Storytime with Moon: The Hot Topic New Moon Twi Tour kick off

Dear LTT-ers,

I ventured out last night with pals Ashley and Chelsea to attend the Twi Tour kick off at Hollywood & Highland with the stars and musicians of New Moon and boy did the stars ever show up! And here’s the story…

So 4 artists from the soundtrack, Band of Skulls, Sea wolf, Anya Marina and Death Cab for Cutie each played 2-4 song sets including their song from the soundtrack. I’m still at little sad that Death Cab only played 2 but oh wells there were bigger n better things to be had


Between each set was about a 15 minute break. We has wristbands for the signing but didn’t want to wait in a line that curled around the building with a bunch of people in New Moon shirts (tres embarassing) we wanted to see the bands and meet people! So we kept an eye on the line as we listened to each band, met Larry Carroll from MTV, met a radio station dude who wanted us to answer trivia (more on this later) and about a billion press folks and annoyed Hot Topic employees.

Finally it was time for us to run up to the signing. There were SO many cast members there that they broke them into two groups. Our group consisted of: Chaske, Kellan, Nikki, Kiowa and Cameron. We chose this group over Ashley/Elizabeth/Alex/Jared because we has already met Ashley and truth be told we really just wanted to hear some alpha wolf voice and exchange bitchface with Nikki.


Because the Hot Topic folks are meanies (aka wanted to keep the line moving) there were to be NO pictures or personal items signed but we had jorts and I told Ashley we should sneak them in! Chaske started signing our posters and I told him we brought some jorts for him to sign since the wolfpack made them famous but that they wouldn’t let us get them signed and he goes give them to me, I’ll sign them! So Ashley whips them out and Chaske begins signing them and Kellan sees this and he’s like WHAT?! And I say you know Jorts for the Wolfpack and he goes Not anymore! And whips them out of Chaske’s hand and starts signing them! The rest of the cast ends up signing the Jorts and now Ashley has a great keepsake! We chit chat some more with them and talk about where we all live and then it’s time to get the H out of the way. FYI Chaske and Kellan are good times! They talked our legs off and we were more than willing for it to happen. Too bad we couldn’t get Twicon/Prom pics with Kellan the whole encounter would have been complete. Like the Twilight circle of life!

TONS more after the jump. Video, pictures, stories, jorts, ROB!

Since the signing was over and Death Cab was next we hoofed it back to the stage and on the way saw our radio friend who told us to go on stage for some New Moon trivia

I’ll have you know we represented you all well. Only Chelsea got her question right! HIGH FIVE! Oh wells, I was too busy taking a picture of the crowd from the stage (above). Now you know how it feels to be on stage in front of thousands of crazies!

Finally it was time for some Death Cab
Ben Gibbard is now super skinny and has a terrible hair cut. I heart his face though.

While we waiting for them to tear down DC’s gear we had plenty of time to people watch…

He was my fave! Ultra tall Unicorn with a BEDAZZLED twilight shirt over a PINK polo. I wanted to ask him if he had the Twilight body glitter but duh, of course he would!

We had pushed our way up to the front to be in a good spot but it was so crowded we could barely move. I stuck my camera straight up in the air and this is what it looked like. A ton of tv crews and press (this will most defs be on the DVD, there was a waiver sign posted) and 3 stories worth of Twihards and confused business men just trying to get to their room at the Renessaince

Then FINALLY it was time!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Look at all those cameras! sorry for the motion in the ocean, it was impossible not to be hit by everyone and sorry for the craptastic lighting! It was REALLY hard to get a good picture because of their janky lighting set up)
The Holy Trinity comes out to bless the crowd that had come to see them. They thanked everyone, introduced their cast mates and then took off my parts unknown (aka my pants).

Rob showin’ us the goods! He knows what we like.

The trinity SHUTTING IT DOWN! (Oddly, we would see Rachel Zoe out and about later) Their outfits killed: Rob hobo-ing it up per usual but looks like there had been a shower taken recently, KStew’s hair and SHOES were to die for and Taytay rocking a velvet vest. SWOOONNNN!

