Happy Memorial Day

When you google "Twilight Memorial Day" (which I do often) This is the first thing to appear titled "Kristen's Memorial Day Salute"

Dear non-American LTTers who are NOT stuffing their faces with hot dogs today,

Today is Memorial Day in the US which is when we remember those who lost their lives fighting for our freedom. Or that’s Veteran’s Day. I actually don’t remember which is which, which probably makes me the worst American ever. I could just Wikipedia it and say it correctly to sound smart, but that would be a lie. Plus you all think my name is “UnintendedChoice” anyway, so it doesn’t really matter now, does it!? Anyway, today is a holiday in the US and Moon & I tend to throw crappy, not thought-out letters up on holidays because we like to save the good stuff when the majority of you are around to enjoy it (Plus we’re lazy on holidays). However, the last time I looked at the break down of our readership, I think our global readership rivals, if not exceeds, our American readership. Soooooo…. what to do? What to write about today?

I was trying to think of something to write today that would be strictly for the internationals.  Maybe I could post a funny video that would actually play in your country, or I could do a Spanish translation of “We are the Rob” and make a video. Or I thought of trying to find the Chinese version of “New Moon” and listen to “They’re Not Bears” and “Let’s Do This” and talk about whether or not it’s as funny in another language. But those ideas sucked, sooooooo Plan B.

Q: Why in the world is Kristen dressed like this?

I want to get to know YOU. And I mean that. We have such a great community here at LTT & sure I’ve emailed with a few of you- & met a few others (even 1 international!)- but most of you I do not know AT ALL. One of the great things of getting picked to interview Stephenie is that it brought a ton of you out of the woodwork. People who have been reading for OVER A YEAR and never commented or emailed wrote us to introduce themselves! We had so many people “Delurk” just to say something. I LOVE THAT. It makes those numbers of people we see who read the blogs every day REAL.

Anyway, I want to know about YOU, so I’m going to host “mini-interviews” and you’re going to respond, in the comments. If you don’t want to, okay- you suck (no just kidding- go eat another hot dog. Don’t google “what’s in a hot dog” if you’re not familiar. You’ll never want to visit our country) but I think this will be fun- and NOT just for ME! You guys read each other’s comments every day too- won’t it be fun to learn about each other’s Twi stories & life outside (or inside!) of Twi!?

I’ll answer the questions too, don’t worry!

Q: How long have been reading LTT:
A: Since I started writing it on 12/8/2008

Q: When did you read the Twilight books for the 1st time
A: On vacation (Hilton Head Island represent!) in August of 2008- the WEEK Breaking Dawn came out!

Q: Team Edward or Team Jacob
A: Duh, Edward

Q: Always?
A: Yes. Except I DID want Bela to kiss Jake back during the tent scene in Eclipse.

Q: How “out” are you about Twi in your “real life?”
A: Much less so than you’d think. Everyone knows I like it. Most people close to me know I run a blog, but VERY FEW know what it is and/or have been to the sites. I only told my bffs, sisters & grandma about getting to meet Stephenie.

Q: Top 5 people in the Twi world you want to meet the most
A: I’ll count down. 5. Big Daddy Lautner (I hope I’m drunk & have the balls to ask for a hug)  4.Kristen Stewart (I want to see if I like her in person) 3. Taylor Lautner (I think it would be fun) 2. Rob Pattinson (He’s either #2 or not on the list at all. I can’t decide) 1. Stephenie Meyer (And I’m NOT just saying that!)

Q: What are you reading?
A: I don’t have a lot of time to read, which is sad because I’m a reader, but on vacation I read two Jewish/WWII books that were great. The first was “The Book Thief” and the other was “Sarah’s Key” (Which would make a good movie. Actually both would) I highly recommend.

Q: Do you have Eclipse Plans?
A: YES! Flying to LA (with Mr. Choice- my hubby!) on 6/27 (sadly, after the premiere- I can only do one- movie with Moon or premiere. I went for movie) and staying for almost a week. I’ve claimed the Edward pillow & the empty spot on Moon’s bed already, so Mr. Choice will have to find a couch or something. There are a TON of gals we’ve met through LTT/LTR flying in for that week, so there is a big group (Moon literally bought 37 tickets) seeing the movie opening night (I know this is supposed to be for our international readers, but if you ARE in the US and/or driving distance to LA- EMAIL US– b/c we’re going to throw a BiG LTT/LTR shin-dig that week!)

Q: Three sentence bio (tell us where you’re from!)
A: I’m a 26 year old, married girl from the Philadelphia area of Pennsylvania in the USA. I do marketing for a living (for a hot tub store!) and I love cats, probably more than people. My husband is a musician and I’m Type-A, probably to a fault. Oh, and I like Twilight (oops- that was 4)

Q: Random Twilight Fact (about yourself)
A: I saw Twilight for the first time with gals I know, but no one I’m super close to. Crazy to think that some of my very closest friends are now in this Twilight-world, and I went to see the movie with a group of randos we just threw together because we knew no one else!

So now it’s YOUR Turn! Answer the questions in the comments so we can get to know each other. Okay, so it really is a holiday here and I really am going to be stuffing my face with hot dogs (veggie dogs- I don’t eat meat!) all day, but I promise to read ALL of your responses either after I feign an ankle injury after 10 minutes of volleyball (I hate sports) or tomorrow night when I’m niiceee and tipsy! Ready, set, GO!


Now really, I LOVE how many people around the world we’ve met through LTT & LTR. Whether it’s our friend Darja bringing Moon & I underwear all the way from Europe (They were from Mark & Spencers- she had to!) or playing “Words with Friends” with Jayde in Australia & using the chat feature so it’s like we’re texting or calling Alice_NaA my best friend in Belgium- it amazes me. Here we all are, in so many different places around the world- united by this one thing! TWILIGHT BRINGS PEOPLE TOGETHER! (I also love all of you I didn’t mention AND our American friends!  Basically everyone except JanetRigs*)

Our internet game is ridiculous: LTR, The Forum, Twitter

*that’s a joke about Janetrigs. I wish it went without saying after a year+ of us telling each other we hate each other, but I don’t think it does!

Memorial Day Salute pic from Radar other pic from google images

361 Responses

  1. Something weird happened today. I saw the above photo of Kristen and I finally get it, or her, or the fuss about her. It’s like my Kristen hymen has been broken! Now I have a reason to celebrate Memorial Day, that’s a pass on the hot dogs though.

    • Shit like her giving the finger just makes me love her and her badassness more. Srsly.

    • When I see images of Kristen like this, I realize just how much of a lid Summit is keeping on this kid. I predict that when this series is over, Angelina will be asking her for tips on how to have a good time. I say more power to her. Life is too short and it should be enjoyed to the fullest…. Although, understandably, this can’t be helping the proper English in-laws relations.

  2. Um, hi, I’m Jayde and I got teary when you mentioned our WWF-ing! Naww! That has totally made my day!

    Okay, questions:
    Q: How long have been reading LTT:
    A: I’m not sure of the exact date but the first comment I ever made was May 17th, 2009 on a post about PFach.

    Q: When did you read the Twilight books for the 1st time?
    A: It had been recommended to me oodles of times by people telling me I’d love it cos I loved HP. Well, I did not wanna get sucked into to some lamey teen-fest. I saw Twilight with a friend on New Year’s Day 2009, but only cos Rob was in it. That was it. I fell hook, line and sinker. It sadly took me TWO WEEKS to get my hands on the book because it was sold out everywhere. I read it slowly (damn work!) and finished NM, Eclipse and BD in Perth where I went for a holiday with friends. It was sofa king awesome. I even finished BD hungover!

    Q: Team Edward or Team Jacob
    A: Team Edward, duh! I do love Book Jake, though.

    Q: Always?
    A: See above.

    Q: How “out” are you about Twi in your “real life?”
    A: Semi-out. My friends know I’m “obsessed” but they have NO CLUE I read this site and many others and read fanfic. I would never tell them that ever. And any of the lovely ladies on here that I happen to mention I tell them I met them through my blog. Cos they all know about that.

    Q: Top 5 people in the Twi world you want to meet the most
    A: Ooooh. 1 – Rob. Duh. 2 – Kristen. I honestly believe we would get along so well. 3 – Kellan. He looks like so much fun! 4 – Ashley. I love her. 5 – Taylor. He seems so sweet!

    Q: What are you reading?
    A: I am a very, very fussy reader. I honestly don’t think I’ve read anything new since Twilight last year. I do want to read WFE though, if I can get my hands on it.

    Q: Do you have Eclipse Plans?
    A: Yes, thank God! I thought I was gonna have to fly solo but the girlies I went to Perth with who made me read Twi are coming with me to a midnight screening 🙂

    Q: Three sentence bio (tell us where you’re from!)
    A: I’m 20 years old and from Australia. I am studying education at uni because I’ve wanted to be a teacher since I was 7. I love my cats (Charlie & Edward – srsly – but not named after Twi), music, chick flicks, fashion, accessories, fairy lights, red roses, french provincial furniture and Nina by Nina Ricci perfume.

    Q: Random Twilight Fact (about yourself)
    A: Ummmm… I love this place because you all make me feel normal. I honestly feel that sometimes you get me more than my RL friends. And not just the Twi-lovin’ version of me.

    P.S. Stew was on an Aussie show tonight: she admitted to playing Mileys ‘The Climb’ while on her roadtrip and singing along to it. It makes me love her more.

    • I just posted my comment before reading any of the others and now I realize my last answer is kinda like yours, except you’ve said it better 😀

    • Dumb question. What’s WFE?

    • Aww kindred spirit! You are a teacher in training! I was a teacher (I’m an Admin now). This interview thing was such a good idea. I had no idea. How is it that in all our fic back and forth I never knew you also played WWF? That is awesome. I always looking for players who won’t quit on me after they get 20 point behind… wanna play sometime? I am, (duh) “Xylem”.

      It’s interesting reading all of these different genesis of Twilight insanity how so many people found their way into it through Rob. Whatever they are paying him, it surely is not enough. I mean he and his little grey pea coat probably tripled book sales. I will be buying Bree’s book, but only to see what she thinks of Rob, I mean Edward, I mean Rob…

    • You came to Perth for a holiday? I’m a Perthie!

      • I LOVED Perth!
        Such a gorgeous, relaxed place.
        We went and go our pic taken in front of the Cockburn sign bwahaha.
        And we watched sunset at Cottlesloe which was so, so, so beautiful (hint hint, future husband – proposal at sunset at Cottlesloe would be SO dreamy~! haha)

        • heh, i was on the train home when i read your reply Jayde, and no joke, I was just pulling into Cockburn station (twss).

          Cott is beautiful (love the Indiana, such a gorgeous spot for a cafe/restaurant and the building itself is beautiful too). You’d have a bit of a crowd at Cott for a proposal! I would say it’s easily our busiest beach.

          Where in Aust are you living then? If you’re an East coaster I guess the sunset over the ocean thing is a new experience, right? Did you stay long, did you hear down to Margaret River to check out the wineries and hot surfing types?

    • speaking of words with friends, I think i’m 2 weeks behind on my games with EVERYONE… life got REALLy BUSY! grr!

