One Year. It’s been a long time coming! Celebrate our year in the Twilight fandom!

Oh hello outtake of Moon & UC in a disney forest!

Dear UnintendedChoice (I used your full fake name cause I’m serious. I’m also wearing a pair of Tweed jorts),

A year ago today (trust me, I counted) we started this “secret blog” which now a year later isn’t such a secret anymore, not to the thousands of visitors we get or the hundreds of commenters who comment on every post and not even to most people in my real life now. In fact more often than not I’m now introduced to people I don’t know with “Hi X, this is Moon* she runs a “famous” Twilight blog!” Uh, well, wham, bam, thank you ma’m. Not such a secret anymore I dare say!

Remember our very first layout EVER?!

People ask me why I don’t talk more about the blogs in my real life and it would be easy to say it’s embarrassing I write a blog every day about Twilight and Rob but truthfully I can’t be embarrassed anymore about a blog that’s become part of the fandom in a real and lasting way. I can’t be embarrassed that people have met their soul mates and friends and long lost bff’s because we write about Twilight. I can’t be embarrassed that things we’ve created: words, phrases, characters, fake names have become part of the lexicon of the Twilight/Rob fandom.  And I definitely can’t be embarrassed that because I write this blog I have found a new lease on life and created a deep and lasting friendship with one of the most wonderful people God ever created. You are a God send UC. Baby Jesus and Rob himself created you just for me in their plaid heaven in the sky.

May the source be with you!

Some people know a little bit of my back story that led up to creating this with you but for those who don’t I worked for an entertainment company for multiple years and worked my way up through the ranks to a position that had all the responsibility of a middle woman and none of the perks of an upper level executive. I regularly contemplated crashing my german made car into the free way underpass on the way to work every morning. Every Sunday night (or really just any day ending in Y) I would wake up with panic attacks that would leave me paralyzed in my bed. I would come home from work and go straight to bed at 7Pm until I had to get up and do it all again the next day. To say all of these things were unhealthy would be an understatement.

And then I found Twilight (cue choir of Angels) or rather it found me.

Follow the cut to read the rest and to see some special shout outs, music, and hear the story of our first post!

The beginning of the end!

One of my sweet sweet coworkers loaned me her copy of Twilight saying I needed to read this. “Just give it a 100 pages,” she said “and then tell me what you think.” I went home that night got right under the covers and started reading I didnt stop till the next morning when I had to go back to work and couldn’t wait to talk to my coworker. And from here you probably know the rest of the story, I scoured the interwebs like a good addict looking for news and pictures and videos and gossip, OH MY. Anything I could get my hands on. Then I started seeing mysterious FB updates with Twilight code language from my old pal UC and since I had NO one besides my (poor poor) coworker to talk to I replied with an equally cryptic message and well the rest is as they say “history.” You and I bonded, we laughed, we made fun of, we watched that damn Vanity Fair video together and broke it down which would later become one of our infamous trademarks. And then one day we decided to write it all down. And Letters to Twilight and Letters to Rob were born.

Kellan, our original inspiration and accountability partner!

As we were both sitting at work probably bored and looking for any excuse to waste time and talk about Twilight we joked about creating a funny Twilight blog where we wrote letters. I can remember it so clearly, it was morning we were chatting and nature called (TMI!) and while I was heeding that call the idea for the very first letter to Kellan came to me. I ran like Robsten at Hotel Cafe back to my desk to tell you and to type it out and hit that sacred “publish” button for the very first time.

Now as I’m writing this letter a year and over

  • 781 posts
  • 131,227 (approved) comments
  • 114 categories
  • 5,548 tags
  • 5,387 Twitter followers
  • 2 blogs
  • countless Friends, concerts, trips, lunches, jokes, saga rereads, tears, DVD watches, trips to the movies, phone calls, texts, IM’s

and a partridge in a pear tree later we have arrived at our anniversary and through all the tough times, the mean comments, the misunderstandings, the writers block, when I wanted to quit, the one constant was YOU.

One year = Perseverance!

I really have no words to say other than to tell you thank you for sticking it out with me. For having my back when I do “controversial” stuff, for sharing Cullen smiles with me, for inspiring me and making me want to write better and funnier. Without you and Twilight I would probably be in bed right now or driving under the overpass still. There’s no one else I could do this with.

To another year of fabulous friendship and side splitting blogs,

PS It’s a celebration! Feel free to share what you want to celebrate in the comments!