Ever gracious, lovely and holy the trinity agreed to introduce their castmates

Sadly, they didn’t use their nick names when introducing them: famewhore, gay vamp, copstache, my ex fake lesbian life partner, the girl I should be getting it on with but I’m not, #hotalex (number 2), Barry White…. you know their REAL names! FAIL!

They answered a bunch of lame questions… things I learned from the Q&A:
– Cameron REALLY has a thing for Jessica Biel
– Bronson may or may not have been drunk or just a major dork (witness his sunglasses at night)
– Nikki has ditched KStew for Elizabeth as her fake lesbian partner (See my last video) Poor KStew!

– The wolfpack is REALLY having a good time with this press tour and they LOVE attention!
– Jared LOVES getting on the mic, mentioning girls, and throwing his hat into the audience (it hit a camera dude. FAIL!)
– Kellan probably writes Emmett fanfic in his off time. Spoiler Alert: it involves his truck, the mountains and cooking steaks
– Ashley and Kellan have board game nights and play competitive Taboo. No word on if it’s strip taboo or just regular.

– Billy might have been #drunktweet or pissed. He waved to Ashley
– Kellan is surprisingly TEAM EMMETT!
– Elizabeth was wearing a shear shirt. Rock it if you’ve got it giiiiirrrrl!
– Jamie is supes cute and seems a bit shy in person, though he did fake strip tease (see the video)

And then it was time for the LAST question…

Oh you super interesting stars of Twilight, you’re just like us!!! Only you probably have access to Rob’s cell number.

They left and it was time for us to get the hale on up outta there. We took off and ended up seeing Nikki Reed (and her bf Paris), Elizabeth Reaser, Rachel Zoe and husband (major man bangs), Phillip Seymour Hoffman, and a member of Death Cab for Cutie. None of them together. Sadly.

Oh LA you always come through!

Now I’m a day behind on all the interviews, pictures and scoop from the press junket! AHHH!!! It’s only just started and I’m behind!

Off to find a paper bag to breath into,

What’d ya think? Want to kill us yet? Wanna hump Chaske? We do. What will the title of Kellan’s fanfic be?

Get caught up on everything in The Forum
Writing a letter to Rob about something at LTR
November’s a crazy month TV wise, Jena has put together a handy dandy viewing guide over the at forum! Set your DVR’s now!

64 Responses

  1. Woman!!!
    I am soooooooooooooooo jealous.
    Damn Brisbane, so boring and unexciting without the celebs.
    I should move to LA.


  2. Aaaah Jamie – you can be in the nude whenever the Hale you like as far as I’m concerned. What? He’s HOW old??

    That’s some New Moon good times right there! Props for getting on the very stage our Holy Ones graced!!

  3. Jealous biotch right here.

    I’m only half kidding. While I am jealous as hell, I’m also proud that the fandom was finally represented by some of its coolest fans.
    From your jort encounter (which is awesome btw), I can easily assume that Kellan might be pissed that he accepted the part of Emmett and didn’t wait a year for the wolfpack casting so he could be the one prancing around shirtless, getting the abs’ questions and signing jorts for chicks.

    What a night.. *sigh*

  4. Moon, you are going to have to start keeping a log to keep track of all the times you have seen Rob. I’m so jealous!
    That sounds like some good times, right there.

    Where was Jacksper??? Upset his Monkeys weren’t invited to the party?

  5. I loved your tweets though! I was jealous, you were tweeting Rob is here whilst I was getting evening meal from oven, Taylor is here whilst I was loading the dishwasher, KS looks fabulous in dress & hair as I was putting kids to bed….do you get the picture?! Next time, let’s switch roles for the evening 😉


    • I was right there with you. *sigh*

      That’s awesome, though, moon (and Ashely and Chelsea)…thanks for sharing with us! Love the signing of the jorts story. I want to be BFFs with Chaske and Kellan.

      And just because I saw this on dlisted and got a kick out of it:

      • Ok, my video embed didn’t work:

      • @beth *waves hello*

        BFF with chaske….its like u can read my mind….
        i’d call him everyday just to hear..erm see how he’s doing…
        *just imagined him saying “how u doin?” joey-style*

        thats the voice that should be doing Fanfic audiotapes…or LOTR…hell, i’d even buy “The Phone Book – everyone u ever needed to call read by Chaske Spencer” and Barry White can play in the background…

        Le Sigh..

