Living Single in a Twilight Kind of World!

Dear LTT-er’s

On the heels of last weeks super successful Hardball:  Is Kristen Stewart pregnant? post, I’ve decided to tackle another subject close to my heart: Living single in a Twilight/Rob kind of world! Yup, free feel to sing that to the tune of the Living Single theme song. I feel like a good portion of our audience are mature adult women in relationships and I wanted to give a platform to the other side of the equation. What is is like to be a single adult lady and like a YA novel about Vampires? How has obsessing over Rob and other Twi stars affected their relationships and pursuit of life and boys? And most of all how in the crap will we meet Rob and have him fall madly in love with us? Cause after all that’s a possibility when you’re single!

So again I’ve gathered a panel of the brightest, smartest raddest ladies from the LTT/LTR family to participate in a Sex and the City style round table discussion (aka chat). Just imagine us in the coffee shop with our most awesomest shoes (you’ll see those, don’t worry!) sipping cocktails and dishing the dirt on everything from boys to friends to Twitter to Jonathan Brandis. Yup, we hit it all.

Welcome to Part One (yes we had to break it up there was so much good stuff!) of Living Single in a Twilight Kind of World *cue music*

Heels and a High Life that's the way Moon rolls

Heels and a High Life that's the way Moon rolls

Moon: So ladies, just so you can introduce yourselves and let all those good viewers out there know who you are, I’ll start this how i start all my creepy online chats… A/S/L?
Moon: 26/female/los angeles… oh and send us tweetpics of your fabulous shoes while we chat…
Brooke: 29-F-Philly
chelsea: 24/F/Orange County
Calli: 25/f/Philly
janetrigs: 55/M/texas
aramisette: 28/F/Boston
janetrigs: Okay nooo
Brooke: oh Janet
janetrigs: 31/F/DC
freya: 34/Albuquerque
Brooke: Freya, you a man? didn’t want to tell us?
Moon: pre op?
janetrigs: She must totally be a man
freya: Sorry, 24/ALL WOMAN/Albuquerque
Moon: trannies living in a rob world!
freya: Dang–I just took my age down by ten years!
janetrigs: Trannies in Rob world seems NORMAL
chelsea: Pre or Post-op?

Freya likes booty with her heels

Freya likes booty with her heels

Single and Ready to Mingle?
: i’m drinking disarono on the rocks
Brooke: That’s normal!
Moon: so are we all single or in some sort of relationship?
Calli: and i’ve got rootbeer vodka on the backburner
Moon: calli is classy. i want to be calli when i grow up
janetrigs: Rootbeer vodka!!
freya: Single.
Calli: single
aramisette: single
Brooke: Single
janetrigs: single, of course
chelsea: I prfer Unencumbered to single..
freya: “Unencumbered”–LOL
Moon: foot loose and fancy free!
aramisette: unencumbered is better. shows u don’t need a man
janetrigs: Well I’s divorced
janetrigs: Is that diff from single, I like to think NOOOO
Brooke: Janey has a wusband
Calli: i’m going to go with “suffering from limited options
aramisette: u choose to be this way
janetrigs: Wasbands suck just so you know. But no kids thank the lord
Moon: couldnt match up to rob?
janetrigs: No one can Moon
janetrigs: No one is ever gonna match up to rob, that’s why I go for the drunk ones, closest to him I think
Moon: HAHAHA amen we’re getting there

Follow the cut to learn more about cover stories, batteries and which Rob is our favorite

What are we here for again? Oh yea Rob and Twilight –

Drunkward - Janet's favorite Rob

Drunkward - Janet's favorite Rob

Moon: so WHY ROB??!! or kellan or jackson or whatever your twi cup of tea is
freya: Start with the hard questions!
Brooke: Rob has a certain “Je ne sais quoi”
Moon: que sera sera
janetrigs: Why? He is Hot and has no filter, we are like soul mates
aramisette: i think i may be more hyped over Rob over anyone i have been before cuz of all of you
aramisette: i think it enables it
Brooke: Beautiful eyes, hair you want to run your fingers through while passionately kissing him
freya: It’s the looks, plus the awkwardness, plus the brains, plus the mystery, plus the Edward factor.
Moon: yes, i always wonder if Edward has a lot to do with it
janetrigs: What I meant to say is that he’s Hot, esp while drunk and has no filter. Loves music, does goofy shit and FUCK that tux is delicious
Brookie: definitely the Edward factor…cause let me just say…unibrow in Little Ashes wasn’t going to bring the “O” face
Calli: if i could sum up why rob… i don’t think i’d have found it necessary to find all of you
janetrigs: Edward factor does help but, only cause of the way he used his bedroom fucking eyes
Calli: yes… don’t find daliert attractive

Brooke: i think he seemed humble in the early interviews and that was extremely attractive
Moon: YES and bumbling and nerdy

Calli's favorite Rob = Ray Ban Rob

Calli's favorite Rob = Ray Ban Rob

Calli: i feel in love with rayban rob
Calli: and interview rob
Moon: yea calli pretty much when he slammed the volvo door i wanted to hump the movie screen
Calli: exactly
Calli: i didn’t become twi/robsessed till january. read the book then watched shit online (ie trailer) then saw movie. hence i had seen and lusted over rayband robward.
janetrigs: Brooke, yes agree, the humbleness is crazy sexy, esp on a man that hot
freya: First knowing him as Edward was the “jumping off” point–or rather the “jump on him” point…
Brookie: cue George Michael music
aramisette: interview Rob did it for me
janetrigs: Interview, tux, tortured singing did it for me
Moon: oh god, the singing and the playing
Moon: i have reoccurring convos with kristin about him and his music
Brooke: Yes, the fact that he is a musician makes him infinitely hotter

