Twilight and LTT become more than just a book and more than just a blog for Freya

*I hope you have some water proof mascara on and a hankie handy cause Freya write US  (that doesn’t happen very often!) a special letter on her one year anniversary*

awwww memories!

Dear Moon and UC:

It’s my one year anniversary commenting on LTT!  I finally came out of lurkdom on April 19, 2009, and commented on a post on Kellan.  I’d been hanging out on LTR and LTT for about a month, since the Twilight DVD came out, and I saw how cute Rob was when he talked on the commentary, and I proceeded to Google everything Twi-related.  Which, of course, led me to you.

I have to get a little Twintimental and Twilosophic here, which is not my normal way, but I have to say, Twilight and LTT have changed my life.  Literally.  I knew when I put my first comment out there that I was stepping into an established society of commenters.  I felt like it was already a clique as people commented back and forth all day long, not just talking about Twilight, but also about daily life.  I was worried, because I had never commented on a blog before. But Kellan was oiled up and dirty and reading Purpose-Driven Life and Moon referenced the Song of Solomon—I couldn’t help but ask Kellan to reenact passages from the Song of Solomon with me.  And low and behold, out of the 27 comments that day (can you believe it?  So few!), both VickyB and Moon responded back to me, laughing at my joke! (Moon, the first few times you or UC commented on anything I wrote, I fangirled a little.  I won’t lie.) I became a commenter in that moment.  Then the Forum came along, and I really started to interact with the lovely ladies of LTT.

Then came Twitter, and I was a goner.  I could Tweet all day long, look at pictures of Rob, and keep abreast of all the Twi news.  And in the course of that, I really got to know some people. I began to associate names and faces with the funny, witty comments.  I began to share more and more of myself.  And it rose above being just about those “vegetarian vampires” or Rob’s hotness, and instead became about the relationships that I was lucky enough to develop.

Who doesn't write their 1st novel in silver ink?

When I first read Twilight (and subsequently New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn in rapid succession), I had decided to be pragmatic.  I gave up on having a dream in life.  I didn’t have time for love, friendships, or my own creativity.  There was work, and blankly staring at the TV, and that was pretty much it.  I felt numb.  Then (as dumb as it may seem), I read Twilight, and fell a little bit in love with Edward.  And like an involuntary itch that you have to scratch, I found the need to write something.  In the course of three months, I wrote an entire novel.  I will never publish this novel, but it was an amazing experience, because I knew that I COULD write a whole book, if I wanted to.  That was empowering to me.  And I felt more alive than I had in a long time.  Then I began to get to know people (now that I wasn’t holed up with my novel every night), and I started to really want to be friends with people I was meeting, not just to talk about Twilight.

Some of my best friends now are people I met here, and I couldn’t be more grateful.  I’ve done a few meet-ups with some fantastic people—Brooke Lockart, Marta, Stage Manage This, It’s La Push Baby, Jordan the unicorn, and Krazy Kidd are people I’ve all been fortunate enough to meet in real life. I’ve got big vacation plans for this summer to meet up with even more fabulous people I’ve met here.

I could have never predicted, last year when I first hesitantly wrote my mini-letter to Kellan, how much I would need friends this year.  That I would need people who lived outside of my life, who could listen, sympathize, and laugh with me.  People to talk books and music and makeup with on any given day.  People who would give me a new perspective and enrich my life.  Letters to Twilight has given me people who seem hand-picked, just right for being my friends. They  have been the key to my sanity when my world seems insane, the refuge from all the things I can’t control right now.

So, to my LTT friends, thank you for being good friends.  For all the talks, the gifts, the encouragement, and the love, I thank you so much. My world would be bleak without your friendship.

Yea, thanks guys!

To the cast of Twilight, thank you for being so ridiculously good-looking.  Not to mention funny, bright and interesting enough for me to YouTube you, Google you, and find this place.

To Stephenie Meyer, thank you for listening to Bella and Edward and making them come to life in the pages of your books.  Without them, I wouldn’t have had the impetus to make some changes in my life and to reach out to these people.  You are to credit for creating this community in the first place.