        • Dying…even before you said “joey-style” I heard it that way.

          I have a thing for voices…I think even moreso than looks. Love Kiefer Sutherland’s voice (love him altogether, anyway), Josh Lucas…trying to think of others, but they were the top two before…well, Chaske is in a league of his own. *swoon*

          I’d buy The Phone Book, too.

        • “and now we come to the Smiths,….” rawr…LOL

          James Earl Jones, The lead singer of Editors…the list goes on…

          dont forget the appreciative gaze up and down before he says it….

          OD-ing on Chaske…what a way to go….

        • Don’t forget Heath Ledger! He had that amazing masculine voice thing down too.
          I miss Heath.

  6. Dammit. I thought I had a good time at the teeny, tiny circus.

    You make me long for the lifestyle of the rich and the famous.

    Cool that you got jorts signed. I had no idea that people could strip to a game like Taboo.

    PS. I hate my computer bc I can’t figure out how to turn the sound up. It’s probably just unplugged. Gotta call my IT guy.

  7. Thanks for being in the trenches for us. I would have taken one look at that crowd and went back home….and missed every thing.

    Wonder where Mike Dexter was?

  8. It’s times like these I wish I didnt live in South Africa! Lol you guys have all the fun!
    If actors ever do come to SA on tour, they go to 2 cities: Cape Town and Johannesburg, leaving the rest of us totally unsatisfied and just depressed for weeks!

  9. Jealous. Love you. That’s all.

  10. ha! Loved this:
    Oh you super interesting stars of Twilight, you’re just like us!!! Only you probably have access to Rob’s cell number.

    Dang you girls are lucky!


  11. PS, I tried to watch the videos and I can only take the screaming for 3 seconds. Did I miss anything?

  12. So jealous! Good for you though! Sometimes I wish I lived in LA.

  13. Hey, MidnightCyn! If you’re still out there feel free to tweet or email me your contact info so we can stay in touch while you are computerless! I tweeted you my phone number!

  14. I’m SO jealous, just like everyone else here!

  15. I’m starting to equate these events to Pope visits. Pretty soon Rob, Stew and Tay are gonna be seen in a little Pope mobile skirting about, just to be safe from the screaming tweens.

    PS-why the eff was Ashley wearing hose with her open-toed shoes?? I’m beginning to question her fashion sense.

  16. That it. Come graduation next fall, I’m moving to LA. There’s tons of grad school there, right??
    I’m so jealous of you Moon, but so excited you got another glimpse of the AssCandy.

  17. Chaske’s voice is like liquid gold. The closer you are to him the more wonderful it becomes.

    Y’all are some lucky ladies. My NY is being really lame when it comes to New Moon events – this is truly the first time ever I’m jealous of LA.

  18. Wow. Just Wow. How you always manage to have an amazing time really makes me want to move to LA and be your bff! I actually do lead a charmed life, so between us and our luck we would be unstoppable!!!

    (Husband? Children? What? who needs ’em?)

  19. Thank you for once again making the sacrifices necessary (wading through thousands of crazies, sneaking in jorts, and no doubt suffering from hearing damage caused by high-pitched noises during the appearance of the Trinity), just so the team (Team Normal) could read the best coverage of the event on the interwebs and live vicariously through you. I am in awe that you had a vision of the Trinity – semi-groomed, no less!


    P.S. for some reason “3 stories worth of Twihards and confused business men just trying to get to their room at the Renessaince” was what made me laugh the most… imagining the businessmen trying to navigate all that!

  20. go get stuffed. am well jealous. nothing ever happens in england :'(. life sucks. omg i hate u so much but love u at da same time. i think i av turned green i am so jealous! lol! *sigh* can u tell them to like come visit hatch warren, basingsoke, hampshire, england (south east) coz that would sooooo make my day!