Letters Within Letters!

To our dear Readers,
I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention YOU in this anniversary post. You are the reason we continue to blog, you are the reason we are still here a year later. We just bullshit and write stuff down and hope someone reads it and can relate. It’s YOU who decided to stick around and see what nonsense we’d say next. Everytime I sit down to write a post, when I have writer’s block, when I want to go shag Rob instead I think about you all. It’s incredibly humbling and empowering to know people out there read the crap we have to say and sometimes even like it! You continue to amaze and humble me every day with your love, your wit, your snark and your friendship. Thank you all!

To another great year!

To our Forum Mods past and present!
We could seriously NOT do this without you. I’ve never understood the phrase “it takes a village” more than I do after running these blogs and the forum for a year. You’re always there to lend a hand, start a new topic, create some Rob porn, check stuff out, kill spammers or write songs with me (Kristin!) or even on our very luckiest days you create a blog FOR US!!! We couldn’t ask for a better team to work with!

You help make the world go round!

PS Seriously, forums mods and forum regulars created an anniversary blog just for UC and Me! We can’t believe it, it rocks pretty hard. You should visit and comment!

To our super special bitchin’ blogger friends,
You’re always there to commiserate with us! Because you yourselves run SUPER HUGE POPULAR blogs and sites you understand the drama and the politics and the fun of owning one of these things. Thank you for always lending a listening ear, good advice and many laughs! Please NEVER quit! We need you!

What would a celebration be without some tunes?

the turtles – so happy together

the zombies – this will be our year (one of my fave songs and videos EVER)

mandy moore (covering rihanna) – umbrella

and a giveaway?

Remember how we love the Bite Me Edward Notepads? Well, we’re giving one away to celebrate our anniversary! We have one for LTT and one for LTR! All you have to do is comment. We’ll use some random winner generator thinger to pick a random winner! Make sure your email address you use to comment is correct because we’ll email you to get your address!

Still looking for stocking stuffers or gifts for friends? Buy these Bite Me Edward Notepads. They are AMAZING. Seriously, I just lost mine and I’m a major sad panda right now. Actually scratch the give-away idea, I’m gonna keep one for myself (kidding… sorta)

Holiday Shop on Lobotome Now!

*friends in my real life do not call me Moon. Well, most don’t!*

Our ONE YEAR our internet game is still ridiculous: The Forum, LTR, Twitter

324 Responses

  1. I love y’all!

    And I’d gift ya with a 1st birthday present, however I’m praying Mrs. Meyer herself will comment today. ‘Cause NOTHING would top that.

  2. Happy, happy first birthday! Are you sure it’s 12 months today? Not that you miscalculated again. 🙂

  3. Even though I’ve only been here a few weeks I send huge thanks & congrats to you lovelies who make me crack up every day.

    Your insanity lightens the load…

    Have you ever written a letter to Rob’s eyebrows? A topic CRYING OUT to be tackled.

    Many Mwah XXXX

    • That sounds like a letter you should write and send into LTR! 🙂 Help the cause… I wrote David Slade to wish him a happy birthday and saved someone a weekend post (always the worst). DO IT!!! DO IT!!!

    • I’m pretty sure there has already been one on LTR. It was funny, as usual.

    • I think there was one back in July or August?

  4. Wow, what a gorgeous anniversary letter.
    I am celebrating the fact that you two fabulous chicas created this site, allowing a place for myself and many others to visit and comment and share stories with other chicas bother similar and different to themselves.
    I have to say that if I did not have this place I would really have NOWHERE to be silly and snarky and make bad jokes and be me.
    My friends don’t get my “thing” with Twilight so I just want to say a big fat thankyou to not just you, Moon and UC but to all of you chicas for making this place so much fun and giving me an outlet.

    Big fat hugs for you all!!
    Jayde xox

    • you are so welcome! im glad people can meet because of this place. if nothing else every comes of it that is reason enough!

  5. Happy Anniversary UC and Moon!

    I hope you realise what a difference you make and what joy LTT and LTR brings to my life! Work sucks and your posts go up at lunch time for me, so I can sit, enjoy a sandwich and have a good giggle in the middle of doing stuff I don’t want to do but have to so I get some money. I count down the minutes sometimes!

    Keep up the great work!

  6. Happy anniversary!!!! Thank you for doing what you do, which provides me with enless quotes and jokes to bug the people around me with! I love you guys!