To Moon and UC, thank you for being so incredibly funny and devoted and for becoming my friends, as well.  I know you never anticipated this being what it is now, and that it’s evolved almost organically.  But the fact is, without your willingness to slog through every day, whether you felt like it or not, this all would not be.  You’ve brought together hundreds of people.  You’ve spawned countless friendships.  You’ve given us a spot in your lives, and in turn, have received a spot in ours.  I love you ladies.

My love for Twilight may wane, my love for Rob cool to passing interest, but for the very real people here, I hope that our friendships last a very long time, indeed.


dangit Freya now my eye make ups all jacked up but I lurve you anyway! We’ve said it a billion times bit we’re glad we can be a place where friends meet and friendships are born. Twilight is just the catalyst for all this and we couldn’t be happier because of it. So have you made any friends through LTT/LTR or that Micheal Buble forum you’re apart of or the NKOTB fan club you were in back in the day? Tell me about i!

Our internet game is still ridiculous: The Forum, LTR, Twitter

103 Responses

  1. Awww, what a gorgeous letter, Freya!! *sniff*
    I’m not even sure when my first comment was! I think it’s around now, possibly on a post about Carlisle/PFach . . . hmmm.
    And I have to say I resonate with a lot that you have said. All these wonderful people I’ve got to know online! It’s crazy and since I live so far away I may never get the chance to meet these lovely people, but most days I like them more than my RL friends. Srsly.
    Thank you for sharing this gorgeous letter with us, Freya! x

  2. That is a beautiful letter Freya. You couldn’t be more right: after all, the most beautiful thing to come forth from Twilight and LTT is this wonderful community of people.

    Suddenly ‘We are the Rob’ is popping up in my head. Oh man, I’m getting all emo here.

  3. OMG…I look like Capt Jack Sparrow now with my running make-up.
    There aren’t tissues enough for this letter. Freya, I am gald that you found this happy place 🙂

  4. OMG Freya!!! I love you so much its ridonkulous! 😀 I cannot believe how far we’ve come along and it has been my pleasure in becoming one of your friends! I remember driving out to “Jurassic Park Land” to meet you and it was one of the best nights ever! Hanging out at On the Border and talking like old friends…just like that becoming so close! I love that you share the same passion in regards to our careers and that you are there for me whenever I need a colleague’s advice. I also love that you are such a great friend…you’re smart, beautiful, and witty and I am honored to be able to call myself your friend! You’ve have truly been a blessing in my life! Can’t wait to see you again for #LegHitch2010 and maybe even kick in your hometown sometime this summer! I ❤ you! 🙂

  5. I love me some Freya. I also love that tomorrow is her BIRFDAY!

    • That’s right tomorrow IS her bday…thanks for the reminder! 🙂 Maybe we should send her a shirtless Kellan with a bday gram and ready for some “devotional” time?! What say you?? LOL

  6. *tears*
    Thank you for sharing that beautiful letter…

  7. She had me at Twintimental !!! For obvious reasons!

  8. Great letter, Freya! I couldn’t agree with you more about the established commenters and wondering how in the world to break into their group.
    And thank YOU for becoming a part of my Twilight world and letting me follow you and your friends on Twitter!

  9. *sniffle*

    Love you, Frey Frey! And Happy Early Birthday to youuuuu!


  10. It’s almost been a year since my first comment on LTT as well. In fact, I think this month is the anniversary of when I first devoured the books. LTT is certainly a very special community, and I’m grateful for it.

    Thanks for the sweet letter, Freya … and Happy Bird Day.

  11. I’m hanging around LTT/LTR for more than a year now and still don’t feel a part of established commenters. It looks like everybody is BFF except me. I guess it’s about what type of person you are and the establishment is more verbal and outgoing than the others.
    But then I got to meet some people in RL and they were all nice, kind, funny and interesting. It felt like I know them since forever.
    I’m looking forward to meet the rest of you this summer.

  12. Awww I got goosebumps! Happy early birthday Freya!

    It’s letters like today, that make being a part of this crazy world worth it. I too have been fortunate enough to meet a bunch of you from here and you’ve all enriched my life in some way. ♥

  13. Happy Anniversary, Freya! You have so eloquently captured what I am sure many of us feel – what stared as a story about a hot vampire has turned into making friends with some amazing people. The ladies I have met through LTT are my fave OL friends fo sho!