  3. Q: How long have been reading LTT:
    A: As soon as I saw Twilight I googled some things and I’ve been lurking ever since, laughing hysterically.
    Q: When did you read the Twilight books for the 1st time
    A: Right before the first movie – i have to read books before i see the movies. I got laughed out of the library asking how long the wait list was so I bought all the books and read them in 3 days.
    Q: Team Edward or Team Jacob
    A: Jacob
    Q: Always?
    A: Yes. At some point in the books it says the wolves imprint to make stronger wolves, so the next logical series should be Jake/Renesmee making some freaky babies and having some half-breed adventures.
    Q: How “out” are you about Twi in your “real life?”
    A: Um, medium? Mom, sisters, eldest daughter (why are you reading those books again?) husband, a few select ex-coworkers.
    Q: Top 5 people in the Twi world you want to meet the most
    A: 1. Moon and UC! 2. Kristen 3. Dakota 4. Stephenie 5. Daniel Cudmore (thud)
    Q: What are you reading?
    A: Alice I Have Been for me and Harry Potter out loud to my oldest daughter.
    Q: Do you have Eclipse Plans?
    A: I will see it by myself, happily.
    Q: Three sentence bio (tell us where you’re from!)
    A: I’m a 36 yo SAHM. I am an ex army brat who lives at the beach but hates it and would rather live in the mountains. I am a big kstew fan (ducks).
    Q: Random Twilight Fact (about yourself)
    A: I saw Twilight by myself after having a facial that i had a skin reaction to the whole length of the movie so that, when I walked out of the theater, my face was so red and swollen it looked like big daddy’s.

  4. Q: How long have been reading LTT:
    A: Well over a year, daily. Sometimes twice a day

    Q: When did you read the Twilight books for the 1st time
    A: The day after I watched Twilight on demand on Comcast. I know, I know, late to the party. Husband was away, watched movie drinking wine, stayed up drunk until 3am after finding Vanity Fair photoshoot video, drove to Borders at 8am to buy boxed set of all 4 books, hardly slept for 2 weeks reading them all.

    Q: Team Edward or Team Jacob
    A: Duh, Edward
    I’m not even deleting your answer and writing in mine. Nothing more to add other than TayTay is a cutie pie and too short to be Jacob

    Q: Always?
    A: Yes.

    Q: How “out” are you about Twi in your “real life?”
    A: Very much in the closet. Told two sort of friends that I read the books because they were the only ones in the airport book store that I hadn’t already read.

    Q: Top 5 people in the Twi world you want to meet the most
    A: UC & Moon, Brooke, East & West 🙂

    Q: What are you reading?
    A: Anything I can get my hands on – speed reader tendencies. In the last month: Free food for Millionaires, Pillars of the Earth, some Anita Shreve book, re-read Eclipse (good fan), American Wife by the girl who wrote Prep.

    Q: Do you have Eclipse Plans?
    A: So need to move to the west coast.

    Planning a repeat of my NM plans. “Cough, cough, feeling sick, not coming in today” hang up phone, go to 10am showing alone (might wear a LTT shirt this year in case other LTT’s in MA region), come home and watch all the promo stuff I’ve dvr’d. Watch Twilight DVD and drink. Husband comes home to me drunkenly trying to bash out Claire de lune on piano

    Q: Three sentence bio (tell us where you’re from!)
    A: 32 year old, married (just), outside of Boston. Director of Marketing but trying to get out of corporate America. God it’s awful that I’m so in the closet that I’m not giving away the bio info that might identify me to others.

    Q: Random Twilight Fact (about yourself)
    A: I have been using random Twi quotes for the last year to amuse myself.
    “it’s my birthday, can I ask for something?”, “you should put your seatbelt on” being two recent ones.

    • i LOVE taht you want to meet Brooke. she will too -texting her now!

      • She did just text me! This is so win. Someday, UC will plan an epic east coast gathering. Really, it could happen.

        • Brookelockart – you are a star of the Twilight world – and should you deign to visit the East Coast I would stand in line to get my picture taken with you 🙂 As long as I got to get those red ribbon things over my eyes 🙂

  5. Q: How long have been reading LTT:
    A: August 2009 (but have read all the archives if it counts!)

    Q: When did you read the Twilight books for the 1st time
    A: Last week of July 2009

    Q: Team Edward or Team Jacob
    A: Edward

    Q: Always?
    A: Oh, yes.
    Q: How “out” are you about Twi in your “real life?”
    A: Sort of out. My employees got me the Edward cut-out and they roll their eyes at my comments. They have NO idea how deep it is (twss).

    Q: Top 5 people in the Twi world you want to meet the most
    A. None of the actors. Chris Weitz, LTT/LTR gals, my internet pal Debbie, IKG, Alexandra Patsavas

    Q: What are you reading?
    A: Reading the In Death series by JD Robb in an attempt to clean my brain from all the Twi-fan fiction.

    Q: Do you have Eclipse Plans?
    A: Hells, yes. Midnight with my two main Twilight gals, IMAX the next day, and then a Twitter-Twilight group meet-up later in June.

    Q: Three sentence bio (tell us where you’re from!)
    A: 34-year old, freckle-faced, red-headed Basset-hound owner from Indianapolis, IN. Work in financial technology but degrees in El. Eduction and linguistics. Love reading, hiking, playing with my only niece, and have a deep and abiding love of inappropriately violent rap music.

    Q: Random Twilight Fact (about yourself)
    A: Got the nerve to start ‘talking’ to Twilight folks online when I realized my RL friends were not obsessed (that’s not normal, btw). LOVE the friends I’ve made

  6. 1. Not really sure.. I think I discovered you when you had that pic of Robsten way back in the summer I think it was.. (you know the one where we can see Kristen running into the cab..)

    2. First read the Twilight books on Christmas right the Twilight movie came out (but i hadn’t seen the movie yet, trust!)

    3.Team Edward

    4. Yes, ALWAYS 🙂

    5. My 2 closest friends and the chick behind me in history class know. The one in history class talks to me about it all the time which is kinda strange cuz i never thought anyone else would talk about it openly like that at school…

    6. Rob (obviously), Peter, Kellan, Jamie CB, Dan Cudmore

    7. Right now I am in the middle of the Dexter series – i just have to buy and read the last one! (I highly recommend it! Hilarious and cant put them down)

    8. As of now, no. last year for New Moon i just bought my tickets a couple days early. There was only a lineup out the door to get into the theatre because they were cleaning it so i think/hope it will be good this year 😉

    9. I’m a 16yr old girl just finishing gr10 and i live in Ontario, Canada. At the end of July every year, creepy old dudes that are trying to be Elvis come to my town and i video tape the weirdos that dance and scream cuz they think it’s Elvis.. Oh, and i watch as the old ladies swoon over the drunk dude with the huge belly and sparkly outfit/really greasy Elvis hair.

    10. Random Twilight fact: dont really have one.. (My dad went to Vancouver on a business trip at the time the holy trinity was doing reshoots and didnt even get me an autograph?)

    Oh and ps. “What are in hotdogs?” LTA – lips, tits, and ass holes.

    • You’re NEVER supposed to say what is in a hotdog. You just eat it, no questions asked. 😉

      • I watched the final ep of True Blood season 2 yesterday and Lafeyette said just that! Wise words.

  7. Q: How long have been reading LTT:
    A: I’m not sure of the exact date, but sometimes around the middle of August 2009. I didn’t start commenting until much later, but I’m not sure when it was. I’mma have to go back and look for that!

    Q: When did you read the Twilight books for the 1st time?
    A: Uh, this is terrible. I didn’t read them until August 2009. After I did, I googled EVERYTHING, and came across these little gems called LTT and LTR on SMeyer’s site.

    Q: Team Edward or Team Jacob
    A: Edward. But my stipulation was always that Jake had to end up happy. Which he did.

    Q: Always?
    A: Always.

    Q: How “out” are you about Twi in your “real life?”
    A: One foot sticking out of the closet. My BFF knows everything (and reads LTT/R now too!) but my fam has no idea the extent of it. I try to keep everything Twi off my facebook wall, and if I talk about it using my twitter I try to be cryptic. Sometimes it’s hard. Sometimes I wish I was less embarrassed by it.

    Q: Top 5 people in the Twi world you want to meet the most
    A: 1. Kristen, 2. Taylor, 3. Stephenie, 4. PFach (no one else wants him?), 5. Kellan. I debated about putting Rob on or not. I would only like to meet him if we were both drinking in a bar or something. Fan encounters on the street? Meet and greet? Hell no.

    Q: What are you reading?
    A: ‘ The Mailroom,’ ‘Bel-Ami’ (which I’m finding tough to get through, and ‘The Private Lives of Pippa Lee.’

    Q: Do you have Eclipse Plans?
    A: Screening with BFF. Probably not midnight. I want to actually HEAR the movie, so I’ll force myself to wait for a few days to see it. That’s my plan, anyway. We’ll see.

    Q: Three sentence bio (tell us where you’re from!)
    A: I’m a 20-year old political science student from Toronto. I have an intense passion for photography and traveling… there are very few places I don’t want to visit. I have two dogs whom I love sometimes more than the human members of my family, I practice yoga regularly, and I since I was 11 I’ve wanted to move to either NYC, LA, or Nashville (weird, I know).

    Q: Random Twilight Fact (about yourself)
    A: Both Jayde’s and Just me’s apply to me as well. I’ll choose something different: last year I went to Vancouver with BFF. The motivation for the trip may or may not have been that they were filming Eclipse there. That said, we did not stalk. Or even look for anyone, really. What the hell was wrong with us?!

  8. Questionaires are one of my favourite things in the whole world, UC. You’ve made me slightly less jealous that you lot are on vay-cay and I was at work today, and will be at work again tomorrow.

    Q: How long have been reading LTT:
    A: Since August last year, about a day after I started reading BD – I googled ‘Bella’s wedding dress’, and ended up at the funniest thing on the interwebz since lolcats.

    Q: When did you read the Twilight books for the 1st time
    A: In July, while I was the sickest I’ve EVA been.

    Q: Team Edward or Team Jacob
    A: I vacillate a lot. At the moment, Team Edward, mainly because he looks hot in the Eclipse screen caps!

    Q: Always?
    A: No. Sometimes I think he’s an a-hole (DCFC reference!).

    Q: How “out” are you about Twi in your “real life?”
    A: Not at all. Mr Cledbo knows, because he read the books before me (and recommended them, wtf?), and was the one who taped Twilight off Box Office, not me! Sometimes I meet another fan (not crazy ones, thankfully) and I get a bit…. emotional. I have to stop myself before the mental lava spewing volcano that is me erupts.

    Q: Top 5 people in the Twi world you want to meet the most
    A: Smeyer, of course.
    Anna Kendrick, because she looks super fun!
    Peter Facinelli, for being MIKE DEXTER.
    Xavier Samuel, because he’s Aussie, oh and hot as all get out
    ….and last but not least:
    The WANT, aka Kristen Stewart, to see if it’s a camera trick or if she really wants it that badly all the time.

    What are you reading?
    A: Wizard, by John Varley. Not great, it’s early work for him. I highly recommend Steel Beach, but I’m a huuuuuge sci-fi nerd so others might think it’s a bit much really!

    Q: Do you have Eclipse Plans?
    A: Despite totally not being a unicorn, Mr Cledbo has offered graciously to sit through the 3 movie marathon at our local cinema with me, because the girlfriends I went to New Moon with are in another state. Isn’t he sweet? I think he’ll be seriously creeped out by the end, personally…

    Q: Three sentence bio (tell us where you’re from!)
    A: I’m a 26 year old Australian, living in sin with Mr Cledbo and planning on staying that way, with our 2 cats in a house we just bought in Adelaide.
    I’m a statistician/public servant, which sounds boring but it’s not.
    I’m also in the Aussie army reserve, click here to see why I want them to send Kristen to boot camp if she ends up making An American Girl with James Woods.

    Q: Random Twilight Fact (about yourself)
    Twilight is the dirtiest secret I’ve ever had, made even dirtier by my unashamed adoration of fan fiction.

    Oh and I want someone to hurry up and invent a teleporter, so I can meet all of you girls and boys in person without it costing me thousands of dollars and a 12+ hour plane ride!

    You know, you could always come visit us. Ultimate LTT road trip, woot!

  9. Hello there!
    I’m going to answers some questions, so let’s go:

    Q: How long have been reading LTT:
    I don’t remember exactly the day I got here, nor the post I read…but I do remember that Lauren (from the pocket Edward adventures) brought me here!