  7. Congrats!! Between the posts, forum, twitter, and everything else, my life has been just that much better EVERY day with you all in it! You have created something to be very, very proud of here.
    “To another great year” … and all UC and Moon’s people said AMEN!

  8. Happy Anniversary Bunny and Noreen!

    For the past 7 months, you two are the reason I start out my mornings laughing. And sometimes I REALLY need that. I can’t thank you enough for helping me make it through day after day of work. AND including me in all the fun and letting me contribute to the insanity. Seriously, it’s nice to feel Normal.

    So thank you, thank you, and thank you, for all of the hard work that you put into this – I know it’s not easy sometimes. But you’re loved by many for it!

    XO, Danielle

    • heeeeeyyyyyyybrother (i like the stretch it out. thats what she said)

      i ❤ when you contribute! your funny makes me want to be funny!

  9. I might be getting teary after reading this and LTR.

    It’s so true. We’ve some of us said it before. This little neck of the interwebs that you’ve created has been such a haven for healing. Some of you know my story, and it’s not an easy one. I’m still living it. And a lot of days, still, are hard to get through. I can honestly say I don’t know what state I’d be in if I hadn’t found you all early this year. It makes me truly grateful. I wouldn’t change it for the world. I’ve met some of my best friends (a lot that I haven’t met!) through you. Nothing can replace that.

    And I’m going to stop before I really start crying at work (as usual).

    Love you & Thank you,


  10. I think i started reading back in March and read every single post backwards to the very first one in one night 🙂
    I am literally am so thankful that i found your blogs- your posts always put a smile on my face even after a crappy day.

    Congrats UC and Moon on your one year anniversary!! xx

  11. Happy first birthday! Giving you and UC and Kellan and that first VF photoshoot a BIG hug! We’re glad you stick it out, too!


  13. Happy Anniversary!

    This bloggy means so much to me. Even though I’m relatively new and extremely annoying sometimes, I feel like I actually kinda know you two and some of the commenters. Wish I could send you both presents or something…

    Muah times a million!


    PS. I feel like a freshman at a senior party. *sneaks out*

  14. Happy Anniversary! Thanks for helping me start my workday out right…with a little bit of (or sometimes a lot of) laughter that sometimes includes coffee spewed all over my laptop from the LOLs!

  15. Happy anniversary girls!

    I will always be grateful for you guys for creating these blogs and the forum. I have met some of the most beautiful, compassionate, wittiest, smartest, funniest women in the world through these pages. You guys have touched a lot of lives! {{{hugs}}}

  16. Happy Anniversary Moon & UC!

    I’m so happy I stumbled upon this site oh so many months ago, and that I finally built up the nerve to start commenting a few months later. I read Twilight originally because I needed to escape from the drudgery of my life and my job. Now it’s LTT and LTR that provide a sweet escape for me. Not to mention that I’ve met a lot of awesome people here, fellow kindred spirits with an acute fondness for these silly teenager vampire books and films. Thank you so much for doing what you do!

    Despite the sweetness of this letter, you still made me burst out laughing with “Baby Jesus and Rob himself created you just for me in their plaid heaven in the sky.”


    • Speaking of sweet escapes, due to our bond over beautiful men that maybe we only find beautiful (or at least more beautiful than Rob), I’m going to send you some love to celebrate our friendship.

      Kisses for you from Bewley…

      Bewley listening to the playlist you sent him. That’s true love right there
      (See this post for the back story of true love via mixed tapes, if you haven’t already)

      Billy Burke plays a love song, just for you. Something distinct that no one else would realize is a love song, except that he told you that he loved you while playing you this song…like “Lazy Sunbathers” by Morrisey. And yeah, that’s you with him, holding his chords (twss)

      Look, Billy’s wearing the sunnies you gave him!

      Thank you for having the same taste as me, from the beginning. Without you, I would’ve been a closeted Billy and Bewley fangirl. (There @fangster, I said it. Bewley Fangirl. I said it. Out loud.)


      • TS! I didn’t realize you were pimping my mix tape debacle. I clicked on it thinking there was a Charlie Bewley MTL! I thought we were going to have to have a talk about your attempts at trying to make your Bewley/Dan sammich. A mix tape is not the way to go.