Everyone loves Interview Rob

Everyone loves Interview Rob

janetrigs: Rayban Ron I mean ROb FUCK is awesome
Moon: HAHA I mistype Rob all the time and call him Ron. Poor guy, who the hell is RON?!
freya: Bluesy voice, silly giggle, and those amazing white shirt and tie and a little bit of scruff pics! DAMN.
Moon: BEARDWARD  all i have to say is BEARDWARD
Brooke: i think my panties already went poof
janetrigs: I’m naked so not a problem here

Moon: As you can see the single ladies panel got quickly sidetracked into daydreams of Robward, Tuxward, Beardward, RayBanward…

Moon: OK so all this rob talk… does it make it hard to find/keep a boyfriend?
janetrigs: YES, finding one to measure up is impossible. But who ever could?
Moon: has it hurt anyones relationship with a dude?
Brooke: since i got out of a very long term relationship, haven’t dated, saving myself for Rob. i know it’s fate
aramisette: Haven’t been in one since my Robsession, it’ll be interesting to see what happens when i do. thought my current crush resembles him a tad but i crushed on him before I crushed on Rob. My crush is freakishly similar to Rob: in looks and personality
Moon: im a serial crusher, i like someone hardcore for like a week and a half then i find some dumbass thing about them and move on.
janetrigs: Serial Crushing is the best
janetrigs: I was willing to give FunBobby (ex boyfriend) a chance even though he was not Rob, but bad kissing is just sucky. You gotta be able to kiss like Rob
aramisette: but you don’t actually know if he kisses well. Um, Check Check Check!

How can a mere mortal compete?

How can a mere mortal compete?

Moon: so knowing there’s “ROB” out there doesn’t help?
freya: He definitely sets a new standard. Does he meet all the criteria? Good looking? Funny? Self-deprecating?
Brooke: no, seriously though…they only thing that i think it will affect is me boning the next date way too soon
janetrigs: Exactly, that is why no FF
freya: Then the New Moon pics came out with the new six pack, and the bar was raised again!
Calli: i’ve always been picky as all hell
Calli: i had to take rob off as my background of the cell
Calli: because it became too daunting when i was out.  i’d be at a bar and get a text from someone and i’d be all eye flirty with a dude and then i’d look at the phone and see rob and it’d be done
Brooke:  calli, did you do that after that dude called me out on my background picture of my cell? Second time I got called out, figured it wasn’t good for the love life
janetrigs: I don’t have Rob on anything where you can see him in public, so I can flirt away. But I carry the RobQ about in my Dadcase from work

Calli rockin the Italian sparkly shoe and Disarono

Calli rockin the Italian sparkly shoe and Disarono

Are you out of the closet about your Twi/Robsession?
Moon: so does your family/friends know about your OCD? twi obsession? rob issues?
janetrigs: Everyone knows about my craziness. They thinks its hilarious. Just figure, I am nuts
aramisette: they make fun of me in a friendly way and BFF loves him, too 🙂
Brooke: I definitely spend too much time on twi-stuff, it fills the hole in my heart, at least partially
Brooke: but, I’m guessing the obsession will fade a bit once I start dating someone
Calli: okay so my friends know of my obsession to an extent. i call him my boyfriend
Calli: jokingly of course
Brooke: no calli, you were dead serious, i saw the photo-shopped pictures
janetrigs: But the Twi stuff has gotten me to meet a bunch of awesome people I wouldn’t have met, we can laugh at ourselves together
Moon: my family defs knows and i get some weird looks occasionally from them cause some of them, especially some of the younger married family members don’t get it but hey when you’re having fun…
janetrigs: I call him my man,…people still go now who..and I have to say the Twilight Guy. Embarrassed for them

Boys? To tell them or not? When in doubt LIE LIE LIE

i usually don’t care about telling girls, but telling guys has been another issue. besides mutemathguy who found out on his own
: Same here Moon. I found out in a roundabout way that a few of my good friends are obsessed with the books too
Okay so that is true Moon, I tell people that I go to this forum, blah blah about Twilight and met people, wouldn’t tell a guy about Robsession
Wouldn’t let a potential guy know he’s got serious standards to live up to
: At work, I get into conversations about Twilight and Rob with random drunk girls.
: I tell them about LTT?LTR
: Although at this point i enjoy the friendships more and the chatting then looking at the rob pics
: i blame everything i know on twitter though. so its cool.  i just say “guys i only know about rob being at the statue in central park bc twitter tells me so” however they do not know about: Calli author of twi theater. That would land me in a mental hospital

Meeting with your “Book Club” or” Old College Friends” and other cover stories
Moon: well sometimes i have to explain to people i cant meet with them or go out because im going to a SAM show or comic con and theyre like WHY? and that’s an interesting convo: “UH cause i write a blog about vampires??”
chelsea: YES Moon! trying to explain it is the hardest part!
Moon: like when chelsea met some of my IRL friends! that was an interesting night!
chelsea: Oh yes it was
Moon: they’re like how do you guys know each other? and we’re like wellll… uhhhh
janetrigs: Cousins, we are all cousin
chelsea: It was a little awkward at first, but the rest of the night was hilarious
Moon: yea worked out in the end. grinding on guyfriend always does that

Secret Lover?

Secret Lover? Book Club Member?

freya: I’ve got cover stories for everything. LTT is a “literary interest group”, Twitter friends are “old friends from college”…
janetrigs: Freya, you may be brilliant
Brooke: But, it’s tough to lie to your real friends
aramisette: forget it. i have to downplay how much stuff i know cuz then i think i get funny looks
freya: I’ve had to think on my feet!
Brooke: i’m okay with telling my parents oh I went to Boston and met up with an old friend from college
Brooke: we need an official cover…maybe make it a philanthropy? Oh we volunteer together
Calli: UC is an old friend i used to take piano lessons with and Brooke is an old family friend
Calli: the only saving grace i have is that i know a lot about celebs in general. so when i say something about rob i usually come right back with another gossip story to counter act
Brookie: but it is harder to tell your real friends the cover stories…i don’t want to lie, i just don’t want to fly the freak flag
janetrigs: The marines we met in JAXville couldn’t understand why we drove there to see SAM and were like “you drove 6 hours for that???” All of my RL friends know, they figure I’ve been happier since I’ve accepted my crazy
Calli: i think my friends/family/etc think i have a secret lover… which i do… his name is Rob.