    Great letter and here’s to another year of awesomeness!

  14. Happy LTT anniversary Freya! I love days like this — when we all fawn over one another. The fandom can be wackadoo sometimes and it’s wonderful to have a litte reminder why we are all here. Thanks for sharing your Twimony with us. Love ya!

  15. GREAT letter, Freya! I know all too well the nerves that go along with commenting that first time… which is ridiculous because everyone I’ve ever “met” through here has been nothing short of amazing. Then I was literally recruited to twitter by none other than you, Brooke and Janet. I felt like the cool kids were inviting me to sit with them at lunch. I anticipated the funny Twi-related stuff that followed, but not the other stuff. Twitter and all of you ladies have been a massive comfort during some less than stellar times. I’m never alone. There’s always someone to talk to, even if that just means spending an hour coming up with different ways to say “throne of lies” (holla, LPB!).

    Truthfully, my Twi and Rob love has waned. It did a long time ago. But I’m happy for all of the people it’s introduced me to, and for all of the humor (and the incredible women – and some unicorns – responsible for that humor) it’s brought into my life. So, Happy Twiversery, Happy early Birthday, etc etc, and I hope I get the chance to read Amish porn with you again some day.

  16. Freya!! I am CRYING at my desk!! Your letter was beautiful and so honest and I know most everyone here was is in total agreement with you. I am so thankful for your friendship and I can’t wait to see your face this summer (and UC and Moon)!

    It goes without saying how thankful I am to UC and Moon for creating an environment where we all can come together to talk Twilight, but leave as good friends. Awesome and rare.



  17. Freya, that was such a beautiful letter and Thank YOU for the expressing so well what we all think on a daily basis! The friends I have met and someday hope to REALLY meet have become the true definition of friendship! (Who else would stay up til the wee hours of the morning comforting you when you have a major hair crisis..thanks JodieO, The Old One, Kit Kat) !
    I spent time going back this morning and looking at old posts/comments and I got even more teary eyed! I mean seriously, How many of my RL friends would TRULY care when I lost a chicken or Blanket Eddie? Could make me laugh even when my small world crumbles around me? Where do I go? HERE! Why, b/c YOUR all here!
    Thanks UC/Moon for creating our safe haven from the RW!
    Hoping someday your going to write that your planning to have an LTT convention, which will be the ONE place I would never be afraid to show up..cause my real friends will all be there! xoxox
    Happy Twi-birthday Freya.. xo
    P.S. I am still getting the hang of Twitter but my name is: Stareide and I would love to catch up with you there b/c is sounds like I am missing out on some good stuff!

    • LTT convention – my heart skipped a beat!

      • In Forks!!!

        • My husband recently said we needed to expand our “vacation horizons” and go to Cali or Portland or something…to which I immediately responded, “Can we go to Forks?” 🙂

          • DEFINATELY FORKS!! Oh the mere thought makes me cuddle Blanket Eddie in inappropriate ways!! Can u just imagine the fun/crazy/over the top fun we could all have!!

          • Portland woo!!! (that’s where I live)

            Definitely go to Forks… breach it with “Let’s go to the Olympic National Park… I hear they have these great hot springs there. Plus awesome hikes, beautiful lakes, and unbelievably giant trees.” Then as the planning takes shape, casually drop in that you should take the US 101 circle, going through Aberdeen, passing through Forks, and then on up to Port Angeles and back down to Olympia. Also say that you read you HAVE to go see the coast, especially from the Quilete (sp) reservation in La Push. That they have this incredible smoked salmon made by the Native Americans and a gorgeous coastline and beaches. As far as eateries go, you know for a fact that there’s a really nice Italian restaurant in Port Angeles, and that they have a famous wine cellar. And if you have the time, take a trip on the ferry up to Victoria, BC. You won’t be disappointed, it’s a very romantic city with lots of history and beautiful vistas and architecture (and yummy food).

            So, yeah, I just rounded up Tour de Forks 2010 with my sister… if you want any tips.

