Open Weekend Post: Hosted by Prom Edward

Honey, tilt your date a little, he's glaring in the flash!

Dear Girl going to prom with a cut out Edward,

I’m sure the reason you’re going to prom with a cardboard cutout stems from some really awful “Mean Girls” type story where your best friend stole your prom date / best friend / wanna be boyfriend (a la ME) in High School and you were forced to improvise and this is what you came up with, but I gotta just say it, if you’re gonna do this you gotta go hard or go home.

Why doesn’t the cardboard Edward have a tweed jacket on, or better yet why didn’t you take the cardboard New Moon Edward in his tweed suit with you instead of Twilight Edward in his shirtsleeves? And how are you going to pin a boutonniere on him? You’re just going to spend all night re-duct taping it to his flat chest. And what about when you two are grinding on the dance floor to “Bedrock?” That flower is just gonna keep falling off.  I mean how is this even plausible? And your dress, that’s not a combination of black, white or red OR an exact replica of movie Bella’s prom get up. And I see NO ribbon ties on your shoes. I mean, do you even know anyone named Alice!?

If you were serious you would have hired the real Edward to escort you in a tux and give you his mothers old corsage (dried flowers are in) and if you really wanted to make the girls and boys jealous you’d bring along Jacob too! The ultimate love triangle at the Prom in Anytown, USA, like this girl…

Take it from the master honey, follow her example and you’ll be all set for Homecoming next year!

A Night To Remember!

HAPPY WEEKEND! Did you go to Prom? If not, do you regret it (I don’t!) What was the theme? What would a Twilight themed Prom entail besides total and utter lunacy and embarrassment?

Thanks Failblog!

Our internet game is ridiculous: LTR, The Forum, Twitter

Open Post hosted by Tweed Day and Angry Men

Dear LTTers,

This weekend’s Open Post is hosted by none other than TWEED DAY. Yes- THAT’S RIGHT!!! Today you don’t need an excuse to put on your tweed and have a good time. It’s actually a national holiday (who cares for which nation) Directly from a very random website:

When : Always April 3rd

Tweed Day celebrates one of two things. Either it celebrates the warm, fashionable woolen clothing that originated in Scotland. Seemingly always in fashion, Tweed keeps you warm and looks good, too. It should come as no surprise to learn that tweed is more popular in the north, and not often worn in the south.

Or,…it celebrates the birthday of a corrupt , New York City politician.

Are you saying “what the?” like we are? Read all about it here. We don’t really care about the traditional celebration of National Tweed Day. Today let’s celebrate our favorite man in tweed, Edward Cullen:

Sigh… so Grandpa-ish yet so hot. Thanks Claudia for the heads up!

But OH! We’re not done. Because this weekend is a holiday weekend and sometimes we feel generous on holidays, this open post is hosted by SOMEONE ELSE too. It is hosted by angry men who have lost their women to Twilight…

(Seriously I know this song is SO bad, but just get through it- it’s worth it!!)

When I first saw this video I was just STRUCK with how similar the lives of Twilight lovers are. Sure we look different, act different and ARE different… but at the end of the day… we’ve given up a HUGE chunk of our lives and dedicated it to this VAMPIRE story… much to the dismay of the men in our lives! I laughed so hard because I seriously think my husband has had the exactly conversation or complaint of me like in this video at least once a day for the last year and 1/2 (without the awful music!)

Hoppy Easter, enjoy passover or just have a good weekend!


Thanks again Claudia & thanks to Jennifer for the video!!

Our internet game is still ridiculous: The Forum, LTR, Twitter

Twilight cast member endorsements!

Dear Twilight Stars-

I’ve been thinking about you lately (shocking, I know) and I’ve thought about some ways you can parlay this popularity into cash money in your pockets! You’re seen daily with a variety of products and all without an endorsement deal! And it struck me, you guys need to be spokeswhores for your favorite products! Talk about making a little mad money on the side and all for doing what you normally do!

I’m sure you’re skeptical of attaching your name and likeness to any product so I’ve drafted up a couple proofs to show you the possibilities!

Now Wolves, you guys are a little less known that the main characters currently but together as a group you have more star power, so when I saw these pics…

Hot men in UGG-ly boots!

Hot men in UGG-ly boots!

I knew you’d be the perfect spokesmen for UGG boots! Over the last few years the boots have gone from must have to must only wear at home but with you guys sporting them you can boost the demand for not only the women’s line but the mens! And you’re already doing it, all you have to do is walk around on set, flash a little chest, look whimsical and presto, instant spokeswhores!

I vant yo suck yo blood

I vant yo suck yo blood

I just saw these pictures of you in dracula/goth/vampire shiz for some MTV show and thought, wow you would be the perfect spokeswhore for America’s favorite psuedo parent scaring (except Moon Mom) store in the mall.  Goth kids everywhere would weep black smudged tears of relief to see someone who really “gets it.” Cure and Joy Division albums not included.

Follow the cut to see more Twilight spokesperson opportunities
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