How do you girls keep up with Twi-everything AND have a RL???! THAT’S what I want to know because I’m still working on getting the latter, yet first thing when I get up my laptop rumbles awake so I can get to LTT/LTR.

    • it’s not easy but someones gotta do it!

      well i had the RL to begin with and then i read twi and im trying to keep my firm grip (thats what she said) on RL! hahaha it’s a little thing called google alerts, reading a lot of other blogs, and being connected!

  11. Thanks for the updates, Moon!

    I love how sweet Solomon has managed to squeeze 20 minutes of fame out of his one line.

    Now where can I get tickets to the Mrs. Cope autograph session?

  12. lol! poor Nikki. I suppose all other men pretty much look as douch-y and unattractive as this one after one night with Rob.

  13. OK, I am such a Dope, that I thought that WAS a member of Color me Badd, and then I remembered that it was 2009.

    I used to have a really awful job with really fun people in about 1992ish, and I used to have to drive all over town in a Ford Aerostar Van with a guy who would sing ‘I Adore Mi Amore’ to me really loudly just to torture me, because I was trapped in the van, and couldn’t get away, and he thought it was so hilarious…. Good Times.

  14. I actually met a member of Color Me Badd at a Neighborhood Wal-Mart one evening because he lives close to me. Bryan Abrams, the lead singer, was shopping with his daughter. I wasn’t sure it was him until I saw the Old English “B” tattoo on his neck that I recognized from the series “Man Band”.

    He was checking out in front of us at the register and I looked at him and smiled. He smiled back. I said “are you who I think you are?” And he replies, “I’m not sure. Is it good or bad?” My thougts immediately went to “BADD” , but I was like “oh, it’s good.” So he smiled and said “yes, I probably am then.”

    The cashier gets done ringing up his groceries and he doesn’t have enough money or he went over his budget or something and the cashier had to take things off the total. I felt like a tool for even bringing up that he was anyone remotely famous by this point since he couldn’t pay for all his groceries.

    He paid and turned to leave and my husband was like “I feel like I should have paid for the groceries he had to put back” and laughed. How sad is that story?


  15. Dear Ashley – You are HOT! forget Nikki & Kristen being Fake Lesibans… wow… she is gorgeous! sorry… off topic – kinda…

    After seeing Harry Potter again this weekend I realized as several girls were dressed up as “Sexy” Hermionie that it’s only time before there are “Sexy” Bella costumes… I think the chocolates are right up there w/ the lip venom you got w/ the sexy stars of twilight US magazine…

    • Will I get lip venom with my Sexy Stars of Twilight magazine that I got off e-bay?
      It was the only way for me in Europe to get it…I can’t wait now oooohhh the idea of lip venom……..

    • whaT?! I didnt get lip venom with mine!! RIP OFF!!

  16. I bet he sings “I Wanna Sex You Up” to her every night. We can retitle it “Nikki’s Lullaby” and add it to the New Moon Soundtrack.

  17. Hey hey hey! You know you want to munch on those Rob shaped chocolate! Om nom nom! 😉
    (munch on Rob, munch on Rob… )

  18. Dear Nikki,

    is it true: you are dating Paris Hilton’s ex? Come on girl. That’s dull … even if he’s a millionaire. You deserve someone better, at least with natural hair colour.

    Or is it just to get a nice holiday in Greece…? Calculating plan, ha, ha! If so, enjoy your trip!

  19. ‘Riley’ – do you want me to set you up w. Kristen.. ?
    Interviewer – Nah, she’s a bit dirty for me.

    LMAO.. Hilarious

  20. […] little in the mental facilities BUT he did find you and you both seem to be happy and while he has looked like a member of Color Me Bad in the past, he IS a greek shipping heir so I gotta hand it to you boyfriend who owns yachts that […]

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