    Q: When did you read the Twilight books for the 1st time:
    Well, I went to see Twilight in December 2008…I didn’t even know what it was about, but as soon as I watched it, I bought all the books (I remember I had one hour free so I got out of school, went to a bookstore, bought ALL the books, and went back to my Maths lesson. How cool is that?)

    Q: Team Edward or Team Jacob:
    Team Edward, OF COURSE! But I have always found Jacob rather funny…when he wasn’t flirting with Bella…so…yeah.

    Q: Always?
    Um, no. Because, re-reading the books, I wanted Bella to get Jacob, so poor Edward would come to Italy and live happily ever after with me. HA!

    Q: How “out” are you about Twi in your “real life?”
    Nobody knows I’m so obsessed with the saga. NOBODY. Except for my parents, who don’t complain that much. I seriously contain myself from making twilight-related comments about everything. For example, today one of my friends was talking about UNICORNS. And he’s a dude. And he read Twilight. And enjoyed it.

    Q: Top 5 people in the Twi world you want to meet the most
    5. Kristen Stewart, because she is weird, and I want to know if she’s THAT weird. 4. Anna Kendrick, cause she’s a GREAT actress. 3. Robert Pattinson, because I want to see how fun (and good looking) he is. 2. Taylor Lautner, so that he would fall deeply in live with me. 1. Stephenie Meyer, OF COURSE, to thank her a gazillion times and ask her to FINISH. THAT. MIDNIGHT SUN. BOOK.

    Q: What are you reading?
    I should be ashamed of myself. As much as I love reading, I’ve never read the Harry Potter saga…until now. I’m reading Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, and I’m REALLY enjoying it !

    Q: Do you have Eclipse Plans?
    As a matter of fact, I do! KStew and Taylor Lautner are coming to Italy on June 17th, so I gotta go to Rome! YAY! But I don’t really know if I’ll get to watch the movie or just see them.

    Q: Three sentence bio (tell us where you’re from!)
    I’m a student. I’m Italian. I can’t get a tan; seriously, I’m so pale, I sparkle in the sun.

    Q: Random Twilight Fact (about yourself)
    I went to see New Moon on my own. Behind me there were TONS of guys. REALLY! And one of them, during the scene when Possibility is playing, started to hum the song!
    And yesterday I went to the beach. It doesn’t relate to Twilight at all, but I wanted to say it. Out Loud.

    Love, Jay

    • I know. I too was late to the party when it came to Harry Potter. I started reading it only after Half-blood Prince came out. After that, I’ve finished the series countless times. I was more heartbroken when Sirius died than I was when Dumbledore died. Up until the Cullens came along, the Weasleys were my favourite bunch in the world.

      HARRY POTTER SPOILER IN NEXT POST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Yay! shout-outs make the cod happy :).

    Q: How long have been reading LTT:
    A: Since May 2009 I believe. The first post I read was the “what’s Remember Me about” post on LTR. I also happen to be the person who REALLY googled that and found you guys that way. But since you later used that in “how you found us” and I was still a little insecure around here, I didn’ t tell :p.

    Q: When did you read the Twilight books for the 1st time
    A: During my spring holiday (april 2009). Bella_NaA urged me to read them.

    Q: Team Edward or Team Jacob
    A: Team Edward all the way

    Q: Always?
    A: Yes.

    Q: How “out” are you about Twi in your “real life?”
    A: Not out at all. Most of my friend know I read and loved the books, but no-one knows Bella_NaA had a blog, twitter accounts and that we still email/talk/comment here and giggle about twi-related stuff on a daily basis.

    Q: Top 5 people in the Twi world you want to meet the most
    A: I like to read about celebs and see what they are wearing and who they are dating. But I honestly have nothing to say to them. So that would be UC and Moon and all the other fabulous LTT girls.

    Q: What are you reading?
    A: The Thousand Summers of Jacob de Zoet by David Mitchell.

    Q: Do you have Eclipse Plans?
    A: YES! Since last Friday. Apparently Ashley Greene and Xavier Samual are coming to Antwerp (which is just a one hour drive) on the 29th for the marathon and midnight premiere. And I had a looong phonecall with Bella_NaA on Friday night (who woke me up from my I-worked-all-night-for-my-friday-deadline-and-am-now-dead nap) , deciding whether we would go or not (yes, we had to discuss this, see Q6). But we finally felt it is our duty to go. Those exact words were used. We also decided it was a FAB idea to sleep in a tent in my parent backyard afterwards, FNAR apart from the fact that by the time we were planning to take 2 days off and also do some shopping and go out for drinks during the marathon and only go for Eclipse and to pinch Xavier’s butt that we were squee-ing and basically everything someone proposed was responded with a SQUEE and WOOO.

    Q: Three sentence bio (tell us where you’re from!)
    A: I’m 25 and from Belgium, home of chocolate, fries and beer WOOO (see, this is how we ended up with tickets to see twi-stars) I work on a statistics PhD in the city where Stella Artois is brewed, so I can literally smell the hops on my way to work every day. I can be extremely enthousiastic, but I’m actually an introvert (I love being around people, but it wears me out. I really need a few lazy hours every day to keep me in a good mood)

    Q: Random Twilight Fact (about yourself)
    A: euhm. I have the lamest nickname ever. And Bella_NaA is still to blame for that.

  11. Happy hols USAers.

    1. Erm, Last Oct?

    2. 1 year ago, 1st week in new job, no sleep all week.

    3. Duh, Jacob.

    4. Oh yeah, ever since Twilight p.101 I believe.

    5. The less they know the better. Played New Moon soundtrack on car trip with brother, mistake. Sis has recently dropped off fangirling RPatz !?

    6. Big Daddy-obviously, Moon & UC-of course, various LTTers, Julia Jones (for Fake Lesbian Relationship) and the mole on the back of Taylor’s right shoulder.

    7. Catch-22 (still)

    8. Midnight screening, no sleep, go to work and fall asleep.

    9. -Small town Australia now in the big smoke.
    -Love music, from Beethoven to PiL, writing, reading,yoga & camping.
    -Looking for a ‘Jacob’ so may send email to La Push general store, but must
    come without unrequited love hangup or monster child.

    10. It creeped me out that book Jacob was 7ft. And I’m asking for all your tolerance here, I don’t ‘get’ Edward or Rob, and yes I believe I am normal.

  12. Q: How long have been reading LTT:
    A: Been reading it since last year when SM mentioned you guys on her site, but started commenting at the beginning of 2010.

    Q: When did you read the Twilight books for the 1st time
    A: September 2008. I was on my UK trip in June and that’s when I saw Steph’s and Edward’s name popping up on MSN homepage while checking my email. Ordered Twilight online but didn’t read it until a few months later. I was finishing Atonement and a few of the Gossip Girls books. (crazy, I know.)

    Q: Team Edward or Team Jacob
    A: Edward all the way baby!

    Q: Always?
    A: Yes, always.

    Q: How “out” are you about Twi in your “real life?”
    A: My mom knows since I related the entire story to her and forced her to watch Twilight with me. My brother, because he sent me NM, Eclipse and BD, even though he thinks it’s the lamest thing ever. My three best friends and that’s it. I would die than mention anything Twi-related on my facebook (which is currently banned in my country). So all my twi-talks happen on Twitter.

    Q: Top 5 people in the Twi world you want to meet the most
    A: Stephenie Meyer. I want to give her a hug and thank her for writing the silliest book series about sparkly vampires. Taylor ’cause he seems adorable. Kristen ’cause she hugged that lil’ girl on Oprah. Peter ’cause he seems like a real down-to-earth guy. Chris Weitz because of the effort he had put behind NM.

    Like Jess said above, I wouldn’t want to have any fan encounters with Rob because I know I would be a terrible mess of nerves and he’d had enough of those. I would want to run into him somewhere random, without paps or security so that something about me catches his eye and draws him in. That’s a reallllyyyy long shot, I know. But a girl can dream, right?

    Q: What are you reading?
    A: I used to be an avid reader. Then I discovered fanfic. Holla UoEM!

    Q: Do you have Eclipse Plans?
    A: No. Don’t rub salt on my wounds.

    Q: Three sentence bio (tell us where you’re from!)
    A: I am a 19 yr old (I turned 19 just yesterday!) student studying architecture and I’m from Dhaka, Bangladesh. My family means the entire world to me. I’m shy among outsiders but really loud when I’m around people I know 🙂

    Q: Random Twilight Fact (about yourself)
    A: When Rob visited Japan last year with CW to promote New Moon, I consoled myself thinking that that’s the closest I will get to him. Pathetic, I know.
    And another one. I can’t talk about my obsession with ANYONE in RL. Since I’ve started commenting here, my chest feels lighter. I am not this open to my RL friends as I am with you guys here. I made a few precious twi-friends via LTT. Thank you for that. I feel like I have finally found my niche *cue sappy music*

  13. Q: How long have been reading LTT:
    Since March 2009, I started reading LTR in Feb and then eventually realised there was double the pleasure (TWSS) with LTT too.
    Q: When did you read the Twilight books for the 1st time:
    Feb 2009. My boss was obsessed and I had listened to her go on and on about how some dude called Jacob was so much better than that Edward (I know right?? Shes clearly insane) Anyway she gave me her worn out copy of Twilight one day and the rest is history..

    Q: Team Edward or Team Jacob:
    Edward all the way!

    Q: Always?
    Hell to the yes. I can’t go there with Jacob. Its wrong. its wrong!!!

    Q: How “out” are you about Twi in your “real life?”
    Well, I’ve managed to convert one of my friends after going on and on about the books/film/rob for ages, but sadly she has missed the point of my conversion and is Team Jacob.

    Q: Top 5 people in the Twi world you want to meet the most
    5. Chaske Spencer – I just want him to say my name. over an over…. 4. Billy Burke – Only if he has the cop tash! 😉 3. Kristen Stewart – I don’t get it. I want to know if I would get it in real life. 2. Rob – I know where to find some good dumpsters round here. 1. Buttcrack Santa – as if I need to explain this one!!

    Q: What are you reading?
    Right now I am finishing my Uni degree so its textbooks and revision notes!

    Q: Do you have Eclipse Plans?
    Hell yes! I have tickets for the 3rd July (Its not out here officialy unitl 9th July but we got preview) with my boss, her sister and my team jacob trator friend.

    Q: Three sentence bio (tell us where you’re from!)
    I’m 24 and from Edinburgh in Scotland. I am training to be a midwife and qualify in a few months. I also buy all my pants from Marks and Spencer (seriously, comfort over style everytime!)

    Q: Random Twilight Fact (about yourself)
    No one knows I read LTR/LTR. It’s not something I am ashamed of, but I like to keep it my little secret. Its my daily indulgance. I’ve been a lurker for soooooo long now because I felt I was to late to join in, yet I reffer myself as ScottishFriend! haha! Thats normal!

    S xx

    • Hooray for midwives! I know things work differently on that side of the pond, but my last baby was born at home with a midwife and the whole experience was AMAZING.

    • SFriend-
      Oooo I am envious! I wanted to be a midwife until I realised that A) as a single mom, that prolly wouldn’t be reasonable, and B) as someone who LOVES her sleep, being a midwife would be totally unreasonable.

      I am so proud of you!
      ❤ obava

  14. Q: How long have been reading LTT:
    Since April 2009. Only commented a few times, but love to read the posts and the other people who comment.

    Q: When did you read the Twilight books for the 1st time
    Summer 2007, before I even knew there was a movie. I saw the EW cover of Edward/Bella and thought did these photo shoot people even read the book?

    Q: Team Edward or Team Jacob
    I fell for Edward in the Twilight book.

    Q: Always?
    Mostly, but at times Jacob softened my heart.

    Q: How “out” are you about Twi in your “real life?”
    Not much. Only my immediate family, my sister, my mom and a couple friends. My husband tolerates my obsession, my kids think I’m weird, but my (twin) sister is my salvation as we are on the same page.