  21. (read in uber-whiny voice) Aaaawwww Moooon…I dont want to kill you (ok maybe a little bit) but your’e killing me….way to represent…. 🙂

    Signed jorts, Barry White AND the holy trinity? (I have to mention Taylor in the velvet…Daaaayum those jeans…) *opens window and hyperventilates juuust a little*

    Love the vids…its like actually being there, i swayed a bit while watching it and squueed…i mean shhh’ed the crowd to get a feel of the moment…

    Thanks Moon…all the underprivileged, overlooked nations thank you and offer to do laundry, dedicate first child to God in order for you to meet Rob etc etc etc… 😀

  22. thats so awesome that you saw them. oh and you’ve probably already seen it but i just needed to show someone and you all are the first that came to mind, i just thought it was hilarious when i saw it

    so if you havent seen it enjoy

  23. I love that Kellan was so interested in signing the jorts!!!! 😀 Did you actually use the term ‘jorts’ when talking with them? lol

    LMAO @ wanting to exhange bitchface with Nikki.

  24. That’s soo exciting!

    I would say I’m jealous, but I’m going to meet Kellan and Ashley on Thursday!!

    What should I say to them?? I have noo idea!!

  25. umm. MOON, please tell me you invited kellen to church on sundays. or at least homegroup, you know he’d be all over that shit. just sayin’

  26. Social comments and analytics for this post…

    This post was mentioned on Twitter by TWILIGHTF0REVER: Storytime with Moon: The Hot Topic New Moon Twi Tour kick off: Dear LTT-ers, I ventured out last night with pal..


    talked to Kellan Chaske Rob Nikki…
    GOT MY JORTS SIGNED. WIN!!! I should auction those! 🙂
    Hung out with the two best girls ever in life…
    Saw Deathcab! Band of Skulls! Anya Marina!
    Went up on stage in front of bajillions of TwiHards.
    Rob Kstew and Taylor FOLLOWED our act, mwahaha.
    Embarassed myself in front of millions of Twihards.

    (got my Twilight question wrong…fancard revoked.)
    Seriously, would any of you remember what movie Jake and Bella went to see? I forgot 😦

    Best. I’m jealous of myself!

    • ooooooh thats a hard one….how can they expect u to remember ur own name with all that excitement? mean radio person….. 😦

      wait was it crosshair(s)? or was that what she and Jessica went to?
      *hands over fancard and sobs in a corner*

      thanks for letting us live vicariously thru u…. 🙂

      • it was cross hairs! You get the fancard 😛

        • Yay!! *slips card back into worn-out wallet* im not allowed to touch the saga till i finish my exams… 😦

          In a theatre somewhere Jacob is smiling while placing his hand, palm upwards, on the arm rest next to mine….

          Thanks Nicole… 🙂

    • STOP!!! You’re killing me!!

      Can I have your life? Please?

  28. My favorite question is when Kellan explains his dream date… I got it on video…I’ll upload it tonight! ❤

  29. So damned jealous, but not jealous enough to go to the Hot Topic event in D.C. I am pretty much certain it’s not going to be as live as L.A.

  30. There is going to be one in Atlanta, but it won’t beat the L.A. one so I’d end up getting disappointed. I probably won’t go then.

  31. “Now I’m a day behind on all the interviews, pictures and scoop from the press junket! AHHH!!! It’s only just started and I’m behind!

    Off to find a paper bag to breath into”

    That’s my life now – NM things are happening daily and I am working more than ever.
    Will I ever catch up?

  32. Sounds like a good time! I love that the cast all signed the Jorts! Good for you Ashley : )

  33. This post is full of awesome.
    I love that Kellan wore that shirt.

  34. I’m not gonna lie, I’m kind of in love with Jamie Bower. Delicious.

  35. I am late with reading this weekend’s posts but just have to say this awesome awesome awesome! And I love that Chaske and Kellan signed the jorts!

  36. Wow! I’m so jealous too. When I saw the tweets, I had no idea what was going on…so glad you ladies were there…I live vicariously through you.

  37. Wow …does Kellan ever ham it up, eh? I LOVE HIM!!!

  38. Oh gosh!!! You guys are sooooooooooo lucky!!!! No one EVER comes down here!!! (Costa Rica). I bet that if they did, fans from all of Central and some of South America would come! (it happened when Iron Maiden played here).