The Rebellion!

Most of my colleagues look down on Twilight in general, so I really have to keep my mouth shut about everything relating to my interest.
freya: I was talking to an LTT friend on the phone and wouldn’t tell my mother who it was while I was visiting them on my vacation, and my mother asked “Is this your rebellion?!?”
janetrigs: Rebellions. hahaha
freya: I was like “Mom, I’m 34.”
Moon:  HAHAHAH “your rebellion” we’re so 15 again to some people!
freya: I know, right?

Is this your first time?

RIP! (Is that Patty?)

RIP! (Is that Patty?)

Moon: So is this a first celeb crush or one of many??? Any other fandoms you were a part of?
chelsea: This was my Cherry Popper in that Department
aramisette: first major celeb crush
freya: First time! I didn’t like NKOTB, or Backstreet, or anything as a young person.
Brooke: When I was 13, i crushed HARD on Jonathan Brandis (god rest his soul) i was going to go to a car show to meet him. parents grounded me last minute so I wrote a letter to him for my friend to bring along
chelsea: OMG Jonathan Brandis!!!
Calli: the last time i went this far for a celeb was probably JTT… and all i did was send away for a signed poster of him. which i got. booya.
aramisette: way more obsessive about Rob than any other because u all are ENABLERS! 🙂
janetrigs: I know, whatever….I just figure finding like dirty-minded people online to obssess with is better than hiding your obsession in your Hot Topic Twilight bag

Online news about Rob and Twilight: The female version of the male porn addiction?

f-a-k-e l-e-s-b-i-a-n-s

f-a-k-e l-e-s-b-i-a-n-s

Moon: i was part of the nsync fandom which ive talked about. which was almost/or AS crazy as this one just less mobilized
Calli: i think technology has allowed us to be MUCH MORE OBSESSIVE than it did in the past
Moon: YES twitter, blogs, text etc everything is instantaneous
Calli: so sometimes i question… is it ROB/TWILIGHT or is it just because EVERYTHING is so accessible?
freya: Technology has definitely HELPED. I don’t have to go out and buy the mags to get my Rob fix.
chelsea: the interwebs totally enable the addiction
freya: It’s like getting porn online. So much more discreet.
Moon: and EASIER TO HIDE! unlike the 3 foot high stack of mags with Twilight or Rob on them near my bed
janetrigs: I never was this obsessed, and know it has to deal with the Twi books, but also snarkiness of the older Twi/Rob fan is AWESOMENESS
aramisette: i think the Twitter virus definitely helps
Brooke: I don’t even need to get the “smut” mags like US weekly or anything anymore. twitter is fabulous alerts to new pics
freya: If it’s in a magazine, someone will get it on the web.

chelsea: Oh yes, the Twi file on my firefox browser is titled ” Writing Resourses”
Moon: HAHAHAHAAH! mine is just “twilight,” i guess i gave up
freya: My file is called “Cleaning Rota”–because I feel like a dirty girl when I access it.
Brooke: OMG, remind me if I do ever start to date someone new, to rename the folders in Firefox. How embarassing
janetrigs: Clear History needs a quick key
Moon: oh god! yes! and clear my history. Could you imagine THAT convo? “uh yea hi boy boy i want to date, i uh… like twilight and read smutty fiction written by 50 yr old women. DATE ME!”
Moon: you’ll love me for my brain, my body, my wittiness AND secretly my devotion to teenage vampires
freya: Fanfic is written by 50 year olds!
Brooke: it’s a total double standard though
chelsea: It is
Brooke: Guys can have porn out the wazoo on their computer, in their bedstand…but what..I obsess over a fictional vampire and i’m the pariah?

Keeping Duracell in business

Stock up!

Stock up!

chelsea: It’s basically acceptable for men to have porn and shit like that
Brooke: can we just talk about between the rob porn and the FF, that my right arm aches and I need new batteries
chelsea: Oh thank god for Batteries!!!!
janetrigs: Batteries are a blessing
janetrigs: So is Rob and Twi our porn, or is FF your porn??
chelsea: FF makes WAY better porn
aramisette: FF is my porn! haha
Moon: i haven’t read a ton but it’s basically like the written version of a porno movie, so i can see the draw
Brooke: it’s hotter because you are picturing characters you have come to love, not some Debbie does dallas slut
aramisette: i cant read that at work
freya: I will not speak of FF. I will pretend to be a prude.
aramisette: but looking at Rob pic at work realy quick is Ok
Moon: in a binder, or on the comp?
aramisette: i read FF on my phone now when i can’t wait to read an update when i get home
Brooke: computer and phone
aramisette: i bookmarked my faves on my phone so i can read at a moment’s notice when i need a fix at work!
Moon: A “fix” at work huh? So we should leave that bathroom alone then after you bolt from your office with your phone in hand?

Moon: So folks we have to pause here and take a “commercial break” but come back next week when this Single Ladies round table tackles the important issues of the perfect date, Robstens vs Nonstens, BJ’s for vacations? And we invent words like “ficked” and “bonged.” So don’t touch that dial!

And stay tuned for anything and everything Comic Con tomorrow!!