            Oh, and one more thing, make sure you learn about bear safety, because actually in RL, they are bears…and they are BIG.

        • Does the Diner have a Hall ‘H’?

    • MidCyn – When you said “How many of my RL friends would TRULY care when I lost a chicken or Blanket Eddie?” I was thinking that is EXACTLY what makes LTT so special. It’s a shame that RL doesn’t always provide what we need at the moment! And I’m so glad I was “there” when the chicken and Blanket Eddie were found. 🙂

      • OFTLOE..ANG I am trying hard to get the coffee to stop coming out my nose!!!
        I am SO GLAD you were there too!! I so heart you!! Yes that is what makes LTT our VERY special place for VERY SPECIAL & NORMAL ppl! ! Its like having our own private virtual coffee shop where we all go to discuss our book/movie club!!! ❤

      • I miss you, Ang. Hope you got my email.

        • Yes! I replied this morning. Let me know if you got that!

          • are feeling today?? I so wanted to write you this weekend but it was crazy here (hair) and I feel so badly that I didn’t get to send you some get well Rob pics..will make it up to you promise!! xoxo

          • MidCyn – I am much better! Thank you! Sorry I missed your hair incident. Well, not sorry as in “ooo, that sounds like so much fun wish I could be part of it.” You know what I mean. haha

      • Where WAS the chicken? Not sure I ever heard – too worried about Blanket Eddie!

        I did rush home today after a busy day to log on for some much needed recreation….& there was your letter Freya! Hurrah!

        ‘Show me the love!’ It’s here on LTT & LTR. XXXXX
        P.S. Who else would get so excited about my crazy ideas?

        P.P.S There appears to be no Taycob in the photo above…pourquoi?

        • Well obviously there is no Taycob because whereas those pictured are ridiculously good-looking Taycob is ‘outrageously’ good-looking. Oui? I mean, there must be a reason, they simply wouldn’t have forgotten…….would they?????

          PS Do appreciate inclusion of James/Cam, love me some Cam.

    • OMG the chicken! haha! Love it. Aw, your letter made me cry serious amounts, MidCyn. I’m going to remake my promise to finish up the NM reader’s guide for you. Especially now that the DVD is out. The goal is to make it happen before Eclipse release (which your son better trick you into going to!) *hugs*

      • Loves you TS…but you know that! Son won’t be tricking me into Eclipse..too busy with wedding plans…but Imma gonna really try to go..and your so sweet to take time to make a NM readers guide, I know how busy you are! <3!! Hugs right back!

        • Well, the boy’s outta town, so I have to entertain myself…and there’s only so many episodes of Vampire Diaries, Dancing with the Stars, and Gossip Girl, you know. 😉 Plus I was doing such a good job on it, and then I got really invested in the book…whoops. Anyway, let me know which version of the book you have so I can get the page number references right.

          • @TS What version??? You mean there is more than one..oh my!!! I had no idea!!! Please explain…!! I am in a panic now that I didn’t know this important fact (did I)?

          • Oh, I meant if it’s hardback, paperback, and the issue date. I saw at Walgreens they had a paperback with the movie poster image that was littler than the paperback that has the tulip on it. Is it a tulip? I never could tell. So, obviously a littler book would have more pages and different text per page. I wanted to make sure that, uh, we’re on the same page (no pun intended actually).

          • Did that make any sense? I went and reread and it didn’t make sense to me. Basically one book is bigger dimensions, but the actual content isn’t different between the two.

          • @TeamSeth..I have the Tulip covered book! Hope that helps! I don’t want you to go to too much trouble doing this! <3!

    • I want a cuddle Blanket Eddie!

      • @Janetrigs: Oh he is so good in bed (twIs) but as much as I heart you..Imma not sharing my Eddie…although..I will volunteer my home for the convention (and I might let you fondle him gently, Lord you ladies have corrupted me)Of course you would hopefully not mind the following:
        One crazy brained damaged hostess…
        A very loud and somewhat raunchy Parrot
        An 1820’s house complete with a nice “lady ghost”
        Lots of Dogs
        Watching/listening to non stop Twilight/New Moon movies/music
        Everything Twilight/NM related entertainment/food/decorations.(.as you probably already know I am a kind of over the top type person.) Its all the way or nothing!
        LTT/LTR related campfire story time
        and so much more!!