    And quoting Danielle, “I live vicariously through you.”


  39. […] Storytime with Moon: The Hot Topic New Moon Twi Tour kick off Dear LTT-ers, I ventured out last night with pals Ashley and Chelsea to attend the Twi Tour kick off at Hollywood & […] […]

  40. i av so got to agree wiv all of ya. well apart from the whole jamie bower is delicious bit-yuck guys! lolage hes alrite but there ar far fucking better!!! and y’kno the whole thing wiv not being allowed to read your books till you’ve finished your exams yh well i dont kno when you’re exams finish but i have to wait till bloody christmas!! and its been nearly a month and i am totally dying without them infact i had an emotional breakdown and nearly cried last night! unfortunately i am NOT joking!!! lol-but seriously guys i did. do you kno if they will eva come to england?? hopefully near london coz then i might e able to make it. and i said london coz its like the capital isnt it? wait i should kno that i fricking live in england!!!-geography isnt and never will be my hot spot. im better at the kind of like imaginative things (e.g. art, dance, drama, music) i like them and i’ve been told that im good at them!!! YAY!!! anyways yeah my uncle and his brothers wife are reading them so i have to wait till then :(. im going off to sulk in the corner.

  41. i was gonna say somin else but i really cant remember. sorry guys. itll come to me later i bet you! lol! hmmmmm 😦

  42. oooo i got it hang on

  43. balls!!! no iv lost it :(. bugger. dont you just totally hate that??? when you likeremember something but it’s just like a flash it comes, and then as quick as it comes, it fricking goes. pisses me off like hell!!! ooo another thing that pisses me off like hell a little question: is it just me or does it seriously piss you off when people call kris, kstew and when people call rob, rpattz and when people call tom tomstu and (for those of you who watch x-factor) when people call john and edward jedward oo and back to twilight people call, omg epic failure-news flash-charlotte has officially forgotten vair vair important names :(, um yh well when people say jashley? i think its actually just me seeing as you lot seem to use them.
    o well it’ll just be me PARTY OF ONE!!! YAY!! well at this mot (moment of time) its not so good i just like saying it and it was convenient! lol!!!

  44. o and id just like to say that my first post yh i had another epic failure-i spelt basingstoke wrong i spelt it basingsoke- i missed out the t sorry guys-not that youre that interesting anyhoo. but yh. sorry im kinda saying a lot of random crap!! lol!! thats me weird random and say a whole load of bullshit! lol! i still cant remember what i was gonna say!

  45. i was also ment to mention about you guys are absolutely fucking killing me you get to do so much and i sit here in my house with rain falling outside doing absolutely bog all. i am so bored

  46. OMG!!! crappy typical english weather helped my brain click-i remember what i was going to say!!! YAY!!! um yh i’ve been told that i look a bit like a vampire-my canines (the pointy teeth not the frickin dog) stick out more than normal peoples and coz of crap, wet, cold english weather i have pale skin-actually thinking about it i have paler skin than most people do but hey. and apparently my eyes go slightly darker-personally i think that its just the light but hey. yh and just to add i am totally obsessed with twilight- i have actually been totally properly classified as THE BIGGEST TWILIGHT FAN EVA!!!!-IF YOU MENTION ME IN ANYTHING MAKE SURE YOU SPELL EVER: EVA AND YOU HAVE TO PUT 4 EXCLAMATION MARKS!!!! um sorry that wasnt ment to be in capitals. tho it was only 10 people tho 10 is better than none:D

  47. So I knew as soon as I got home from my trip to California I had to head STRAIGHT to your blog… and I was not disappointed! I completely, seriously and randomly stumbled across this event when I was in L.A. last week with some friends and had such an epic freak out that I broke my digital camera while screaming. When Rob walked out. You know, I have no shame.

    Considering I’m from Maryland and was coincidentally staying at a hotel near Hollywood & Highland, this was all an incredibly exciting happenstance!! I was standing on the third balcony up and my pictures are ten kinds of horrible. But just being there was insane. I’m going to link to your post when I write up my Hollywood recap on my blog… most excellent!

  48. Howdy,

    Im new here and just wanted to stop by and say hi 🙂

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