Until then my friends… this has been Living Single in a Twilight Kind of World

Play us out…

Special thanks to this round table’s lovely single ladies: Calli, Chelsea, Janetrigs, Aramisette, Freya and Brooke

Ready for Comic Con craziness? Are you following us on Twitter? We will be LIVE Tweeting from the event!
Missed the quad? So did we! Well they’re back and breaking down new Rob pics, get over to Letters to Rob

127 Responses

  1. OMG, that is effing hilarious!!!!!!
    Ahaha. Moon when you said you wanted to hump the movie screen I just about peed myself lol. Ahhh, I cannot wait for next week’s, you guys are hilarious!


  2. I’m married…
    and my right arm aches!
    Haven’t tried “batteries”.
    just saying…

  3. There’s too much goodness here…

    1. Thanks, Moon, for ruining my day. I didn’t have to click on the Living Single link…but I’ll now be singing it all day…”We are liiiiiiiving Siiiiiingle…in an 90’s kind of world, I’m glad I got my girls…”
    Thanks. Really.

    2. Jonathan Brandis…sigh…bless his heart. seaQuest DSV. Love me some Roy Scheider.

    3. Chelsea’s “Writing Resources” made me laugh. Awesomeness.

    4. I want Calli’s gold shoes. Fabulous!

    5. I love that Brooke is saving herself for Rob now that she’s no longer in a relationship with her ex. I support you in this endeavor, Brooke.

    • Can I just say my heart fluttered when I saw the picture of Jonathan Brandis? I fell in love hard when he cross-dressed in Lady bugs.

      Since moving out of the house with the ex, I have become a born-again Virgin. In fact, I wear a Rob-purity ring. Do you think that could be my in (or his “in”)? I mean an of age Virgin, who can resist?

      Watch out Rob…you, me, Van city in September. I’ll bring the heineys. And remember to be gentle!

      • Ah Ladybugs…..why did I think a young boy in drag was so cute? Yet, I did. And don’t forget the awesomeness of The Never Ending Story II.

        • Um, i said I crushed hard! In 1994, Freshman year of highschool, i scanned in a pic of Jonathan from a Big Bopper mag, did some photo editing and had him saying, Brooke, I love you. Yup and I’m pretty sure I did it for a computer class project.

          Also loved Sidekick (shout out to Chuck Norris!)

          Little known fact: did you know that Jonathan B. dated Tatiana Ali from Fresh Prince?

          JB had the hot sex hair before I knew what hot sex hair was…

          • OMG – I loved Sidekick because of JB! My brother would ask me why I kept renting it over and over again! He was my first major celeb crush!

          • LADYBUGS!!!!!!! i LOVED that movie!

    • I had to change the name of the file! It was originally labeled ” Twi-Gasm” and that’s not exactly subtle….

  4. tiffanized/F/33 gratefully divorced

    My Twilight/Rob situation helps me weed out the wet blankets and brothers with no sense of humor. Just last night I had a cute boy invite me to Comic Con 2010 where he’s offered to kidnap Rob for me if I deliver Scarlett Johansson to him. He even paid enough attention to my tweets to say that he’ll reserve a dumpster there for the four of us. For this, he’s been added to my short list.

  5. OMG. I can’t stop laughing. Brouhahahhaha!

    I adore you girls. =)

  6. I don’t know who Jonathan Brandis is. I must google it.

    This was great. Being single AGAIN I will need some fanfic for certain in the coming weeks!

    Total win on this post and I can’t wait for next week, while I’m on vacay to truly savor the Living Single.

    • Googled him and STILL don’t know who he is.

      Kirk Cameron was the hottie of my time.

      Yes, I am old.

  7. Trying to get a word in edgewise with you lot was pretty tricky. But I think I came off Ok. 😉

    Can’t wait for the continuation! We are quite the Chatty Cathys it seems and warranted a 2nd post! Nice! 🙂

  8. HAHAHAHA! Brilliant! Would have loved to have been part of this meeting of the minds 😀

    Awww @Jonathan Brandis…man, I loved him hardcore when I was 14.

    And Calli’s shoes are hawt!

  9. janetrigs – FunBobby

    Reminds me of Friends when Monica dated FunBobby who when sober was not very fun.

    Which got me thinking, is Rob drunk all the time, is liquor what is really in all those drinks he’s been carrying around the RM set? and if so would he be as awesome sober as he is drunk? I guess it really doesn’t matter becasue he’s still freaking hot

  10. “Calli: the last time i went this far for a celeb was probably JTT… and all i did was send away for a signed poster of him. which i got. booya.”

    Um we mentioned JTT TWICE this week. This is brilliant.

    This was brilliant, single ladies. Pure brilliancy

  11. Oh, and I totally agree with the fact that technology is an enabler.

    Back in the day I majorly obsessed over everything Leo and Titanic. I used to tape everything on the VCR (what would we do without youtube?)

    My twilight obsession brought me back to my 14 year old self right up to the fact that I wanted Kate and Leo to be together in real life as much as I want Rob and Kristen to be…

  12. We were effing rediculous. And I was obviously drinking too much as I added “s” to words that did not require it. Good Lord! Ahh hell, it was fun….Poor FunBobby.

  13. This post is total win and I’m looking forward to the next installment. RIP Jonathan Brandis.

    I’m 24 orginally from Orange County (shout out to Chelsea) and I’m “in a long distance relationship” (read: single or at least I will be soon since my boyfriend has heard me say “Why can’t you be more like Edward” or “Edward wouldn’t do that” a lot lately). Thanks a lot for ruining men for me forever, Stephenie Meyer.

    Rob/Twilight has inspired in me a fervency that hadn’t been seen since my Backstreet worshipping days. It’s a little different though now since it was okay to be totally open about that obsession back then, because I was appropriately 13 years old.

    All of my close friends are guys and they know I “like” Twilight, but they don’t know that I spend most my time reading blogs and ff. My best girl friend knows a little about the extent of the obsession, as I’ve gotten her involved too, but she also does not know about the secret stash of magazines and pictures on my computer.