        • Sign me up!

          • @superhumanmoron: (checks name on guestlist) 🙂

          • I’m imaging the conversations between lady ghost and parrot! Maybe next time Blanket Eddie disappears you should ask Lady Ghost.

          • @SJ..LOL..she already gets the animals worked up..the dogs bark at her, usually the parrot just flaps her wings..”she” did toss a candle stick the other day..must not have liked where I put it? BTW she does have a name I just keep forgetting it..(the historical society manager told us who he thought she was..they did a whole multi-part story on the history of the house) I can always tell when she is around b/c I can smell her perfume…

          • Reminds me of The Ghost & Mrs Muir. And it’s totes normal that I found him he somewhat hawt. I so wanted to be Mrs Muir.

          • Actually, I think I still do.

          • @ Cyn-
            About ghost lady perfume- I lived in a haunted sorority house. One day, my roomate and I were talking about *her* (the ghost) and then we smelled this overwhelming and syuddenly disappearing of perfume. It wasn’t a usual perfume (that you would find in a house of girls). Only later did I discover that scent was a telling sign of a ghost.

          • @Snowwhitedrifted: Your sooo right about the is so distinct..very sweet smelling..nothing I would ever wear even if I could find my bottlle of perfume..LOL..she is easy to get along with except more active when we work on the house..lots of things falling off the mantle when we replaced the windows..stuff like that..she was also very protective of Twi-daughter when she lived at home, but she didn’t realize she was scaring her so I just when in her room and very nicely “explained” that I knew she was just watching over her but she was scaring her and she stopped doing all the stuff she was doing..Twi-Daughter never had another I think she is really nice, just watching over “her” house.. (you must all think I am crazier than before)..

        • I LOVE DOGS!

        • I’m in! I’ll bring the stuff for s’mores, including Mike Newton…. what a marshmallow!

          • @TeamSeth: checks name on guest list 🙂
            Cartons of SPARKLERS! :check
            Hot pockets: check
            Veggie burgers: check
            celery sticks: check
            Bright red apples: check
            Bag of Eggs: check
            Pizza: check
            Purple cake w/New Moon Logo: check
            Red twizzlers: check
            Corn on the TayCob: check
            LTT Banner: check
            Large viewing outdoor screen and projector:check
            Tent in back yard: check
            More to follow: check!!
            Puple & white flowers in grassy area: check

    • Two notes:
      @MidCyn (and I guess everybody)- We NEED a LTT “convention.” I use the term loosely, but it would pretty much be the coolest thing ever to happen in the twi-dom. Somebody get on that planning committee.

      @everybody (and Moon and UC)- Some people have been saying about how they felt so special those first few times they commented and people commented back. My twi-secret (since I didn’t share one the other day) is that you guys can *still* make my day when I get a thumbs-up or comment. 🙂

      • Aww…

        I hate commenting late (Lovely letter, Freya!) but I felt I had to after seeing your comment, kitkat. Too cute.

        Thumbs up!

      • ooh, planning committee! *waving hand in air Hermoinie style* Badges, we need badges!

  18. Awww, Freya, I remember you commenting because I love your name SO MUCH! Freya has always been one of my favorite names.

    My one-year comment-iversary just passed a couple of weeks ago, and I got a little Twilosphical on myself, too, and I agree there was just this perfect match of what I needed, and who was out there in the comments. At a time when life was getting all serious, I found this niche where things were not serious, and frankly, where I could discuss Twilight without ridicule or flinching. I had fallen in love with the books, and everyone in RL who read them had dismissed them as stupid or too YA.

    I felt like such a freak about it, especially when I was secretly reading them for the 4th times, and then I found all you freaks, and what has astounded me is how much we all have in common past Twilight. So we all must share some gene with a Twilight marker, thank goodness we found each other.

    Freya, you better come up and see me again, so we can go to my erotic circus bistro!!!