        • Please tell me that was a joke. Pretty please? Please help me rebuild the delusion I have that psychotic fangirls (fancougars?) don’t actually exist in this world. I am laughing hysterically, but at the same time I’m horrified. I’m not only horrified at the entire encounter, but the sheer horribleness at the playlist itself. Warrant? Clay Aiken? Clay Aiken followed by the Sex Pistols? And most of all, please tell me that someone didn’t cover Billy Ocean. Oh, the humanity!

          • Fields of Gold was my suggestion, once the live tweets began. I cried during that whole debacle. It really happened. It really did.

          • I wanted it to be a hoax. I really did. But it happened. I was there and trying not to go into hysterics in front of her. Oh, poor Janet. I wonder if she’s stalking him right now….
            P.S. Warrent, Clay Aiken, and Sex Pistols are magical together, obviously. I mean, Rob is going to listen to that and “just know.”

          • There is not a *facepalm* big enough in the world to properly express the way I feel right now.

        • Sammich already happened, sparkle. Don’t bring it up again. 😉

      • Aw, *hugs* back. I’m so glad I’ve been able to bond with you over our fangirling (I’m getting less ashamed of using the term). For months I felt like I had to hold back my fondness for Billy Burke until I discovered that you shared my *appreciation*. Thank you for your enabling; my computer is slowly being filled with pictures of Billy, Charlie and Dan. 🙂

        P.S.- Billy with copstache AND sunglasses? Yes, please.

        • The word “fangirling” is sort of like Bella using the word “vampire”. It’s freaky at first, but over time it just becomes a part of your daily life. And then all the sudden you’re writing a screenplay entitled “Not a Fangirl” and feeling smug about avoiding all FF still.

      • I just gave you a thumbs up for referencing Morrissey. I now love you with 50% more heart.

        • face paw moment: My first college bf told me he loved me during that song. Repeat for weeks. My roomy hated me. I still like the song, despite the no longer good memories associated.

          • the are almost no Morrissey songs I hate, and virtually no Smiths songs. And so, by proxy, I now love you even more.

          • Um…this is a reply to the post below….did I ever mention that I am old enough & just hot damn lucky enough to have seen the Smiths paly live? 1985 baby. And Mozza had loads of gladioli hanging from his back pocket.

            And finally – my name is Beaker – can I have your avatar (is that right) please?

          • Okay, wasn’t expecting that to turn up in that place…it’s a reply to the post above.

            I also saw the Smiths PLAY. Did I mention that?

          • @beaker, I’m infinitely jealous of you. Morrisey played Portland on Monday and I was here in FL. Life fail. It was a $50 show though…

      • Oh my gosh, that was hilarious. I think I’m gonna have to follow your blog now Sparklecakes!

    • @tuesdaymidnight… it was getting very serious i had to lighten the mood with a little joking! 😉 it is my blessing and curse in life!

      • We are kindred spirits, Moon. I have a tendency to make jokes at… erm, inappropriate times… not to mention, the jokes are usually inappropriate as well.

  17. Congrats you guys.
    Thank you for creating what you have!
    Like Jayde said, I have very few friends who get this whole thing, so it’s awesome to have a forum for it all. LTT and LTR seriously make my days so much more enjoyable. Who knows where I would be without this outlet.
    Keep it up!

  18. Hey I was going to write to you and tell you I had my first dream about you all last night! Seriously- UC and Moon were one person (with Moon’s face and UC’s hair) and now all I can remember is you were at some Twilight actor thing and Kellan was there with his baby girl in a snugglie (against his bare chest LOL!) and the baby girl was wearing one of those knit hats that looks like a strawberry.
    So does this mean I popped my UC/Moon dream cherry?

    Happy Anniversary! I saw on FB that it’s your birthday today 🙂 Thank God for you guys, and for the commenters as well. I have NO Twi-friends in my life, so all y’all on here are the only ones I have to laugh with! I do a lot of talking to myself in my head (about Buttcrack Santa and fake lesbians, saying “That’s Normal” and that something is 2nd hand embarrassed ) and it’s very sad. But I am grateful for you all! Checking LTT and LTR are the 2 things I HAVE to do every day- and some days I don’t even get around to feeding my kids*, but I never miss an update!

    Love xoxo,

    *I am kidding (kind of)

    • best.dream.ever!!!!