    Q: Top 5 people in the Twi world you want to meet the most
    1. Stephanie, 2. Rob (I want to, but then again not sure), 3. Kristen, 4. Taylor, 5. Peter. Actually I am unclear what I would say to any of them or if I could even speak.

    Q: What are you reading?
    I just finished Blood Root by Amy Greene and loved it. Almost done with On the Road because I had to see what it was all about and starting Life of Pi because my son said I would like it. Read WFE a few years ago and just re-read because you know I wanted to see if I could picture a certain someone as Jacob Jankowski.

    Q: Do you have Eclipse Plans?
    Yes, my sister and I will be seeing on Wed. and Thurs. I will also be dragging my husband sometime over weekend – he said he is kind of interested in seeing this one.

    Q: Three sentence bio (tell us where you’re from!)
    I am married with two teenage children and live in a relatively small town in SE Minnesota. I have a BS in Computer Science/ Math and work as a computer programmer for a local manufacturing company. Mostly confined to a wheelchair because of a physical disability, but blessed with a husband who takes very good care of me, so it’s all good.

    Q: Random Twilight Fact (about yourself)
    My teenage daughter had these books and I like to read what my kids are reading and besides the covers looked intriguing to me. Little did I know what I would get myself into as I have never been so involved in a book/movie franchise before. My daughter was totally turned off by the Twilight movie and never even finished Eclipse…that’s the best one!

  15. Awww *turns up sappy music*. We need to get you an Eclipse plan.

    Were you able to see movie Atonement? I must get book. The little sis. pissed me off.

  16. I’m not an international reader, but I get a kick out of reading everyone else’s, so I’m going to do this anyway. :p

    Q: How long have been reading LTT:
    A: Probably since around April 2009. I started commenting that summer.

    Q: When did you read the Twilight books for the 1st time
    A: Like UC, right around the time Breaking Dawn came out.

    Q: Team Edward or Team Jacob
    A: Edward. (Though, I totally wanted movie Bella to kiss movie Jacob in the truck in New Moon… I don’t like movie Bella.)

    Q: Always?
    A: Irrevocably.

    Q: How “out” are you about Twi in your “real life?”
    A: Oh, WAY too many people know, and unfortunately, way too many people know I write fanfic. Someone I know in RL found me as tuesdaymidnight on twitter. It’s really ruining my street cred.

    Q: Top 5 people in the Twi world you want to meet the most
    A: Like AliceNaA, I don’t actually want to meet any of them… but for the sake of playing pretend, I’ll count down, too. 5. Kristen (To give her a hug) 4. Billy Burke (For a beer) 3. Rob (Just to lick his jaw…then get arrested and/or detained by security) 2. Jackson (Um…if no one else wants him, I’ll take him. And by take him, I mean TAKE him.) 1. Stephenie Meyer (She IS Twilight.)

    Q: What are you reading?
    A: Michel Foucault’s “History of Madness.”

    Q: Do you have Eclipse Plans?
    A: No… sadly my plans keep getting foiled because of RL.

    Q: Three sentence bio (tell us where you’re from!)
    A: I am a 20-something graduate student (in philosophy). I was born in the East, grew up in the Midwest, and now live in the South (which FEELS like a different country sometimes… why are there so many cartoon pigs selling ribs!?). I am the type of person who will sit in the car in a parking lot and finish listening to a song on the radio before getting out.

    Q: Random Twilight Fact (about yourself)
    A: I’ve only seen New Moon twice.

  17. Hi. I don’t post much but love a survey.

    Q: How long have been reading LTT:
    A: Since the day SM mentioned you on her website.
    Q: When did you read the Twilight books for the 1st time
    A: Straight after seeing Twilight on opening weekend (had to see what the fuss was about).
    Q: Team Edward or Team Jacob
    A: You have to ask? I hate the dog. Team Sparkly Cold Dude!

    Q: Always?
    A: Always!
    Q: How “out” are you about Twi in your “real life?”
    A: Out enough to embarrass my kids.

    Q: Top 5 people in the Twi world you want to meet the most
    A: PFach, SMeyer, Billy Burke, KStew and Cathy Hardie!

    Q: What are you reading?
    A: Contagious by Scott Sigler, sequel to Infected.

    Q: Do you have Eclipse Plans?
    A: Of course. Midnight trilogy with friends.

    Q: Three sentence bio (tell us where you’re from!)
    A: I’m an Aussie and am a university lecturer. Going to the midnight premiere with fellow academics. I’m out and proud! Hee hee.

    Q: Random Twilight Fact (about yourself)
    A: I’ve listened to the audio books SIX times. It’s like coming home to old friends.

  18. @Rob’s so mo strut – Can’t reply to your comment so will try down here.

    1.We need to get you an Eclipse plan.
    2.Were you able to see movie Atonement? I must get book.

  19. Yeah, I can play along here, even though I’m domestic =)

    Q: How long have been reading LTT:
    A: Been a lurker almost since the beginning. It’s good stuff what you do here, ladies!

    Q: When did you read the Twilight books for the 1st time
    A: In August of 2009. I saw that Breaking Dawn was having a midnight release/reading at the library, which never happens, so I thought…this must be a big deal. When I tried to check out Twilight and was told it was like a 5 months waiting list, I knew I’d found something big. I drove straight to Wal-Mart, and bought the whole set. The rest is history.

    Q: Team Edward or Team Jacob
    A: Team Jakeward. I love them both too much to choose. (Ahem, threesome!)

    Q: Always?
    A: Yeah, I’ve always been a greedy whore.

    Q: How “out” are you about Twi in your “real life?”
    A: Pretty out. My friends and family all pretty well know my level of obsession and are pretty decent about it. I have a pretty good circle of crazy Twi-friends that “get it” and they help me when my hubby starts looking at me like he wants to move out.

    Q: Top 5 people in the Twi world you want to meet the most
    A: I’ll count down. 5. PFach, because Mike Dexter is a role model and I’ve loved him since forever. 4. KStew, because I sort of hate her, and I think that’s unfair since we’ve never met. 3. Taylor Lautner, because he’s gorgeous and legal now, thank God. 2. Rob Pattinson, although my mouth is going dry at just the thought. 1. Stephenie Meyer, because I dream of being a writer/enslaver of the human race someday too. =)

    Q: What are you reading?
    A: Well, I’ve learned that I can read the whole Twi series (in between work and such) in about 2 weeks, so I’ll do that again right before Eclipse. Right now I’m reading The Hunger Games (again) because the third and final installment is coming soon. If you haven’t read these, do it now.

    Q: Do you have Eclipse Plans?
    A: YES! I got a little circle of ladies and one unicorn hitting up the 12:02 am showing. I took off the next day to ensure that I wouldn’t fall asleep at work, which proves I’m smarter than I was when New Moon came out. We’ve got a little routine in the making: Dinner at Cheddars, then hours waiting at the theater with my laptop full of RobPorn. Fun times.

    Q: Three sentence bio (tell us where you’re from!)
    A: I’m a 29 year old Don’t-give-a-crapsten from Oklahoma, who is married to a man who does not love Twilight but lets me have fun to an extent without grumbling at me. I work in a cubicle, and am watched closely, so I don’t get to comment much on here, but I do read every single day, and I feel like I know a lot of you. I’m probably too old for this, but I just don’t care because I totally love it!

    Q: Random Twilight Fact (about yourself)
    I read most of Breaking Dawn at my desk at work. When asked why my production was low that week, I lied and said that I was having computer problems. My coworkers would alert me when a supervisor was headed my way, so that I would look busy. But ultimately, I did nothing but read frantically for about three days.

    • I have to say it. You have the Best. Screen Name. Ever.

    • Awww: but such a loving greedy whore.

    • Ha ha! I can totally relate to your last answer! I’ve read Midnight Sun at my desk a few times and I was so unproductive, too! People walking by would think I was focused and absorbed in my work and they were none the wiser! Awesome!

  20. Lets pretend I´m on my break and not int the office swamped with stuff to do…

    Q: How long have been reading LTT:
    A: Found you about a year ago when googling for pictures of “Edward” and loved being normal.

    Q: When did you read the Twilight books for the 1st time?
    A: Actually bought the first book because of the nice cover… I was trolling the international pocket section in Feb 2009 for some vacation reading and loved the red apple. Thought I recognised the story but the fenomenon wasn´t that big here yet (Scandinavia).

    Q: Team Edward or Team Jacob
    A: Team Edward, duh!

    Q: Always?
    A: Well, I was hoping that Bella woundn´t be that forgiving soo a kiss or two with Jacob wouldn´t have hurt…

    Q: How “out” are you about Twi in your “real life?”
    A: Half-way maybe. My friends know that I like Twilight and that even I can´t explain why. They do not know about my Twi secrets though, one which have been published here… My husband know since I´m reading half of your letters out loud to him (he doesn´t get it either) but thinks I´m more of a LTT than LTR girl 😉

    Q: Top 5 people in the Twi world you want to meet the most
    A: Hmm, not that many actually. 1 – Rob, if I could spend some time with him 2 – UC and Moon since you seem like my kind of people . 3 – Maybe Kristen

    Q: What are you reading?
    A: A picture of Dorian Gray

    Q: Do you have Eclipse Plans?
    A: Was hoping for a business trip to California so I could do the real thing but no such luck. Instead I have to wait for my friend that do get it to come back from Iceland so we´ll be a couple of days late to the party. But there will be drinks at the theather, swooning ower Edwardand then dinner, more drinks and dancing.

    Q: Three sentence bio (tell us where you’re from!)
    A: I´m 31-year old, Swedish and gets a suprising amount of compliments for my short hairstyle in the US. I work in regulatory affairs and have an almost PhD that might be a real one later this year. One of my largest talents is to do nothing and I´m quite proud of it.

    Q: Random Twilight Fact (about yourself)
    A: My former co-workers at the university knows a bit too much about my “normal” interest in Rob and I dread the party after my theisis defence that they´re arranging. Í´ll be out of the closet after that for sure…

    • I love how many PhD people there are around here. Just had to say that.

      • I love that, too!! We can be academics and still like Twilight… um… just don’t tell my dissertation committee.

        • I was at a party for the graduate students in our department who successfully defended this Spring, and someone somehow brought up how his 17 year old sister loves Twilight (said with eye roll). My good friend and colleague was like, “What’s Twilight?” I could have scared everyone with my detailed knowledge of jorts, bad wigs, (not) bears, and copstaches, but decided it would be career suicide. I love my little closet, and know that I am in the best of company in here.

  21. Q: How long have been reading LTT:
    A: Maybe for a year now? I started reading LTR first, and eventually switched to reading both.

    Q: When did you read the Twilight books for the 1st time
    A: A little over a year ago, after watching the first movie, thinking it wasn’t that bad, and books are usually better than the movies.

    Q: Team Edward or Team Jacob
    A: Team Edward, although both Edward and Jacob bother me in the books (Edwards a creepy depressed stalker, Jacob is immature and manipulative).

    Q: Always?
    A: Movie Edward? Always.

    Q: How “out” are you about Twi in your “real life?”
    A: Not much at all! I sometimes will let something slip, like when my little sister rants about how stupid Twilight is, and how “Ugly” Rob is, and how he seems like the kind of guy who doesn’t like animals, I had to step in and say something. Otherwise, I tend to keep my mouth shut.

    Q: Top 5 people in the Twi world you want to meet the most
    A:Truthfully? Not many of them. I’d be too shy to meet Rob and do something other then blush and mumble. I’d love to meet Jackson bc I absolutely thought he was incredible on Criminal Minds. And I really like Peter F’s personality.

    Q: What are you reading?
    A: Veronika decides to die because a friend suggested it. Its good.

    Q: Do you have Eclipse Plans?
    A. Nope! Didn’t seen New Moon until a month after it had premired. Will probably do the same unless I find a group of twifans to go with.

