It was a WTF weekend in the Twidom

Two letters within a letter for a real whacky weekend…

Dear Summit,

Everyone’s all in a tizzy because something called the “Calendar of Hollywood,” which I’ve never heard of, allowed some doofus on the holiday weekend shift to post a date for the Los Angeles premiere of Eclipse. This calendar, which looks sketch-ball-mcgee, states that Eclipse will premiere on June 24th, a full week before the release of the movie in June at the Grauman’s Chinese Theater in Hollywood. Because you have not come out and denied it, the fandom has done apeshit. Dontcha know that plans have already been made, flights scheduled, hotel rooms booked, parole officers notified, and alcohol companies doubling distilling? I, however, would like to call shenanigans. Am I the only one who remembers something similar happening last fall when an incorrect date AND location (Grauman’s) was reported and sent everyone into a tizzy and then it turned out being false after all?

So why don’t you just come out and tell us when it’s gonna be, there are puffy paint manufacturers that need to know whether to crank up their output to be ready for June.


Dear dude who punched BooBoo Stewart?

Seriously, WTF dude? You punched BooBoo Stewart! You punched a 15 year old kid named BOOBOO Stewart? Sure, the kid probably got beat up on a daily basis in Junior High for that name but who shows up to a signing in Vancouver to punch a little kid? He plays Seth Clearwater afterall, the cutest, littlest wolf in the pack

You punched this kid cause you hate Twilight? How lame does that make you? Were you at the Tower Records and the Twihards who showed up were disturbing your peaceful afternoon spent browsing for the latest Nickelback album or complete South Park series on DVD so you decided to go punch a kid?

Real cool dude. Hopefully your cellmate in county takes it easier on you than the crazy Twihards waiting outside the jail for you to be released. Seriously, those Twimoms will cuttabitch for messing with someone who’s old enough to be their teen son. Trust.


Seriously who punches a kid at a signing? How messed up is that? What’s your take on the Eclipse Premiere date switch? Real, fake, time to rebook your tickets?

Today’s the day! The 3rd round of The Biggest Loser starts! And you can still get involved! START TODAY!!!

Our internet game is still ridiculous: The Forum, LTR, Twitter

Time for a Newsdump: Everything NOT Twilight related aka Kellan shows us his Calvins!

Yo, it's about that time to bring forth the rhythm and the rhyme. I'm gonna get mine so get yours, I wanna see sweat comin' out ya pores!

Dear LTT-ers

I was just lamenting (yes it was quite sorrowful) on Twitter that there was simply NO news about Twilight out right now and that makes things awfully boring… but then I started researching and there’s TONS of non-Twilight specific news that our favorite friends are in… so let’s get to it!

  • The trailer for “The Runaways” comes out and I can’t help but think two things-  ONE: they look like little girls playing dress up and TWO: I hope Dakota gets to punch someone

Che-Che-Che-Cherry BOMB!!!

Wait, this isn't the Maxim cover shoot!

  • This is the prom dress you see on the rack at Goodwill and think, dude that would be perfect for my prom scene in “Can’t Buy Me Love” Halloween Costume (just right for doing the African Anteater dance in!)

Follow the cut for more news, less catfish, more abage for the cabbage and one special tatt00
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