      • I also had a dream about you guys. Well, actually it was part of my Daniel Cudmore fantasy (which didn’t involve sex, I’m so pure like that), so it wasn’t subconcious.
        ::CUE “Cha Cha Cha” by Jimmy Luxury off the Go soundtrack::
        Basically I was ‘remembering the little people’ (not that you guys are little, I mean, you’re skinny, but not little as far as fame and awesomeness goes…I think you could go on Dancing with the Stars, which is C/D-list celeb status). When I first was hanging out w/ Dan and Bewley, I got them drunk and suggested we do an interview asking all the important questions, like “Did you get a sparklepeen hard on with you were clutching Alice’s throat?”. They thought it was a brilliant idea, and I prewarned them that I would send it into LTT.
        So, then when I got cast as Kate and went to the Eclipse premiere with Dan (who I was dating, obv), you guys came along as Bewley’s dates. Then we all went to the after party, and you got a one-on-one interview with Rob (behind the black curtain, obv). IWL was invited, too, and it was all, “IWL, this is Taylor. Taylor, IWL. She ‘likes’ the Detroit Lions. Go.”
        Just so you know, even in my fantasies, I think about you guys (ok, that sounded a little less pure).

        • Considering I dont even know who the Detroit Lions are I think that dream ended pretty well…(in my head)…and yes grapes and jorts WERE harmed in it’s production….bahahahaha

          • Hence the ‘likes’ part (note, the quotation). You teach me rugby, and I’ll teach you American football. Deal? Let’s shake paws.

    • a dream about us AND kellan with a bare chest?! YES PLEASE!!!!!!!

  19. Again, happy birthday ladies (already commented on LTR, but feel like Moon should get equal props AND she posted Mandy Moore’s Umbrella which I lalalalalove!). You both are fan-freakin-tastic and rock my morning coffee like no other blog could. I know that I speak for the LTT/LTR fandom when I say that never have we sprayed so much coffee on our computer screens than since we started reading your blogs. You both are the shiz and I heart you both!
    xoxo, SP

    • we owe people a lot of starbucks

      • I drink Barnie’s, on bad days. I drink Yorkshire tea on normal days. I don’t need caffiene on good days. (Days’ values are determined by how late to work I am, and how great my night was)

  20. I wrote this on LTR but I wanted to make sure I let you know how much your blogs mean to me, too…

    “Everyone has a story behind this entire Twilight obsession. Yours hit closer to home than anyone else’s. Certainly, without Twilight, I would have gone into deep depression myself this year. Actually, without LTT and LTR (and the many other Twi bloggers who make us all laugh everyday), I would have seriously been lost, too. I am such a huge fan of the Twi fandom – more than the the movies…I think…maybe…I don’t know. I get confused now if it’s the fandom or the movies that get me all hooked or what! In any case, thanks for all the laughs! Congratulations on your 1st year anniversary! Looking forward to reading your blogs every single day until after Breaking Dawn is all over!”

    Thank you, Moon for not giving up on us!


    That is all 🙂

    And thanks for continuing to put a smile on my face every day (and the occassional tear on those days when you get deep)

  22. OMG. This is amazing. I haven’t even read the post yet, just saw the header. It’s like I’m on google, except there’s not Popeye and spinach but instead hot, young people wearing cute little party hats. ::tears up::

    HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! I wish I could’ve been here for it all live and not just in archival fashion. (ps-I’m adding this excitement to my pitch to Glamour.)

  23. Happy anniversary! Thank you Moon and UC for sticking through this day after day and staying true to yourselves – writing what y’all feel and not worrying about what the easy road is to take in the fandom. That is what makes your site and y’all so unique and fabulous and that is why I come here each and every day. Without y’all, the Twi universe would not be what it is today and would be miles away from fun! Not to mention how guilty I would feel about my fondness for YA books and a Brit hobo – your sites have brought all of us like minded women, and a few unicorns, together and for that I will always be grateful.


  25. I love you Moon.
    And also hate you b/c my mascara is running.

  26. All together now:

    Haaaappy blogday to you! Haaappy blogday to you!! Happy blogday dear UC & Moon, happy blogday to you!

    It’s not an anniversary without that ever-embarrassing moment when everybody sings and claps and you have NO idea what to do with yourselves in the meantime.

    And now for serious, I love that you have created this community where smart, grown women can come (thatswhatshesaid) and assert to themselves that they have not gone insane over a YA book series, but that gushing over a hawt hobo-man, an underaged muscle pack and a middle-aged santa imposter is absolutely normal. Thank you! And congrats!