    Q: Three sentence bio (tell us where you’re from!)
    A: I’m from Vermont. I’m a 24 yr old single mom with a 4 yr old who rocks! He’s a special needs child, but still the smartest kid I’ve ever known. I am a professional Tarot reader, and every other week I teach classes on the history of witchcraft and wicca.

    Q: Random Twilight Fact (about yourself)
    A: I think I’m more obsessed with LTT, LTR, and the (normal) fandom then I am of Twilight.

  22. Q: How long have been reading LTT:
    A: I think I this site sometime in Jan or Feb 2009. Its a daily fix for me now.

    Q: When did you read the Twilight books for the 1st time
    A: I picked up a copy of the book while shopping at costco that day the movie came out. I waited a week before reading it. The downfall happened then. sleepless nights, running to the store to pick up the next book etc.

    Q: Team Edward or Team Jacob
    A: Edward, though I like Book Jacob too.

    Q: Always?
    A: Yes. No. Maybe. Yes. Sometimes you have to love the one your with

    Q: How “out” are you about Twi in your “real life?”
    A: There are a few that know and Mr. TK has caught on. Someone promise me that if I die that you will come to FL and clean out my computer file labeled ” Management” and the box under the bed. LOL

    Q: Top 5 people in the Twi world you want to meet the most
    A: Billy Burke. Pfach, Rob, Ashley and Rachelle

    Q: What are you reading?
    A: The Autobiograghy of Charles M. Shultz,

    Q: Do you have Eclipse Plans?
    A: YES! Myself and bunch of others are getting together at Chili’s for food and drinks before the midnight showing. I will be sure to drink a margarita in honour of the Coug.

    Q: Three sentence bio (tell us where you’re from!)
    A: Ugh, Lets see. Im married with two girls, one turns 10 on 6/2 the other is 6) I live in Central Florida about 20 miles from what was formally known as “the happiest place on earth.” Now the happiest place on earth seems to be connected to HHH. LOL

    Q: Random Twilight Fact (about yourself)
    A: I saw Twilight by myself about six weeks after it came out. There was one screamer in the theater (no it wasnt me – I was 2nd hand embaressed for her.)

  23. Q: How long have been reading LTT:
    A: For about a year now.

    Q: When did you read the Twilight books for the 1st time
    A: Over Christmas (2008) break.

    Q: Team Edward or Team Jacob
    A: *copy paste* Duh, Edward

    Q: Always?
    A: Yes.

    Q: How “out” are you about Twi in your “real life?”
    A: I’m outed to my closest friends. But being twi-outed in my country isn’t a big deal since no one really cares here. Even if they did, people here just don’t ‘fangirl’ over anything besides football (soccer) and beer. There’s no merch beind sold or any cast members popping for a visit. Not that it would make any difference if they did. I wouldn’t go there. I’m a proud biatch that would like to keep her dignity intact.

    Q: Top 5 people in the Twi world you want to meet the most
    A: 1. Moon & UC. Duh. 2. Jackson Rathbone – seems the coolest to hang out with (music aside). Plus, I personally want to see his bat skills. 3. Cathy the cougar – I’d like to get her drunk (can’t be too hard) and make her spill gossip from the set (again, can’t be too hard). 4. David Slade – just to see if he reaches my chin. Actually, I just want to be there when he finally breaks down about Summit folks.
    5. Elizabeth Reaser – there’s some hidden wit and snark there, I can tell. I want us to bff.

    Q: What are you reading?
    A: Umm… ff… Kidding.. sorta.. Actually, the last real book I’ve read was Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami.

    Q: Do you have Eclipse Plans?
    A: Yes. Hopefully a small gathering and mixing up original Eclipse cocktails before heading out to see the movie.

    Q: Three sentence bio (tell us where you’re from!)
    A: Croatian, architecture student, cat person. I have one, he’s huge and nameless. I smoke too much and love to dance.

    Q: Random Twilight Fact (about yourself)
    A: Sadly, nothing interesting. My twi-world evolves around internet, namely LTT, since no one around me seems to get it. *in my best KStew voice* You know what I mean?
    I sometimes pester my friends via Skype sending them trailers or videos all in hope to have someone to discuss it with. They indulge me occasionally. Oh, yeah, I’ve made a twitter account with the sole purpuse of conversing with Mr.Slade. He never converses back, though.

  24. Q: How long have been reading LTT:
    A: I want to say December 2008, but that might not be quite right. I know it was over winter break between 2008 and 2009. Most of my coworkers were gone and I spent a little too much time reading Twi-sites. Someone earlier mentioned finding you through Lauren. I did too. She had a link to you on one of her Pocket Edward blogs.

    Q: When did you read the Twilight books for the 1st time
    A: Fall 2008. I read an interview with Stephenie in Newsweek. (Totally serious…Newsweek. This is how lame I am.) I’ve always loved young adult fiction and couldn’t believe I’d missed something so big.

    Q: Team Edward or Team Jacob
    A: Edward. Always.

    Q: Always?
    A: Yes. By the end of Breaking Dawn, I didn’t completely dislike Jacob, but I was never tempted.

    Q: How “out” are you about Twi in your “real life?”
    A: Many people know that I loved (notice the past tense) the books, but very few realize that this is an ongoing thing.

    Q: Top 5 people in the Twi world you want to meet the most
    A: I think I’d be embarrassed to meet any of them.

    Q: What are you reading?
    A: I’m constantly searching for another fictional 17-year old boy. I read mostly young adult fiction. Waiting for Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins to be released.

    Q: Do you have Eclipse Plans?
    A: Going to go with my Twi-BFF (also a RL BFF who lives several hours away). We’re going to IMAX in the morning, out to lunch, and back for a second viewing that afternoon.

    Q: Three sentence bio (tell us where you’re from!)
    A: I’m 36 years old, married, mother of one (with one on the way). Currently I live in a midwestern university town.

    Q: Random Twilight Fact (about yourself)
    A: While shopping with my little guy, we saw a New Moon calendar with Edward on the cover. My son announced to all of Target, “I know that guy! He’s always on your computer!”

    • can’t wait for Mockingjay!

    • -My 4 year old does the same thing at Target too… “ooohh… Mommy, its your vampire!”
      -When my son went trick or treating last year, he received New Moon chocolate bars from a neighbor, and he told her that’s mommy’s favorite! I wasn’t sure if I should fess up that I love Twilight or Hersheys.

  25. I’m a damned American, but with that comes the idea that I can do whatever I want. PLUS I LOVE SURVEYS!

    Q: How long have been reading LTT:
    Since Stephanie Meyer told me to.

    Q: When did you read the Twilight books for the 1st time
    July 2009.

    Q: How “out” are you about Twi in your “real life?”
    They know and I don’t give a damn.

    Q: Team Edward or Team Jacob
    Edward, I guess. But if someone asks me, I always say, “Team Sex Hair” just to be confusing.

    Q: Always?
    Yes, dogs smell.

    Q: Top 5 people in the Twi world you want to meet the most
    Umm… Do my twitter friends count? I think they should. I only know them because of Twi. So, I want to meet StotheP and IllegalWL (and the rest) while I meet Rob so it isn’t as embarrassing. Or so that it is really embarrassing. Either way, I’d much rather meet twitter friends than celebrities. I’m adorable like that.

    Q: What are you reading?

    I finished the Hunger Games last weekend (GO READ IT NOW AND REPORT BACK TO ME) and I bought “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo” last night. I’m always reading Sookie Stackhouse books too.

    Q: Do you have Eclipse Plans?

    Ish? I plan to go with a fairly large crowd of family and friends on the 30th. Probably won’t go to the midnight showing because my LittleFang would probably stab me if she doesn’t get to see it.

    Q: Three sentence bio (tell us where you’re from!)

    I can read really fast but I have zero common sense. I love kitties and have three. My child is cuter than yours. 🙂

    Q: Random Twilight Fact (about yourself)

    I made fun of Twilight forever before I actually read it. I watched the movie in December 08 (a pirate hooked me up) and I declared it “the stupidest fucking thing I’d ever seen”. My little brother’s gf forced me to read the books last summer… and the rest is history.

  26. -started w/UC’s letter to Rob’s ‘girlfriend’ (CLASSIC)
    -began reading saga in late Aug/early Sept after Breaking Dawn came out (long story)
    -Team Edward
    -Always, even when I felt sorry for Jacob and/or was so pissed off at Edward because it was his leaving that led Bella to kiss Jacob (I felt what Bella felt when reading it, except that her feelings towards Jacob made me feel like I was cheating on Edward)
    -everyone who cares to take notice KNOWS I’m a ‘Twi-hard?’ Everyone at work, immediate & extended family…what’s that saying…”say it loud & say it proud?”
    -1. Josh Groban 2. Rob Pattinson 3. Peyton Manning 4. Stephenie Meyer 5. (Does Edward Cullen count? Cuz he’d be #3…else I’m stuck)…Sweeney Groban (yep, he’s a dog)…KStew???
    -does FanFic count (CW&IA)? Wildcard
    -taking group to midnight showing & that Sat, though I will be going throughout the first week, at LEAST
    -I’m gonna be 22 from the Central Valley (Fres-YES). In loyal to a FAULT. & I KNOW how to do CRAZY fandom (I’m also a Grobanite/Grobie)
    -Josh Groban unknowingly introduced me to the Twilight Saga (@ right place @ right time?) And the Saga has made me: open up to people, more sociable, & more friends (common interest)

    THIS (the ‘interview’/the post/the site/the community/etc,) is awesome! Have a great day (holiday or not). Period.

    • EDIT: (totes FAIL on me) 5 peeps in TWI world: 1. Rob Pattz 2. Steph Meyer 3. Kristin Stew 4. Taylor Laut 5. BooBoo Stew

  27. Q: How long have been reading LTT:
    A: Since Stephenie Meyer mentioned you on her blog. I think it was September 2009?

    Q: When did you read the Twilight books for the 1st time
    A: May 2009. I’m so late. I know.

    Q: Team Edward or Team Jacob
    A: Edward!

    Q: Always?
    A: YES!

    Q: How “out” are you about Twi in your “real life?”
    A: I get secondhand embarrased really easily so I don’t like to be all that “out” about it. Also, when I meet Rob (oh, it’s gonna happen!) he won’t think I’m a crazy fangirl.

    Q: Top 5 people in the Twi world you want to meet the most
    A: 1. Stephenie (I have so much to ask her! Like the smallest details in the books I want answers to. Also, I think we’d hit it off) 2. Rob (no explanation needed) 3. Ashley (she seems so sweet and I want to be her bff) 4. Kristen (I want to discuss music with her, she has a good taste) 5. Taylor (he’s just cute)

    Q: What are you reading?
    A: Into The Wild – John Kraukurer(?) great movie – great book.

    Q: Do you have Eclipse Plans?
    A: Of course. Unfortunately there is a big festival in Denmark in that week, so not all my bff’s are attending the premiere, but 4 girls and I are going.

    Q: Three sentence bio (tell us where you’re from!)
    A: I’m 18 and I’m from Copenhagen, Denmark. I’m going to America to be an au pair from august ’10 – august ’11 and I’m very exited about it.

    Q: Random Twilight Fact (about yourself)
    A: When New Moon came out I attended a really lame text-message competition (the question was: “what is the movie called? New Wolf or New Moon?) and I WON! So I got to see New Moon the day before the premiere in the biggest cinema in Scandinavia PLUS in the cinema I won an extra competition which was books, DVDs, New Moon soundtrack and a bunch of other stuff. Best. Twilight night. Ever.

  28. Great idea to have a questionnaire! And that picture of Kristen cracks me up…that’d be me if I was papped, only then i’d apologise for being rude & suggest they get *proper* jobs.

    Here we go:

    Q.How long have I been reading LTT? SInce about last September/August I think. I still think of myself as a newbie.