    As far as my colleagues at the hospital? I’m the only female on a surgery service, and we walked into a patient’s room this AM in which the 60 year old mother (!) was reading Twilight, close to the end. Instead of losing my shit and being like “Did you get to the part where Bella gets tricked into going to the ballet studio and James is like about to kill her,” I just had to shrug it off and be like, “Hey, that’s a good book.” It’s sad, but for now, I have to keep my obsession in check.

    Because no one wants to know that their doctor is obsessed with a sparkly vampire.

    • I would go to you BECAUSE you are obsessed with a sparkly vampire.

      I like knowing my doctors are normal.

    • LOL “Why can’t you be more like Edward” or “Edward wouldn’t do that” a lot lately). Thanks a lot for ruining men for me forever, Stephenie Meyer.


      I’d love to know my doc loves Twilight. Maybe it’d make me less scared of him. You should wear a pin on your coat!

      • I’ve definitely thought about getting a twilight apple pin to subtly show my fandom so that if anyone asked I could just lie and be like “an apple a day…” The guys on my team would no doubt find out and tease me mercilessly though.

    • I’d have to disagree with you on this one. My favorite doctor ever became my favorite doctor by throwing my chart aside and having a 40-minute conversation about Harry Potter with me. =)

    • Woot Woot, The OC is representin! I was actually in a 2 year relationship when my “interest” began, and I’m not going to deny that some fictional, damn near ideal boyfriend character made me realize the..ahem, differences between my actual boyfriend and the one I was reading about, lol! Needless to say I am now “Unencumbered” and quite enjoying the status 😉

  14. This post made me feel compelled to leave a comment for the first time ever. I’m 23 and single and I can absolutely relate to every single thing that was mentionned. I feel kinda sad and stupid whenever I read blogs about girls who are married obsessing over Rob because I’m like, well, at least they have an actual life outside of Twilight. But thanks to this post, I’m starting to look at things differently.

    You guys are my HEROES. I cannot wait for the next edition of Living Single in a Twilight Kind of World!!!! It better be SOON!

    • oh YAY! Moon will be so glad to hear it.

      i feel left out… boo.. i’m 26/f/married.

    • Hi WELCOME to the Craziness!

    • Don’t even think about the marrieds having a life outside of twilight…they all ignore their husbands and kids to read hot fan fic all day. True Story, you can find most of them tweeting about it. 🙂 (oh marrieds, don’t get angry..I know you only ignore them half the time)

      I try to nicely balance my addiction with time out and about. I have to be a well rounded individual for Rob to love. (remember it is fate!)

      • OK, I gotta step in here and say this…

        I am married. I am 34 years old. I have 2 kids. And I have NEVER read a single piece of fan-fic. Because I’m a purist. I like to keep my Edward and Bella in their leg hitching/bed breaking/cottage-lovin’ modes. It’s just the way I am.

        But I will admit that I read the Twi script last year….before the movie came out. And I also read Memoirs (What Remember Me was first titled). Because leaked scripts are my version of fan-fic.

        • YEAH!!! You get a purity ring!! Non FF readers MUST stick together!!! YES!! There are still others out there. I am not alone!

          • Thank you for my purity ring. I wear it proudly. Like a Jonas Brother.

            (Wonder if Kevin reads fan-fic? Since he’s about to get some real lovin and all. He can trade in his purity ring for some hardcore fan fiction.)

        • Okay, should have said the marrieds are ignoring the husbands and children to look at Robporn all day. 😉

          You are in the minority, most of the twitterers that are married also read the FF. I apologize for my generalization. =P

          • No apology necessary, my dear. i wasn’t offended. I just really don’t read it. UC is constantly trying to get me to read WA…but no. I resist.

            Then again, I keep trying to get her to read the script for Remember Me. So that she’ll understand all these pap pictures.

        • I can’t read FF either!!! I’m weird and I want keep the image of embarrassed-to-put-on-lingerie-even-though-he’s-my-husband Bella and not get bodice-ripping-pull-my-pants-off Bella. I thought I was the only one!

          • Yipeee!! Purity ring for you too!!

          • Not all FF is the bodice-ripping kind. There’s all sorts. A flavor for everyone! no seriously though, if you want some recos on some that are “canon” ie keeps to the story and the characters, let me know. There’s some great stuff out there.

          • Brookie, stop trying to force FF on people. Staying pure from FF is kewl too!

          • Look at you Brooke…like a crack dealer pushin’ crack!

            And @janetrigs is like the D.A.R.E cop. LMAO

            I love you both.

          • Hahahahaha!

            I will reco FF to any and all that want it, too. Sorry Jodie. There’s too much good stuff out there.

            And Brookie’s right, there’s a flavor for everyone. Sweet, Salty, Hot and Angsty (I get those from a podcast I listen to. If u want to know which one, you’ll have to PM me as it’s too racey to mention ;-))

          • What is with this “wide awake” business? I keep seeing it on blogs, who wrote it? I’m still non-FF reader, A. because of my aforementioned reason and B. for fear I get any deeper into this Twi-world.

          • @ sft:

            That shit will change your world. It’s one of the most amazing things I’ve ever read.

      • i too feel compelled to comment on this post. i have posted only a couple of times, most of the time i’m just a seriel lurker. being single in this rob/twilight addiction is hard on us girls. thanks for letting us know that we aren’t alone and that its “normal”

        love you gals. you crack me up

    • I think you took the words out of my mouth! 23 and single as well, HOLLLAA!! lol

    • Love that the Single Ladies post is bringing folks out of lurkdom! Remember: we HAVE lives. They just include a generous helping of one gorgeous man and vampires. And That’s Normal!