  27. Ahh, Moon –

    Seriously… as i was reading that post *sniffle* I was touched to the core about how you “voiced” your feelings… how that something that “outsiders” think is so silly and frivolous can really mean something… to (obviously) so very many people, including yourself, literally all over the world. Amazing.

    And to quote Kathleen Kelly in You’ve Got Mail: “the odd thing about this form of communication is that you’re more likely to write about ‘nothing’ than ‘something’ but these ‘nothings’ have meant so much more to me than so many ‘somethings’…”

    Laughs (oodles), tears (many) *hands Edward/Jacob tissue*, bonds created, adventures pursued, plans made… hearts truly touched…

    It has been said that the pen is mightier that the sword, well in this case it’s the keyboard or keypad, but your posts here on LTT (& LTR) have cut the bonds of so many that were previously bound by embarrassment or insecurity… you have been liberators. That’s amazing. This site may be insignificant to some, but know this: sometimes something tiny is all it takes to keep a person, a WHOLE PERSON, going. Just a candle to light a way, to improve a mood or to set one.

    So in return, I want to thank YOU. I thought I was a freak to be a grown woman and so, ahem, “obsessed” with something like this, but now I feel so much better. So much more “normal”, or at least not as crazy!

    Again, thank you to Moon (& UC too of course).
    Really. Consider yourself hugged.

    Heartfeltedly purged for the day,

    • Amen, ambushed.

      Twilight Lexicon may have earned the title “the brightest star in the Twilight universe” but you guys have embodied the title of “a light in dark places when all other lights have gone out.”

      More than one reader can testify to that. Some days, all it takes is one thumbs up to your comment to make you feel good.

    • ambushed you had me at kathleen kelly. one of my favorite movies of all time and one of my favorite quotes. i like our little “nothings” a lot too.

      • aww… we are kindred spirits (thank you Anne w/ an “E”)… i truly LOOOOOOOVE You’ve Got Mail… i used to have my hair cut like hers and tip toe about the house in my pjs… yup, just like Kathleen.

        Thank you for all you do and thank you, again, for acknowledging my comment… i heart your face.

  28. I found LTT in early March. it was the “how you found us” version 2 post & let me tell you, I haven’t ignored RL for that length of time aside from reading and rereading the twi saga. I spent the entire 8 hours of my work day (shhh) reading past posts & comments and even missed my train home that night. My life hasn’t been the same since! I have met some wonderful ppl who have played a huge role in one of the most significant years of my RL and, without getting too sappy, I really don’t know where/who I’d be today without them or you two girls keeping me laughing when I needed it most!!

    Thank you UC & Moon for keeping it real for us & providing us with this hilarious outlet to express *true* selves 😉 I hope this next year is just as entertaining and even funnier!!


    thank you so much for all you do. this little blog has enriched all of our lives and provided some much-needed laughs as well as bringing together people from all over the fandom and the world. you guys are awesome.

  30. Dear Moon & UC,

    Congrats & Happy Anniversary! You gals are by far the best bloggers around. My morning now starts off with a laugh and I’m truly grateful for that. I’m so thankful you decided to create these blogs.

    *raises glass* To Moon & UC, keep up the amazing blogging! To another year full of laughter, snark, jorts, Buttcrack Santa, and Breaking it down Vanity Fair Style!! Cheers!!

  31. Happy Anniversary, LTT!!

    Moon and UC,
    I’ve only said this about a thousand times, but I am in complete awe of not only your dedication toyour blogs by giving us what we need twice a day, every day, (that’s what she said) but your ability to be consistently hilarious, snarky and smart while you do it.

    Happy to be a card-carrying member of the LTT/LTR Fandom. I like you ladies more than Twilight.

    Not more than Rob, but I’m sure you can understand.

    That’s Normal.

    • Ditto!! You guys are so the highlight of my day. I laugh so hard I cry, and then hubby and kids wonder what’s wrong- till they see that I’m on my laptop and just know it’s because I’m reading your blog 🙂

  32. I love you both…HAPPY ONE YEAR!

    I’ve never had more fun with total strangers (well, there was that one time……nevermind.)

    You are my Sistas, my Twi-hoes, my Mini-Mees!

    LOVES!!! MWAH!

    P.S. And I’ve been saving this sappy bit of truth for today…cause, you know…

    “In everyone’s life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit.” — Albert Schweitzer

  33. Happy Anniversary! Thank you for for the daily laughs, I will be forever grateful for LLT/LTR popping up on the screen last January during the Rob drought when I was desperately googling Rob Pattinson! It’s amazing how much Twilight has changed so many lives for the better. I know I have made friends I will always cherish!