    Q.When did you first read Twilight? I listened to Twilight on audio, & then the other 3 when I had swine flu last August…have only just got them in print form.

    Q. Team Edward or Team Jacob? Do you even have to ask? Team Jacob ALL the way. Keep the sparkly one for yourselves my lovelies.

    Q. Always? Totes.

    Q. How out are you about Twilight in real life? Not much, except for being outed at my Xmas party by a colleague. I even hide it from myself sometimes.

    Q. Top 5 people in Twi world I’d like to meet? Again, I’m not really desperate to meet any of them for real, but if had to, I’d like to meet Moon & UC first (really), Moon & I could compare our Life Application Bibles, & then I’d like to meet Taylor as my 17yr old hot punk self, then Kristen as me now to say ‘good on you girl’. That’s it. Oh, actually, probably Rob to see just how much our accents match.

    Q. What am I reading? Currently House Rules by Jodie Picoult, but usually some crime novel.

    Q. Do you have Eclipse plans? Am hoping to get 2 other old birds to see it with me, am never taking yawning, fidgeting husband to Twilight Saga film again.

    Q. Three sentence bio…
    Pint sized vintage mischief from (Old) Hampshire UK. I have a Fine art/Literature Hons Degree, & am currently running a Youth Project for *at risk* youth in a local town & a church Youth Group in another one. Have great love of old punk & grunge, knitting & anything creative really, my beloved dogs, motorbikes…& God!

    Q. Random Twi-fact: I have just started to read Jacob/Bella fanfic to cheer me up due to some RL suckage.

    • 🙂 Team Jacob. Well that’s a whole two of us. For rlz?

    • tell me you had that Pink “Teen” study Bible with the section about sex that you’d read when the pastor was boring on Sundays…?

      • O. M. G. I totally had that Bible!!! I think it is still in my book bin in storage somewhere. What a trip that would be to read! I bet my “notes” are FANTASTIC. Ahhh, the 15 year old virgin in me…

      • I totally had that Bible! It’s still in my closet! Too funny! Did u grow up in the south UC?

      • I think that must be an American edition! And I was almost 18 before I gave God the time of day…so missed a lot of teenaged lameness!

  29. Here’s my answers, i’ll read everyone’s after I’m done.

    Q: How long have been reading LTT?
    A: Since January this year, I found it googling for (I think) Twilight mistakes and it took me to the anniversary thread discussing things like Edward’s sleeveless shirt. After wiping the tears from my eyes I bookmarked you and I’ve been hooked ever since!

    Q: When did you read the Twilight books for the 1st time?
    A: January this year, I saw the movie on Sky last November and New Moon at the cinema the week after. Was really hoping someone would buy me the books for Christmas but they didn’t so I bought them myself just after New Year.

    Q: Team Edward or Team Jacob?
    A: Team Edward!

    Q: Always?
    A: Ooooh here’s my little secret, I have an enduring soft-spot for Jacob especially in Eclipse, and in his POV in BD I just want to give him a big hug to make everything better!

    Q: How “out” are you about Twi in your “real life?
    A: Pretty “out”, its not like the first thing that I mention (Hi, I’m Cathy and I like Twilight – sounds like some kind of Twilighters Anonymous help-group!) but most people by now probably know I like it. There’s 3 of us at work that are big fans, and most women there have at least seen the movies and come talk to us about it at times. Plus my husband who thinks i’m bonkers “outs” me at every given opportunity so no chance really to keep it quiet!

    Q: Top 5 people in the Twi world you want to meet the most?
    A: Rob, Ashley, Peter, Rachelle, Billy – they all seem like they’d be good fun to meet. Actually I would love to meet Buttcrack Santa, in fact can I book him for my son’s school Christmas Party this year? Kids love those little bottles you know…

    Q: What are you reading?
    A: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire – for about the 5th time.

    Q: Do you have Eclipse Plans?
    A: Hopefully going to see it on the UK preview weekend with my friends from work, waiting on one to come back from holiday so we can book tickets.

    Q: Three sentence bio (tell us where you’re from!)
    A: I’m a 34-year-old married mum of 1 from the UK. I work part-time in a bank and the rest of the week is spent pretending to do housework and reading the blog and comments. I’m very quiet unless I’ve had a beer or two when I’m the opposite!

    Q: Random Twilight Fact (about yourself)
    A: My husband saw the movie before I did!

  30. Q: How long have been reading LTT:
    A: Hmmm sporadically in the beginning of 2009, but definitely by the end of March 2009, it was a daily bookmark.

    Q: When did you read the Twilight books for the 1st time
    A: December 2008. I saw the movie was coming out and the fans were utterly ridiculous. I thought I should give it a shot before I made fun of them 😛

    Q: Team Edward or Team Jacob
    A: Edward!

    Q: Always?
    A: Oh yes, Jacob and I had a bit of a falling out in book 4.

    Q: How “out” are you about Twi in your “real life?”
    A: Not nearly enough. My best friend and I have secret code words for Twilight related things. If it comes up in conversation, I will mention I’ve read them…I’m obsessed. We’ve even gone as far to have fake twitter accounts. I was Charlie, naturally. My mustache was always finely trimmed.

    Q: Top 5 people in the Twi world you want to meet the most
    A: 1. Charlie Swan (Billy Burke!) His mustache makes my life complete. I’m almost certain it could end poverty!
    2. Rob Pattinson. A girl can dream…
    3. Mike Newton (Mike Welch) He’s just the cutest thing.
    4. Victoria, and no offense BDH, you’re not cuttin’ it. I want the real thing.
    5. Stephenie Meyer…there are so many things we could talk about!!

    Q: What are you reading?
    A: Currently, I’m finishing “Catching Fire,” part of the Hunger Games series. It’s quite addicting. Next, I’m moving onto “Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell” It’s a big book.

    Q: Do you have Eclipse Plans?
    A: My Twibestfriend and I have already made a date. We go to the matinee to avoid raging teenagers from stealing the best seats from beneath us. We usually bond with the grandmothers who can’t really hear what KStew is mumbling. It’s endearing!

    Q: Three sentence bio (tell us where you’re from!)
    A: I’m almost 21 and I’m from New Hampshire. I am currently attending college with no idea what I want to do with my life. I spend my time reading, playing music, and working…fabulous!

    Q: Random Twilight Fact (about yourself)
    A: I went to the first movie by myself when it first came out. I had JUST read the books and I didn’t know what to expect. I was scared out of my mind. Girls were screaming in my theater…but somehow I loved all of them and I felt as if I’d known them for years.

    • Lol I SO agree about BDH. Bleh… I miss Rachelle Lefevre!!!!!!! BDH’s wig scares me.

      • I HATE Faketoria!!!!!
        Her wig just looks lame and stupid.
        I miss Rachelle 😦 She made me almost love Victoria!

        • Whoever they hired to do wigs for Eclipse… wow. Um, you kinda suck.

          It doesn’t help either that in that one trailer for Eclipse Victoria does this whole dramatic head turn to face the camera and her hairline is like, almost to her eyebrows. it looks like a parody trailer.

        • I hate Bryce’s wig, but I am a HUGE fan of her. Lady in the Water is probably one of my favorite movies ever. I think she could seriously pull this off. I also love the little girl who is playing Bree. She is amazingly creepy, esp. in Kingdom Hospital.

  31. Q: How long have been reading LTT:
    A: I think it’s been at least a year, maybe more. And I first heard about it when Stephenie Meyer mentioned it on her website 🙂 Just recently started commenting, because, ahem… I just figured out how to…

    Q: When did you read the Twilight books for the 1st time
    A: I’ll admit…right after the first movie came out. My sister had read them when she was in like, jr. high and begged me to read them but I refused. Because she was in jr. high. But now I love them more than her…

    Q: Team Edward or Team Jacob
    A: Edward.

    Q: Always?
    A: Yes. The first time I read Eclipse, in the beginning I started to rethink that, because Edward was acting like kind of a d-bag. But I got over it.

    Q: How “out” are you about Twi in your “real life?”
    A: My husband is probably the only one who truly knows the extent of how much I’m into it. Other people know I like it, and some of my friends like it as much as me so that’s cool.

    Q: Top 5 people in the Twi world you want to meet the most
    5. Kellan Lutz 4. Anna Kendrick 3. Taylor Lautner 2. Stephenie Meyer 1. Rob Pattinson

    Q: What are you reading?
    A: I’m reading “If I Stay” by Gayle Forman. Pretty sure this is a “teen novel” but it’s really good. And I read Jen Lencaster. If you don’t, do.

    Q: Do you have Eclipse Plans?
    A: Yep! Midnight showing with the husband (because you can’t get group seats together at the premiere unless you wait in line outside starting at like, 5 PM and it’ll be probably around 100 degrees that day so, me no likey…). Next day Eclipse with my sisters (all 5 of them) And we’re having a little “viewing party” before to watch Twilight & New Moon.

    Q: Three sentence bio (tell us where you’re from!)
    A: I’m 23, married, and I live in the Central California area. My husband and I are both musicians and music teachers and I am the second of nine children which is insane. I am also obsessed with “The Office” and I have made it my life’s mission to bake the perfect cheesecake…and I have succeeded 🙂 Time for a new life’s mission…maybe one that helps people or something.

    Q: Random Twilight Fact (about yourself)
    A: I’ve read all of the Twilight books out loud to my husband because he pretty much refuses to read in general and now he likes them (well, doesn’t hate them). Sometimes he remembers really bizarre facts about it which makes me think he really does like it more than he admits (like one time I told someone that Bella’s stepdad was a football coach, and he was like, “No, Phil’s a baseball coach!”. I think that’s the character he really identifies with… 🙂 And he’s Team Werewolf.

    AND, I LOVE this blog! And I wish I could meet all of you!

  32. Glad it’s not a holiday here so I can answer your questions while I should be preparing my kid to go to school. Here I go:

    Q: How long have been reading LTT:
    A: I started to read Twilight in 2009. Not sure when and how exactly.

    Q: When did you read the Twilight books for the 1st time
    A: Feb/2009

    Q: Team Edward or Team Jacob
    A: “Duh, Edward” indeed.

    Q: Always?
    A: Yes. I just started to sympathize w/ Jacob when he turned that annoying boy/wolf in BD book. SM forced me into this w/ tons of Jacob all over BD. Meh.

    Q: How “out” are you about Twi in your “real life?”
    A: Not that much. My family and closest friends knows I like Twi stuff but no one know about my obsession – I guess. If they know they keep it low. Only my BFF who I introduced to Twilight knows for sure.

    Q: Top 5 people in the Twi world you want to meet the most
    A: I don’t want to meet anyone from Twi world except Rob. So I don’t have a top 5. IF I wanted to meet another one… ummm Kellan – b/c I think he’s funny – would be fine. Thanks.

    Q: What are you reading?
    A: I’m reading Diana Gabaldon series and HP on LTT/LTR forum book club right now.

    Q: Do you have Eclipse Plans?
    A: Not really. I’m planning to watch it w/ that BFF I told you above and my sister (23yo) a week after the release to avoid the hordes of screaming teenagers.

    Q: Three sentence bio (tell us where you’re from!)
    A: I’m a 34 yo, married SAHM, from Rio de Janeiro / Brazil. I’m a cat person. I’m a LDS. I’m VERY shy and nerd. My husband is a tech guy who works on Bloomberg News. I do digital scrapbook. It seems that Imma TwiMom, but I’m not a TwiMom, if you kwim.

    Q: Random Twilight Fact (about yourself)
    A: The 1st movie being released in my bday should have warned me. At that time I already have heard about Twilight but I had that crazy intent to be the last person on Earth to read the Twilight books and – *sigh* – used to laugh at people who read Twilight (yea, shoot me). But I was in this community and was they talked about was Mr. Rob Pattinson as Edward Cullen <- this was my 2nd warning and I didn't listen to it. So b/c of all that noise about Robward Cullenson I gave up and read the books. Right after I saw the movie and the rest is history.