    • Bienvenida, achc!! Welcome to the blog

      We’re crazy, but we love eachother very much, so please comment more often!

    • @lovindashow “change my world”?!
      I’m scared/tempted now! I don’t think I can do it though, not yet lol.

  15. As part of the single ladies equation I can say that this post really hit near my heart!! 🙂 LOVED it!!! I think the closest I ever came to something like now for Rob was with my love for Justin Timberlake in his N*SYNC days….but Rob well lets just say he’s in a league of his own!! 😉

  16. Pros-38-F-Married in TO…

    Love you girls…you know this. I support your cause. And your love for hot footwear. Great panel btw. I see myself gettin wit ya’ll to, ah…chaperone? Riiiiiiiiight.

  17. Just gigglesnorted when I saw this:

    Possibly related posts: (automatically generated)

    Heartless belligerent bastards!
    Living on the edge

    Wow wordpress, do you equate all posts that included single ladies and batteries to “Heartless belligerent bastards”? Cause in this case, you would be right. I am also “living on the edge” with my twi-addiction.

    WordPress…you know me so well!

  18. Brooke: I definitely spend too much time on twi-stuff, it fills the hole in my heart, at least partially
    but, I’m guessing the obsession will fade a bit once I start dating someone.

    Honey feeling this way is nothing to do with being single….and I’ll be surprised if it fades when you’re dating….I’m happily married for *cough, cough* 21 years and agree with “fills the hole in my heart” ,the hole has nothing to do with having or not having a partner but to having an inner romantic that longs for perfection ……
    ❤ this post and look forward to next weeks….

    • ruby, you’re dead on in that it has nothing to do with marital status or having a partner, though am not sure about search for perfection–see my thoughts below

  19. omg Moon, perfecto timing on this post! We need a single voice too!!

    Some exchanges recently in my life made me realize I might need to reel it back a little:

    1. I met up with a long lost friend yesterday for froyo along with another BFF and long lost friend was asking me about my love news or lack there of. l said there wasn’t anyone out there, and long lost friend said, “I think you’ve always been really picky, huh?” BFF interrupts–she’s the only one that knows about my Robward chastity–and blurted: “She’s saving herself for a vampire.” Long lost friend was super confused.

    2. Riding back on the subway after failing to see Rob on set, I muttered to BFF how I didn’t really like guys wearing flip flops. BFF said it was kinda necessary. Still staring at a passenger’s gross toes in flip flops next to me, I told her Edward would never wear flip flops, and she did one of her, OKAY THERE, CRAZY LADY looks at me.

  20. I gotta make a confession here. *Deep breath* The first time I watched the movie I thought Rob was really weird-looking and was horrified at what They had done to that adorable Diggory kid. It wasn’t until a friend sent me a link to some interviews on youtube that I became a Robsessive. He’s my rebound man after getting out of a dead-end relatonship. You know, hot.. goofy… smoulderingly sexy.. much too young for me.. seeming to be both sensitive and dangerous rebound man. It’s all about the Interview Rob. What woman doesn’t want a sexy guy that makes her laugh?

    Has he ruined all other men for me? Definately. But it doesn’t matter because we are obviously MFEO and it’s just a matter of time now…

  21. since Rob really was my unintended choice & this Robmania is so totally out of character (which is why i’m a practicing coward), i’ve spent hours not only indulging my Robsession, but also trying to analyze why–there is a touch of insanity involved & you swear tomorrow you’ll stay offline–then another of those heartstopping fotos comes onscreen & you know you’re done for–aside from the deep cover I have essentially adopted the view that once your reputation’s out the window, you can sin in peace–

    now to my lame analysis–i think it has basically to do with the way we were created (& whoever tries to tell me that the sexes are an ideal fit has to be either insensitive to reality, a blooming optimist hoping for tomorrow or crazy)–female sexuality is at base as hair-trigger as male, but it triggers differently–a fact that all too many men don’t/can’t/won’t see or are too busy with men stuff to bother about–

    this lad (& i choose the word advisedly) stood beside a volvo (my car) & fixed poor Bella with such a stare that i was lost & have yet to recover–so i see a foto & am transfixed by the blond hairs in his beard which are so white you can count them–or light falls across his arm & the hair shines blond–or he looks dead into the lens with a saturnine stare–

    no man really understands this because he reacts on a wholly different basis–if you could bottle it, you could probably cure marital discord in one fell swoop–

    then there is the additional problem that women want to discuss their feelings, whereas men don’t–it’s wham-bam, thank you, ma’am, all too often & i have a really busy day tomorrow so let’s get to sleep (you only hear about the headaches without ever hearing why)

    i didn’t /don’t feel dirty, just confused–then i discovered the safety in your numbers–thank God!

    a note to Freya in conclusion: 1) you’re a member of the German pantheon tho’ have forgotten which, 2) as a mere youngster be careful how you talk about the ability of your elders to write porn–Gloria Vanderbilt is 85 & even had a positive review in the NY Times–

    • I know I’ve told you ‘I heart you in the worst way’ previously…but I heart you bad. Truth. And if I had to choose a fake lesbian lover on the basis of comments alone…you’d be it luv. Write a book, I’d buy it.


    • My name is taken from the Nordic pantheon! Freya was the goddess of love and fertility. I’m Scandinavian, and have always been fascinated with the mythology, so that’s why I have Freya as a screen name. Very nice catch!

      And I am humbly chastised. I didn’t get a chance to say it, but occasionally FF’s have some outdated references, fashions, or music. When the main characters are teens or in their twenties, some references seem glaringly out of place. However, the stories themselves are HOT and rock my socks off! No comment was made on their ability to write the sexy stories!