  34. I wanted to let the ladies of LTT and LTR know that I nominated you for a Bellie this year!!!

    Keep up the excellent work girls!!!

  35. Happy 1st Anniversary 🙂 Keep on blogging 🙂

  36. I appreciate you and UC so much! Thanks for bringing the funny everyday. I couldn’t do this Twighlight fandom thing without you! Thanks for giving me a reason to open my computer every morning 🙂

  37. Dear UC & Moon,

    Congrats on your one-year/bday. Did you know the traditional one year anniversary gift is plaid? Truth. I looked it up.

    I just want to thank you for delivering the blog. THE blog to end all blogs. The first blog I’ve ever cared to read regularly. The one I tell other people about, only to feel first-hand embarrassed because they don’t even like Twilight. The one I turn to each and every day (ok, sometimes I skip the weekends, but then I always check out the weekend posts on Monday!). The one that makes me spit out my coffee in fits of quiet office giggles. The one that makes me feel NORMAL. The one that could cause me to lose my job after they find the pervy comments I leave.

    Am I embarrassed? Hell yes. Does it matter? HALE no! Because you all brighten my crap work day. I adore all of you.

    So Happy Anniversary, LTT/LTR!!! I hope your plaid presents are fruitful.

    Takin’ off the tweed and bringin’ it back to the gutter,

  38. Awww, Happy Blogoversary Moon & UC!!
    I’m so glad I found your blog shortly after reading the books, watching the movie, and subsequently turning my life into a sad pile of plaid, jorts, and tweed. Just think, only 4 months ago I was still in my happy bubble of “What’s Twilight?” and “Rob who?”
    Thank you for providing me with the daily laughs and for being the lighter part of the fandom.
    TS, IWL, Xylem, LaPushBaby, Fang, S-Pizzle, Egregious, and Chim, I’m glad I’ve “met” every single one of you. Thanks for the amazing ideas for when I run into fellow enthusiastic fans (ahem, mix tape lady) and the fabulous Skype sessions. You’re all freaking hilarious and bathed in win. Love your stinkin’ faces!

    • Eeek! And Kendall!! I didn’t mean to forget you!!

    • How’d you know my face stinks? We all have “human minutes,” okay!

      I pimped you out today (your blog) on LTT. Subtley. See if you can find it. 😉

      The Skype sessions are to die for. One day, when I get over my fear of it, I’ll go to Ohio. Then we can meet and enjoy fattening lattes at Borders while we loudly discuss how appropriate of an example for dating that Twilight is, and that we wish our daughters had Edwards to stalk date them (never mind that we are too young to have daughters old enough to date, let alone neither of us actually have daughters–irrelevant really.)

      Then I can check another state off my list. And maybe off that *other* list too, ifyaknowwhatI’msayin’… (fake lesbians yay!)

      • Umm, we are so on for a Borders date. It’s where everything creepy happens in this town so the fake lesbian experience would be the norm. Trust. Maybe we can make a mix tape for Bewley?

        • I don’t know. He’s faux-moving to LA and trying to be all “big timer” now. What a turn off. I’d rather make a mixed cassette than CD. And to do that I just need to record off the radio. If you’re gonna go creepy, might as well do it illegally.

          Well, since I’m going to hell…

    • Fangy hearts Sparkle!

      And the rest of you Twitter/Skype crazies…


    • Oh Spah-kle, how I love your stinkin face, too. Hey! I like fattening lattes and bookstores too. And seriously, a person SHOULD go to Ohio more than once in their life…IKR?


  39. Happy Anniversary you guys!!!!

    Thank you so much for the laughter, ranting-space, and BFFs you have given me and so many others…

    Thanks for outing me to the Twi-world…If u guys didnt hold my hand…I would still be in there…safe from Hansen…and Swift….and the knowledge of Big Daddy and the over-whelming obsession over “that guy” whom I have vowed not to name as if Voldy was on my ass….Wait…why am I thanking you again? LOL…

    ❤ u…u awesome awesome ladies! a Rob for you and for you….hugs and muahs from the hamster shaped cookie!

    Good morning!!!!