  19. What on earth would I do without Freya? She, the one who can read and interpret drunk Jane so effortlessly and she that can decipher my miss-types.

    Freya Meya is a wonderful new addition to my life and I thank GOD, UC & Moon that I found her. Thanky you for always being there for me Freya Meya.I hope I lend you an ear and a laugh from time to time, so that I can return your wonderous gifts you give me. Now, I am all halmarky. Can’t help it. Love ya girl. Can’t wait to “meet” you later in June.

  20. These are some long comments.. I feel like I need to write a novel to keep up!

    Freya – beautiful letter! A lot of what you said I think applies to many of us. Some of the girls I’ve met on here have become just as special to me as my RL friends, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
    Happy anniversary!

  21. This letter is EXACTLY why I love this blog. Happy Anniversary, Freya! I’ve been on “hiatus” in Disney World this past week, but this is a great “first” post to come back to. Maybe I’ll get up the courage to write my own letter some day. This is the one place I feel safe in my twi-geekdom; the one place I can learn about Boo Boo, unicorns, and have serious discussions about tweed and purple. I don’t know that I’ll ever get the chance to meet any of you, but if you’re ever in Alabama, look me up! Loves!! XO

  22. Gotta join the lovefest. I have met some great ladies on here and are proud to call them my friends! Great. Now I have the Golden Girls theme stuck in my head.

  23. Happy Twiversary, Freya! I was drawn to LTT and LTR because of UC and Moon’s funny and snarky posts, and then I discovered that the comments to the posts were made by a whole world of people who were as obsessed as me and found it just as amusing to have that obsession as I did, and who supported each other whilst poking fun at the twi-verse. Then I discovered how rare and special LTT and LTR is in the blog-universe where people use their anonymity to say truly nasty and hateful things that they would never say in real life. I shuddered at some of these sites and came running back here where most everyone “gets” it, whether they comment on a regular basis or not. I love this special little bubble and all the gals and unicorns who make it that way!

  24. Gorgeous letter Freya.

    This is a great community, and I lurked for months and months before I ever commented, so I feel as if I know the oldies AND the newbies.

    Looks like Thursday 22 April is the anniversary of the Forum too.

    Are we having a party?

    Freya: Happy LTT Anniversary and Happy Birthday too 🙂


  25. Awe, Happy Twiversary Freya! I, too, am so thankful for you and everything that you bring to this community. I never fail to get all Twintimental when thinking about how funny, witty, sarcastic yet supportive and caring this group is. We may take a lot of slack from outsiders and are sometimes even compared to “twi-hards” (gasp) and “twi-moms” (the horror) but I wouldn’t change a thing since it’s brought me all of you!

    *wipes my tears* I should go re-apply my make-up now.

  26. Freya, you beautifully stated what we all feel.
    What a community, and Happy Twiversery!

    I found this site in Jan of this year and commented that first day (I was an old Knot/ Nestie and commenting was in my blood so I just jumped right in). And now I am realizing, seeing your first comment right up there, that the comments are imortalized forever… sh*t. 😉

    UC, Moon and all you lovely ladies have brought the sass back into my real life as well. I got in touch with my inner pervy, funny, early 20’s-something self. Please keep up the hilarity.

    Also, the RL meeting up for Leg Hitch 2010- is that in the Forum (I haven’t gotten that far on LTT/LTR)? I want to come (TWSS)

  27. Happy one-year, Freya! And happy bday tomorrow! I’ve always loved your avi.

  28. Not even midday here and we’ve already had more comments than there were when I initially commented.

    Thanks to everyone for joining me in the life fest today! This site is very special to me, and I love seeing how it means so much to evryone else, too. *GROUP HUG*

    if you feel like you haven’t found a “group” yet, I hope you find one or two special folks whom you relate to. We keep getting new folks here all the time who need cool Twi friends. Be willing to share a part of yourself (beyond “I love Rob”) to really connect.

    Lurkers, maybe this will convince you to come out of hiding and get in the conversation. We’re actually kind of awesome around here. 🙂

    I’ll be checking in all day to keep giving thumbs up to the awesome commenters here.