      So much for pretending to be a FF prude…

      • Gahhh!! FF Blahhh

      • I didn’t take to mean anything offensive to the 50 year olds that might write FF. I took it as sarcasm..which is what Moon and UC strive for everyday. (And achieve, girls!) The wit and sarcasm throw around here is why I come. Twilight, FF, and everything involved isn’t perfect. I prefer to make fun of things and to laugh at the glaring bad parts…..but I’ll just as soon jump on the “good” bandwagon, too, and praise the good stuff.

        I’m babbling because I was up late….reading FF. Written by some sexually
        over(or possibly UNDER)stimulated SAHM. And I LOVED EVERY SINGLE MINUTE of it. ;o)

      • @freya: man, that’s the last time i take on a fertility (!)goddess!! ❤

    • Okay, I also wiki’ed Gloria Vanderbilt, and teh entry has this to say about her novel:

      “And there is also a unicorn, though, blessedly, it remains a bystander.”

      I am LAUGHING MY ASS OFF. For real.

  22. tracking back – Living Single in a Twilight Kind of World!… tracking back – Living Single in a Twilight Kind of World!…

  23. 19/Female/Monterrey,Mx.

    Before I start I must apologize for my lack of english…

    Ok girls, so you are totally rocking with this panel, and I felt truly identified with you…
    I’m in my third year of college (3 of 5) and i haven’t dated someone since I was in High school, and it doesn’t help my HUGE obsession with a 23 year old british boy, wich, thanks to you, just has been growing and growing.
    Like you girls, i can’t help compare rob with any possible crush, and the worst part is that i don’t really care, while i keep seeing pics of my beloved rob..

    I just wanted to thank you for make me feel I’m not alone, i don’t really like other sites, cuz in here i can find great sense of humor and awesome posts without all the stupid teen craziness.

    I love you girls and thanks for made me laugh every day! =)

    xoxo from mexico

    p.s. i’m going to orlando florida the next week, any LTTer/LTR gal there?

    • so glad you found us- you’re welcome for the laughter & your english is great!

    • Hola, estoy muy contenta que ustedes les gastaba el panel de mujeres solas y que identificaban con nuestras opiniones. Su ingles es fenomenal, y para que se saben, tenemos muchos que hablan el espanol y leen “LTT” y “LTR” y tambien usan el forum.
      Oh and I had my awesome friend translate this for your reading pleasure.

      • Thank you so much UC!!
        and janetrigs thanks for making
        your friend translate that for you! =)
        you girls are awesome
        and my new BFF (ok that sounded a LOT like Paris)

        Last night i changed my facebook last name from Cullen to Pattinson and what happened then??

        NOW I’ve discovered MY unicorn!! and the
        best part is that is a guy i had a crush on back in high school days…. today this is the first thing i saw on my facebook wall:

        Miguel: jajaja antes eras cullen que pasó? jaja esta mejor cullen jaja cambiatelo xD, yo amo a Alice LA AMO!!!!! JAJA acabé el libro de new moon hace como dos día y empezaré el de eclipse jojojo que emoción jaja me hice fan de la noche a la mañana 100% Alice jaja bye

        Translate here:
        Miguel: You were Cullen before, what happened?
        i think Cullen is better, you should change it again!
        I love Alice.. LOVE HER!! i just finished New Moon 2 days ago and i’ll start Eclipse, i really like them, and i think i became a fan from night to morning (don’t know if you use this expression in english, that would mean: really fast) i’m 100% Alice haha, bye

        can you imagine my excitement!!
        i’m really happy and obviously i read it and post him that we should meet at starbucks soon and discuss
        some twilight stuff… and if this ends up like us trying to do one thing…i wouldn’t mind haha..

    • Hola Rob’s mexican brand of heroine!!

      Bienvenida al blog, lo vas a pasar excelente acá, todas mis chicas acá son geniales y MUY simpáticas! Yo soy de Chile, y aunque no conozco personalmente a las niñas de acá, las quiero montones, así que bienvenida, disfruta tu estadía, y si tienes twitter, agregame, tengo este mismo nombre ahí.

      Saludos a Mexico!

  24. I love this! I want you to do a married panel! and a over 50 panel! and a newly married panel, and a unicorn panel, and a married with kids panel! AMAZING!

    I love you all! This was great! ANd single or married, we all stay for the friendships and the laughs! NO man…okay, only ONE man, is better than that 🙂

    And yes, a few of you are long lost friends or book club members! LOL

    • The marrieds make up the majority of LTT/LTRs readership..sometimes us singles feel like a small minority. PLUS, you get to take all the twi-goodness and take advantage of the hubs…I just have my achy right hand. 🙂

  25. Love this post. Somehow, I feel the need to share the story of my one-night-stand with a unicorn while on vacation earlier this year. But it might be TMI, lol. It felt awkward when I told my friends over dinner last week, hahahaha.

    • Nooooo you have to tell!!! Find us Twitter and give up the single girl goods (one night stand stories)!

      • “Find us on Twitter” is what that translate to!
        Twitter = Janetrigs, btw

      • Now that I really think about it…I guess I’ve been working my way up to sharing this story here–perhaps why I recently ventured out of lurkerdom at this blog? This is the perfect venue LOL.

        I was on a vacation/work trip earlier this year in LA…the best friend/wing-woman was with me, we went to a crapload of rock shows in Hollywood (we saw Sam Bradley at the Whisky-a-gogo!), went to a party at the Playboy Mansion, and were basically partying like rock stars the entire week.

        So, one night after seeing Peaches at the Music Box (CRAZY SHOW), we were having drinks poolside (read: wasted) at one of the Hollywood hotels. And I meet this super-hot Brit. Hot; kickASS entertainment job in London; hot; in town for work but dropping loads of cash at the bar because it was his birthday; sexy posh accent; hot. We were pretty snuggled up to each other already when he mentions he’s reading New Moon. He had liked the movie Twilight, and wanted to read all the books before the movies came out.