  40. Moon and UC you are the SCHNIZZLE!

    Being a late bloomer, I didn’t stumble onto LTT/LTR until September and I haven’t looked back since. I look forward to all the snark and love regarding all things Twilight, and to the comments. Which reminds me daily that I am not the only somewhat closeted Twi-Hard out there.

    Thanks for sharin’ the love GIRLS!


  41. I daresay that this blog has produced more than just two fake lesbians.

  42. Happy Anniversary!! I love love LOVE LTT/LTR. What a way to start the day!!! You girls are the best and I hope you’re in it for the long haul (thatswhatshesaid!)

  43. I’ve already commented over at LTR, but I just have to say on a side note…..

    MOON, you did it again today!! Posted my favorite photoshoot picture of Rob!!! Yesterday you gave me DRUNK AIR GUITAR ROB, today you’ve given me PERSEVERANCE ROB. Tomorrow can you throw in a rob with a ciggi hanging out of his mouth? That would make a great triple play!

  44. I started reading you guys a few months ago…in March maybe? and I don’t have enough words to express my gratitude and appreciation for you…so just THANK YOU!
    Thank you for taking time out of your lives to make us laugh every day, to make us realize that sometimes all you have to do is say “That’s normal!”, just thank you! And keep doing this…we need you.

    Laura 🙂

  45. Effing A, ladies. I hate to cry, and you are really making it difficult not to today.

    The traditional first anniversary gift is paper, and I feel like the overachiever in me should have handwritten my sentiments on some kind of fancy scented stuff and mailed it a week ago. As it is all I have is resume paper, anyway, so I’m going to keep with the digital theme and you guys can just print this out and stick it on your fridges or something, k? Maybe a 3-ring binder you can flip through when you want to feel emo.

    Happy Anniversary.

    Thanks for the laughs – the ones where I spill my coffee, the ones where I have to RUN to the bathroom, the unladylike guffaws that make my coworker peek around the wall and stare at me, the ones that I remember hours later and still make me smile.

    Thanks for the friends – the ones that I stalk and that stalk me back on comments, emails, Twitter, and now Skype. The ones that I look forward to checking in with every day and that make me feel like my world is a little bit bigger and a lot brighter.

    Thanks for the sanctuary – the place where I can be VERY Twitarded, occasionally funny, frequently crude/immature/overstimulated, sometimes forgivably Team Robsten, and always, always, NORMAL.

    Thanks for your dedication and brilliance. Your site is our own personal brand of heroin and hilarity (I know, I know, oy). Without you guys and this metaphorical Hot Pocket Fort of Acceptance, many of us would just be lonely little avatars floating through cyberspace with nowhere to call home.

    Love forever, Moon & UC. Imma go punch myself in the face now and make a movie about it.


    I may not say it enough, but I love you, love you love you love you love you……You cheer me up when I am having a crappy day, you introduce me to friends I was meant to have, you are exceedingly funny every. single. day. (seriously, how do you do that?), you are just overall truly amazing. I am so happy I found you 10 months ago, and that this whole weird world has become a regular part of my life. I am trying not to get to sappy, because I will get tearful….and I already am a little bit because my tweed underwear is a little scratchy.

    Please come to Seattle someday so I can buy you a drink, I owe you at least that for all the fun, friendship and good times.

    Have a super great day!!!

  47. Congratulations Moon and UC!! I have enjoyed reading your blogs for the last 6 months (that’s when I discovered Twlight and LTT and LTR). May you continue to have success:).

  48. I found you guys BECAUSE of the SM shout out!!! And been comin’ back for more ever since. You DO rock!! Love the party hats, very festive!

  49. Happy Anniversary girls! Thanks for making my mornings hilarious. And NORMAL. 🙂

  50. In March of 2008 I started reading Twilight. I was having a hell of a time with kidney stones. And at the end of March I had one get stuck to where I had to have surgery to remove it and I “lit’rally”, I kid you not, told the nurse that it was very important I wake up from being put under (I was scared I wasn’t going to wake up, you see) because I was reading a really good book and needed to know how it turned out! True story! I’m not kidding!

    Happy Anniversary, Moon & UC!!!! Last Christmas I was youtubing Rob at my sister’s in San Jose, CA and I came across the blog and laughed my butt off! I’ve been doing the same every single day since! Thank you for your wit and daily laughs and for providing me a place where “that’s normal” to discuss all things in the twidom without judgement and for allowing a place where I’ve been introduced to some of the greatest people ever!

    Here’s to another great year!

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