  29. Aww Frey Frey,
    Suck a lovely letter!

    You know, you could do what most fan fic authors do and take works they’ll never publish and turn it into fan fiction. 🙂 there’s a timesuck if you’re looking for one.

    So very happy we’ve become friends and sisterwives (even though I’m pretty sure I’m AWOL at this point).

    Love you lots,

    PS, I think it’s funny that we got to know each other by flirting with Marta’s brother! lol

  30. Remember a long long time ago
    when Step-On-Me Meyer gave y’all
    a serious shout out on her website?

    You know when she said added you to her stalk list?
    Keep up the laughs ladies?
    Ring a bell?

    That’s how i ended up here :]

    i wasn’t into googling twi stuff
    so i would pretty much stalk Mrs. Meyer
    and see what new things she had to write
    then that fateful day she mentioned ltt
    i googled it and out popped your link

    i seriously took days to catch up
    and laughed all the way through…
    i tried telling my sisters and the twi-hard who got me
    hooked on twilight to read it cuz i couldnt get enough
    and no one got it or just never came

    they just didn’t understand…

    So I enjoy this by myself with you all..

    Thank You ladies for giving me extra twilight stuff
    when the books weren’t enough.
    I’m not sure what i would do without reading y’all
    every single day

    However i haven’t been as fortunate to meet you guys!
    is it because I’m not a funny commenter?
    I’m feeling a little left out! :[

    • I think you are a funny commenter!

    • Don’t feel left out! I’ve only met one LTTer….and the fact we happen to live in the same city made that much easier!

      • I’d like to meet everyone but I’m a recovering agoraphobic so unless you can make it to London (like I can on a good day) we’re destined not to meet. Probably!

        Am hoping for some London twi-action soon with my BFF & another snarky-should-know-better-twi-bitch who probably doesn’t know about LTT. Yet….

    • I met Freya ’cause I live near Forks!

    • I don’t feel as bad now thanks ladies! I kinda live by moon pie…
      About an hour east of L.A.

    • I haven’t met any. I dont feel left out… I’m probably not interesting for any of you gals!! XX

  31. 70 days!!!!

  32. I really needed to read a letter like that today. So lovely. I love it here! Basically.

  33. freya i don’t know you but that is a lovely letter, it echoes a lot of what i’ve felt too over the past year and a half, i’ve made lots of friends on another twilight site i found days after seeing the film for the first time, people who have the same interests as you, who don’t think you’re ridiculous for liking a story about sparkly veggie vamps and you’re so right when real life pb seemed insurmountable talking about them with someone oceans and miles away from you always helpsand is refreshing, !!! isnt that what life should be about making real connection with other people ,feeling understood and loved so that you have the strength to deal with the not so glamorous side of life,! i’ve only discovered LTT lately but i’m always lmao with the letters i read and comments!

  34. I love you Freya! I love your letter and I love that your birthday has been in my iPhone for three weeks now. I love your blog when you post and I love your wit on Twitter. I also love that I can say “no hamsters” and you will snicker along with me. Finally, I love that even when 80% of my tweets are about peen, sex toys, or vomit, you still follow me and care about me!
    Although I can’t be at #LegHitch2010, I’ll be practicing my Blue Steel for the day I finally do meet you girls!

  35. South Africa!? What we need is a LTT Grand World Tour. Think of the group discounts.

  36. Awwww… ::cries::

    I love you, Frey Frey. Such a great letter. I’m so glad I’ve gotten to know you this past year. I’m hoping that we will meet irl someday. :]


    PS – I love you too, UC & Moon. Thank you, ladies.

  37. There were 99 comments. I had to make it to 100. Thanks to everyone for the sweet words today!

    Moon and UC–thanks so much for giving me this forum today. *hugs*

  38. Simply wonderful! ❤

  39. I ❤ you all. Thank you for listening to my lame jokes. ANDANDAND…. I felt starstruck when people reliped to my first comment. I was literally on cloud nine.

  40. Ohh what a beautyfull letter.. I smiled and got tears in my eyes – at the same time.. Love your letter Freya:-)

  41. You are blessed to discover such lovely people. Are you ever going to post what your first book was about? and Are you rethinking about publishing it?

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