  33. Happy Memorial Day! I’m considered kind of 1/2 of an international reader, since my IP address says I’m in Canada but actually I’m an American, but here goes,

    Q: How long have been reading LTT:
    A: Unfortunately only since last summer when SM said she liked a site called “LTT.” I hadn’t visited any Twilight fan sites in ages and was desperate to find one that spoke to my conflicted self: I love the series, but sort of hate it too. I just didn’t fit in with any other site.

    Q: When did you read the Twilight books for the 1st time
    A: In summer 2007, after I was suffering from post-Harry Potter syndrome (I’d just finished the last book.) I read almost the entire series on sunny weekend mornings at a cafe here in Montreal. I still refer to it as “The Cafe Where I Read Twilight.” There should be a plaque commemorating this.

    Q: Team Edward or Team Jacob
    A: Books? Edward, ultimately. Though I love Jacob. Movies? Jacob entirely.

    Q: Always?
    A: I love Jacob really badly in certain parts of the book. I would probably choose Jacob for myself. But Edward and Bella were meant to be.

    Q: How “out” are you about Twi in your “real life?”
    A: Not too much. A lot of my close friends know I like the series (esp. since I introduced several of them to the series in 2007-2008 before it got super popular) but I think only my fiance knows that I routinely read a Twilight blog and occasionally buy Twilight themed merch.

    Q: Top 5 people in the Twi world you want to meet the most
    A: I can probably only think of two… Taylor because I want to be his friend, and Stephenie Meyer, because, of course. I’d be too embarrassed to meet Rob I think because I’d probably only think of the RobPorn on LTR the entire time, and Kirsten…well I’d be too embarrassed (read: afraid) after my comment on her last week.

    Q: What are you reading?
    A: I read everything! I go through 2-3 books/week, all genres. Right now I’m in the middle of “The Forgotten Garden”

    Q: Do you have Eclipse Plans?
    A: I sooo wish I could apparate to LA and be at the LTT shindig. Unfortunately I’ll probably end up seeing it either at midnight alone (boo) or the next day with the fiance who seems to want to actually see the movie opening day.

    Q: Three sentence bio (tell us where you’re from!)
    A: I’m an American living in Canada, formerly worked in marketing and sales and now do freelance writing, editing and translation. I love books and I paint in watercolour. I have my dad’s terrible sense of humour.

    Q: Random Twilight Fact (about yourself)
    A: Back in 2007 when I was desperate to discuss the books with other adults, I joined Twilightmoms, the only adult Twilight site I could find; I lied to get in because I was not yet 25 (22 at the time), nor married, and had no children, sorry Twimoms!

    • i joined twilight moms too.. UGH!! i decided they were too crazy for me and haven’t posted on the forums since i joined. I do read their blog tho cause they have interesting twi-news stories. i know that makes me bad.

      • Actually I think their news blog is one of the best ones out there, aside from their constant string of compliments towards everything Twilight (I ❤ snark). But they do a great job with the news itself.

        The message board was difficult for me to get into, too, and I haven't posted there after Breaking Dawn was released. I just wasn't feeling it. But I appreciate Twimoms for being there when I needed them!

        • the snark is why i come here!! i get the news through twi-moms and get the opinions and funny snarky-ness i need and crave here 😛

    • operarose, I do believe that you may be my Twi-twin. I’m going to follow you on twitter!

  34. Q: How long have been reading LTT:
    A: Since Alice_NaA told me to, somewhere around the end of May 2009. I remember I tried to advertise Alice’s and my blog in my first comment and got thumbed down, but then UC saved the day by saying that shameless plugs were how LTT first got readers. (Thank you, UC, or I would not have dared to come back, and Alice_NaA nearly killed me.)

    Q: When did you read the Twilight books for the 1st time
    A: On a backpack trip with my cousin in april last year. She was reading the book, got hooked, stopped sleeping, and since I had just finished my book, I picked it up in an international bookstore in Venice. By the time we flew back from Rome to Brussels, I was lugging the first three books around in my backpack.

    Q: Team Edward or Team Jacob
    A: Edward

    Q: Always?
    A: Almost always. Sometimes I find book Edward annoying. *ducks*

    Q: How “out” are you about Twi in your “real life?”
    A: Not so out. Almost nobody knows I ran a Twilight blog with Alice_NaA, except my boyfriend to whom I had explain the countless hours on the internet. Many people know I like the books and the movies, but if they only knew the extent of it…

    Q: Top 5 people in the Twi world you want to meet the most
    A: In my head, I’ve been going over how my first conversation with Rob would be (because that’s normal), but I actually don’t think I really want to meet any Twi-celebrities, and rather keep on dreaming about how it could be. I do however very much want to meet UC and Moon some day, and all you fabulous gals. For serious! If LA was not so far away and so expensive to get to, I’d be on a plane before June 30th.

    Q: What are you reading?
    A: I just finished East of Eden by John Steinbeck, which I think is my favourite book now, no kidding. Read it. I am currently reading ‘Seis problemas para Don Isidro Parodi’ by José Luis Borges. (In Spanish. I’m the nerd that pisses all the other nerds off. Ha!) Madame Bovary is next up. I love me some classics.

    Q: Do you have Eclipse Plans?
    A: Yes! The same ones that Alice_NaA explained, so I won’t repeat that here. June 30th shall be recorded as ‘The Day Alice_NaA and Bella_NaA pinched Xavier Samuel’s Butt’. We might try to make it into a national holiday.

    Q: Three sentence bio (tell us where you’re from!)
    A: I’m 25, living in sin with my boyfriend in an apartment we recently bought. I’m working on an economics PhD in the same faculty where Alice_NaA works, in Belgium, home of great fries, beers, and slow claps. I’m also half Brazilian and now planning a big trip to Brazil to attend my cousin’s wedding and travel around a little. (Alice_NaA thinks piranhas or crocodiles will eat me in the Amazon and she’ll never see me again.)

    Q: Random Twilight Fact (about yourself)
    A: I recently organized a quiz at our faculty and inserted one secret Twilight question about La Traviata from the Twilight soundtrack. Nobody noticed (Alice_NaA included).

  35. Q: How long have been reading LTT:
    A: Since last month.

    Q: When did you read the Twilight books for the 1st time
    A: in December of 2009, when watched the film on TV and fell in love for Edward.

    Q: Team Edward or Team Jacob
    A: Duh, Edward.

    Q: Always?
    A: Yes. Forever and ever, till the end of the world.

    Q: How “out” are you about Twi in your “real life?”
    A: Much more than I would like to be obsessed.The books two, three and four hurt me. I can´t feel comfortable with Stephenie’ style and vision of love. I think she killed Edward, and wrote another story, very very poor, etc., etc. But I could never forget Edward and looked for him in each page of the books. SM never again.

    Q: Top 5 people in the Twi world you want to meet the most
    A: 1. Rob Pattinson, 2. Catherine Hardwick, 3. David Slate, 4. Renesmee (yes, that boring creature, I want to tell her a few stories about older boys). Sorry I couldn’t resist to it.

    Q: What are you reading?
    A: Water for elephants.

    Q: Do you have Eclipse Plans?
    A: No. Absolutely.

    Q: Three sentence bio (tell us where you’re from!)
    A: I’m a 30 year old, single girl from São Paulo, Brasil . I’m a Portuguese teacher

    Random Twilight Fact (about yourself)
    A: I ‘ m learning to love LTT and would like to participate more and more, but my English is obviously poor.

  36. Q: How long have been reading LTT:
    A: umm…over a year, i’m sure.

    Q: When did you read the Twilight books for the 1st time
    A: right before eclipse came out.

    Q: Team Edward or Team Jacob
    A: Edward. always.

    Q: Always?
    A: Yes.

    Q: How “out” are you about Twi in your “real life?”
    A: ummm…not really. my family knows about it. some friends from work who are into it as well.

    Q: Top 5 people in the Twi world you want to meet the most
    A: 5. Big Daddy 4. Taco 3. Kellan (i like to try to corrupt people.) 2. Jackson (i have a bad blonde wig in my closet that he can borrow for BD) 1. Rob (duh.)

    Q: What are you reading?
    A: Nothing at the moment. I’ve been meaning to buy the newest sookie stackhouse book, but i have to save my money because i have to buy shoes for a wedding that i’m in in 2 weeks.

    Q: Do you have Eclipse Plans?
    A: Not currently. Actually, I think the girls from work and I were going to go at midnight. I’m younger than them buy 8 years, but they’re still super excited to go with me.

    Q: Three sentence bio (tell us where you’re from!)
    A: I’m a 21 year old (22 on June 26) girl from Pittsburgh (Sorry UC, I hate ALL Philly sports teams). I’m the second youngest of six kids (the youngest girl). And I spend too much money buying books, but i’m an English Lit major so I kind of have to.

    Q: Random Twilight Fact (about yourself)
    A: i was first introduced to Twilight by a girl who is going on a date with my brother today. She called to tell me that she has a hard time putting herself in Bella’s place because every time Bella mentions something about being clumsy, she thinks of me. (I’m a brunette who falls over while sitting down.)

  37. Q: How long have been reading LTT:
    A: I’ve been lurking for all of a week. Linked over from SM’s website and proceeded to get nothing done the rest of the day while reading archives.

    Q: When did you read the Twilight books for the 1st time
    A: January ’09. One of my infinately respectable, professional friends had been obsessing over her “vampire books” for months. I got curious.

    Q: Team Edward or Team Jacob
    A: Edward, almost always.

    Q: Always?
    A: The first read-through it was 100% Edward, but Jacob grew on me upon re-reading. And I lean toward Taylor over Rob in the movies. Sacrilege, I know.

    Q: How “out” are you about Twi in your “real life?”
    A: I’ll admit to reading them to somebody who asks. But books are double-shelved in our house, and they’re in the back. “I try to keep up with what my students are into,” is a really good excuse.

    Q: Top 5 people in the Twi world you want to meet the most
    A: Not really into meeting celebrities, but Stephenie would be fun.

    Q: What are you reading?
    A: I’m pulling things off my shelves and re-reading as getting to the library has become complicated with an infant. Last thing was Catherine Marshall’s Christy.

    Q: Do you have Eclipse Plans?
    A: Think I’ll see it with my husband when we go visit my parents this summer (yay for free baby-sitting!). We might have to lie to them about what we’re seeing to save face, though.

    Q: Three sentence bio (tell us where you’re from!)
    A: I’m a Washingtonian (so I can explain all the geographic inaccuracies in movie-Twilight to you) displaced to Atlanta after living all over the world. I’ve been mommy-tracked for about a year and my husband works crazy hours. When I’m a responsible adult I do stuff at church, bake and go for walks; when I’m not I read LTT 🙂

    Q: Random Twilight Fact (about yourself)
    A: My husband will read anything I leave laying around the house. After he picked up Twilight I had to fight him to get the book back and he devoured them with me over the course of a sleepless week or so. He claims to think the love story is dumb and only like them for the vampire-werewolf fighting. He then mocked them for a year until I re-read them and left them around the house again… and then he dove right back in.