        Deal was pretty much sealed right there.

        Then he proceeded analyze both Twi and NM with me, discussing plot and symbolism, the differences between the book and the scripts, etc. In his Hot-Ass British accent. And, in a totally non-pansy manner, expressed how stoked he was to read Eclipse on the plane on his way back to London.

        Of course we went to his (huge) suite for more drinks after we closed the bar down. (Moon, what is up with the early last-call in LA? Unacceptable…) And yes, ladies, I will report that the book was on his nightstand, with the bookmark just where he said it would be. Ha!

        And he was sitting up in bed, reading it when I woke up in the morning. 😛

        There are hot single unicorns out there to be found, ladies!!! I swear!

        • H-O-T!!! Why can’t I find one of those??? Just one!!

          british, hot, with money in his poket, hot, with a huge suit, hot and with an accent??

          Oh, thanks for the story!!!!! Crap, I have yet another fantasy I need to fulfill! lol

        • You are fucking BRILLIANT!!

    • I wanna hear about it too!!! @DanySpike is my twitter!

    • Me too! Get all TMI on Twitter with us! I’m _Freya there.

      • LOL, found you ladies. 🙂 Yay for new Twit-buddies…my RL friends are all rather boring on Twitter.

        Figured keeping it here is better. And in the end, all the necessary deets are there, but I don’t feel like I scarred any pre-teens with notions of blatant promiscuity.

  26. I want to be part of the group!!!

    29/F/ El Salvador
    Im single and ready (jeje)
    Why Rob… why not? I can’t find something wrong in him… he even makes cigarretes sexy
    am I out? mmmm just with some of my friends… (they let me call Rob “sexy mampirro”
    I have a Little Edward Doll and a “I love boys who sparkle” pin
    Hiding the OCD… CLEAR YOUR HISTORY! CLEAR YOUR HISTORY! (every single day)
    FF is my guilty plessure… and nobody knows about it!!!

  27. I want to be part of the next panel??? can I?? can I??? Please!!! please!!! International fans panel?? spanish speakers panel??? please! please!

    • International fans panel!!
      I totally agree with you…
      and a spanish speakers panel wouldn’t hurt anyone..
      hagamos nuestro panel hispano
      … tu, danyspike y yo!!
      El Salvador, Chile & Mexico

    • I think we’d be banned from the blog! LOL

      Besides, it would be hard to achieve the amount of funny material we have here! And translating it would be just weird, not all jokes end up good in spanish!

      But who knows, maybe one day we’ll start a project like that 🙂

      LTT’s Spanish speakers! lol

  28. I totally thought Chelsea had said ‘unenCUCUMBERed’ ifyouknowwhatI’msayin’ instead of ‘unencumbered’ HA!
    Chelsea… Writing Resources… does that mean you’re using all this Twilight stuff to write some amazingly good ala porn FF?? I hope so!

  29. “Guys can have porn out the wazoo on their computer, in their bedstand…but what..I obsess over a fictional vampire and i’m the pariah?”

    Brooke . . . .I ❤ you so hard for saying it. SO TRUE.

  30. HAHA! Awesome Post. Love all my single ladies.

  31. Regarding FF…. or ‘twiporn’, as I’m known to call it (1-not that I actually ever talk about it, so I don’t need to refer to it as anything, and 2- I stole the term from the internet):

    I only started reading it a couple of weeks ago. I’ve only actually read 2 so far (hmmm… it takes a while to get through one because, ahem, I need frequent breaks). I googled ‘twiporn’ and got to a blog which had quite a big list with links (can’t remember the name, I’m at work and am not about to google ‘twiporn’). I would LOVE some recommendations…. And in case there was any doubt, I don’t want no family-friendly FF. I want sex. Lots and lots of it. (…..)

    Thanks! I’m not at all impatiently awaiting replies. No, no. Hurry, finish up, stupid work day!

    • Booooooo!!!!!!

      • LOL @janetrigs… I’m still with you on this one that I just had to blog about FF myself. I hate to be the stubborn takes-a-random-stand-on-something girl but I’m doing it for now.

        • DON”T GO!

          • Nope still no FF for me! It’s not too hard to avoid after I had a bad encounter with it back when I first finished breaking dawn and craved some more Bella and Edward. Whoever the author was of the scandalous piece I read and was not forewarned about, made Edward come off as rather lascivious and temporarily scarred me lol. Purist forever!

    • Go to the forum and there’s a whole section with pages of recommended FF most with a synopsis….

    • Hey! I invite you to go visit us in our blog:

      We talk about the FF we’ve read and we update at least once a week!

      See you there!

  32. unencumbered= WIN
    this post= DOUBLEWIN. You’re all amazing.
    what more can I say? oh yeah, FF owns me. I’m addicted and I love it.

  33. well i am single and loving every moment. but then again i am 21 don’t need a guy right know.

  34. I live vicariously through you ladies. Keep it coming. Although I love my husband and my kids, it’s nice to (innocently, of course) visit the grass on the other side every now and then.

  35. Wow, I want to hang out with you guys

  36. Thought you ladies might appreciate a few words of wisdom from another Twilight blog–comparing Taylor and Rob:

    “unfair taylor’s photo has been putting, because concerteza that of rob it is incomparavel”

    I know I’m convinced!

  37. […] Living Single in a Twilight Kind of World! Dear LTT-er’s On the heels of last weeks super successful Hardball:  Is Kristen Stewart pregnant? post, […] […]

  38. Ah, this post has made my day…

  39. 36(or 29-for-8th-time)/F/San Francisco

    Team Singleton, represent. I love this post. 🙂

  40. @freya: man, that’s the last time i take on a fertility goddess! ❤

  41. […] recently gathered together a group of single ladies to talk about all things Twilight in a little series I’m calling “Living Single in a […]

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