  38. Q: How long have been reading LTT:
    A: Since Stephenie’s first mention of LTT about a year ago or so.
    Q: When did you read the Twilight books for the 1st time
    A: January of ’09. The Twilight movie came out in November ’08. I was totally unaware of this phenomenon, but finished the book in time to still catch the movie in the theatre. *a few times*
    Q: Team Edward or Team Jacob
    A: So Team Edward!
    Q: Always?
    A: Yes. Except there was a part of me that was rooting for Team Tent Threesome. My Twigirls and I often joke and call ourselves Team Tent.
    Q: How “out” are you about Twi in your “real life?”
    A: I’m pretty out. I hide my enthusiasm when I’m around people that might judge me and think I’m crazy. But almost everyone at work knows my love for Rob, Twilight and vampires. Fortunately, I have a group of 10 girlfriends that have OCD (Obsessive Cullen Disorder) and we discuss and reference Twilight daily.
    Q: Top 5 people in the Twi world you want to meet the most
    A: ROB!!!, ROB!!!, ROB!!!, ROB!!!, ROB!!! but if I have to choose others, Kristen, Stephenie, Taylor and Cam’s abs.
    Q: What are you reading?
    A: Well, just finished BD for the 5th time, also reading Middlesex for my book club- its kinda weird. Funny you mention Sarah’s Key, that’s on our future book club list.
    Q: Do you have Eclipse Plans?
    A: Gonna go see it with some girlfriends, probably a few times
    Q: Three sentence bio (tell us where you’re from!)
    A: I’m 32, married, live in Colorado, have 2 boys (ages 1 and 4), 2 dogs, 2 cats, 1 gecko. Love to snowboard, hike, swim, pretty much any outdoor activity, watch the Simpsons, drink wine and margaritas (and any booze) and love waking up to the LTT girls! My husband has never watched any Twilight movies with me, and I think I’m ok with that. Although he now gets a kick out of biting me.
    Q: Random Twilight Fact (about yourself)
    A: My co-editor and I of my company’s newsletter (about 130 employees at a Tax Resolution firm) wrote an article and snuck in a Twilight and Edward Cullen reference, and we were so proud of ourselves! Our love for Twilight seems to be seeping into our professional life, and we think that’s NORMAL!

    Q: What’s your favorite LTT post ever:
    A: September 23, 2009. The sideward straddle from Edward’s paddle..,missionary position, and this breakdown not suitable for Stephenie Meyer. That post was my favorite EVER!!! I think that’s when I came out of lurkdom and had to comment! Also, there was another post one day that I’ll never forget. UC- you showed your Outlook calendar being 32 weeks overdue on an assignment, and I thought that was awesome! I can totally relate to my decreased productivity at work having a direct correlation to my increased Twilight and Rob obsession.

    LTT girls~ “You are my life now!” Just kidding…kinda.

    Again, I am so proud of you girls for getting “randomly” selected to interview Steph. I can’t wait to hear all about it!! You deserve this!!!! xo





  40. Q: How long have been reading LTT:
    A: Since last summer

    Q: When did you read the Twilight books for the 1st time
    A: Just before the first movie came out. Read the book while I was on a trip to London, heh.

    Q: Team Edward or Team Jacob
    A: Edward

    Q: Always?
    A: Yes. Always.

    Q: How “out” are you about Twi in your “real life?”
    A: I try to hide it, but I think my closest friends sees thorugh it.

    Q: Top 5 people in the Twi world you want to meet the most
    A: Kristen Stewart, Rob, Anna Kendrick and Stephenie Meyer. Can’t come up with the last one. Wouldn’t say anything to them anyway.

    Q: What are you reading?
    A: To Kill a Mockingbird.

    Q: Do you have Eclipse Plans?
    A: If I can bring some friends with me I’m going to a midnight showing of all three movies. If no one wants to go with me, probably just normal premiere.

    Q: Three sentence bio (tell us where you’re from!)
    A: I live in Sweden (sorry for bad English). I also love cats and I love the summer, it’s the only time of the year when I live. I’m way too shy for my own good.

    Q: Random Twilight Fact (about yourself)
    A: A friend of mine suggested the books years ago and told me they were about vampires. Lame, I thought. I now regret I didn’t read them then.

  41. Speaking of Twi bringing people together from around the world….I’m so grateful for that…so sending love to robgirl,86 minuit_passe and rob’sbeanie!


  42. Ohhh Get to know each other day!

    Q: How long have been reading LTT:
    A: Umm…about a year. I think. Maybe a little more.

    Q: When did you read the Twilight books for the 1st time
    A: Sept-Oct 2008

    Q: Team Edward or Team Jacob
    A: Edward

    Q: Always?
    A: Always.

    Q: How “out” are you about Twi in your “real life?”
    A: Sometimes more than I would like to be. Family and friends know I like it, but I don’t think anyone knows the extent of my likeage. (aka, people don’t know I check fansites and this forum everyday..)

    Q: Top 5 people in the Twi world you want to meet the most
    A: 5. Kellen 4. PFach 3. Rob 2. Kristen 1. Stephenie
    (Did I really just put Kristen before Rob?! Well…they’re pretty much tied..)

    Q: What are you reading?
    A: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (holla! book club), with a little Eclipse on the side

    Q: Do you have Eclipse Plans?
    A: Not yet. I currently don’t know where I’ll be living that week (see next question) so I don’t know what theater to buy tickets from..

    Q: Three sentence bio (tell us where you’re from!)
    A: I’m 22 and from Missouri in the US. I just graduated college with an art degree. Now I’m searching for a job (which is why I don’t know where I’ll be living in a month..)

    Q: Random Twilight Fact (about yourself)
    A: Um…..rando twifact….I have a secret plan to get my mom to watch New Moon. She doesn’t have any interest in them, but she says random funny things so I want her to watch it. Also, I once participated in a Harry Potter and Twilight trivia contest in college. I was the only person in my group to know the majority of the answers.

  43. I just wanted to say that even though I’ve little idea as to what Memorial Day in the US is about, I really appreciate UC and Moon wanting to know about us all in today’s post. By reading today’s comments, I’ve come to know more about my fellow LTT girls. I hope that doesn’t sound too creepy or stalker-like 🙂

    Also wanted to give a shoutout to Sj who tried to reply back to me 3 times. I know how frustrating it can be when things like this happen. I have a crappy internet connection. Comment fail happened to me more times than I can count.

  44. happy memorial day! enjoy those hot dogs! 😀

    Q: How long have been reading LTT:
    A: Since some time in September 2009. On the daily.

    Q: When did you read the Twilight books for the 1st time
    A: September 2009 after much prodding from my older cousin “I know you’ll just looove it”. I thought she was full of it, but my boyfriend was busy bowhunting and I was going to be bored out of my mind for the next 4 months… little did I know the books would only occupy about a week of my time…

    Q: Team Edward or Team Jacob
    A: Team Edward… more like Robward.

    Q: Always?
    A: Definitely. No wavering here.

    Q: How “out” are you about Twi in your “real life?”
    A: Not out at all… my cousin and my two best friends, my mom and my boyfriend are pretty much the only ones who know.

    Q: Top 5 people in the Twi world you want to meet the most
    A: #1 Stephenie Meyer… obviously. #2 Rob, #3 Screenwriter Melissa Rosenberg (to lecture her on adding in stupid quotes, don’t try to be funny ’cause we’re gonna laugh anyway), #4 Peter Facinelli (i don’t know, i just love him), #5 Kristin Stewart… i am not robsten, I am don’t give a crapsten, I just think she seems like she might be kinda cool to hang out with for about an hour.

    Q: What are you reading?
    A: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince… I am one of those people who doesn’t like to jump on the bandwagon until I am sure that something really is good and doesn’t just have a million teenage fans for no reason.

    Q: Do you have Eclipse Plans?
    A: Seeing the triple feature at my local theater with my best friend.

    Q: Three sentence bio (tell us where you’re from!)
    A: I am a 26 year old Biochemist from Ohio. I have been dating my boyfriend for 12 years (yeah, i was 14 when we went on our first date – we were on and off during our sophomore – senior years of high school) and we are finally(!) talking about building a house and marriage. I love anything to do with water: swimming, boating, water sports, beach… and I have a dog daughter.

    Q: Random Twilight Fact (about yourself)
    A: My favorite book was Eclipse after my first reading. But now anytime I re-read the books, I have room in my heart to love them all equally.

  45. Q: How long have been reading LTT:
    A: I was reading SMeyer’s site and saw her post about loving LTT so i came here and fell in love with your snarky-ness.

    Q: When did you read the Twilight books for the 1st time
    A: I don’t remember the date, but i was reading my favorite Harry Potter blog and listening to their podcast when they mentioned Rob was cast as Edward in Twilight. They were talking about how much they liked the books and weren’t sure if he was a good fit. I bought Twilight used on amazon and the rest is history.

    Q: Team Edward or Team Jacob
    A: I am Team Switzerland. Edward oozes sex and would be the one i would want to “romp around” with, but Jacob reminds me of my best friend and when Bella hurts him i just want to wrap my arms around him and make him feel better.

    Q: Always?
    A: No. I do lean team Edward most of the time, but i fell in love with Jacob in NM and Eclipse.

    Q: How “out” are you about Twi in your “real life?”
    A: Very out. I am not like a crazy obsessed fan girl or anything but most people know i have read the books and have seen the movies. I do make Twi related post on FB, Twitter, and Myspace.

    Q: Top 5 people in the Twi world you want to meet the most
    A: SMeyer– I love her, and i think we would get along well (i liked The Host too!!) Rob and Taylor for obvious reasons, KStew cause… well idk really. Maybe to see if she can talk without acting pained about it. Billy Burke, cause i think he would be fun! and my dad was named Charlie.

    Q: What are you reading?
    A: Heir to Sevenwaters by Juliet Marillier. I DEVOUR books. I highly recommend the Kushiel’s series by Jacqueline Carey. It is 3 different trilogies.

    Q: Do you have Eclipse Plans?
    A: YES! the weekend after the premier I am taking my mom, my 11 year old daughter (it will be her birthday on 6-29) and my friend Nikki out for a girls night out to see it.

    Q: Three sentence bio (tell us where you’re from!)
    A: I am a 29 year old married mother of 4 awesome kids from Wabash Indiana. I love books, movies and music of nearly any kind. I am also nerdy and a sports fan, if that can even happen.

    Q: Random Twilight Fact (about yourself)
    A: My set of Twilight books have been read by no less than 8 different people besides me, cause i am a nice person like that 😛 My husband just finished reading The Host, so he might start on Twilight soon.

  46. Q: How long have been reading LTT:
    A: Almost a year

    Q: When did you read the Twilight books for the 1st time
    A: At home when I got a summer cold last year

    Q: Team Edward or Team Jacob
    A: Uh, yeah, Edward. And I’m one of the super-geeks with a t-shirt to prove it. (Which my husband bought for me, because he’s awesome like that.)

    Q: Always?
    A: Yes. I absolutely panicked when he left in New Moon — I scanned for his name through the rest of the book, and when it was so decidedly absent, I called a friend who I knew was a big fan and asked her if I should even bother to continue reading. She convinced me I should.

    Q: How “out” are you about Twi in your “real life?”
    A: I’m careful who I mention it to, but on the other hand, I’m a librarian, and most of my librarian friends are fans, so it’s ok.

    Q: Top 5 people in the Twi world you want to meet the most
    A: 1. Stephenie Meyer 2. Rachelle Lefevre (mostly because she’s Canadian and so am I) 3. Kristen Stewart – I want to like her and I don’t think her media persona gives me much of a chance… 4. Robert Pattinson 5. Anna Kendrick (had some of the best lines in New Moon, seems pretty cool. But she’s last on the list because I think she’s unfairly pretty and I feel my self esteem will take a major hit if I was forced to stand beside her.

    Q: What are you reading?
    A: Just finished The Glass Castle which was amazing. Not exactly the cheeriest thing I’ve ever read, but totally worth a read.

    Q: Do you have Eclipse Plans?
    A: Sadly, no… I don’t go to the opening night of the Twilight movies because I can’t stand the pre-teen swooning. I prefer to wait a couple days so that I can go and laugh/snicker/guffaw at the cheesy-ness without threat of being tarred and feathered.

    Q: Three sentence bio (tell us where you’re from!)
    A: I’m a 26 year old married librarian (not the stereotypical shushing kind). I live in Canada, and work in a hospital library where I do research for docs and nurses. When I don’t have my nose stuck in a book, I play cello (not well, I just decided I wanted to learn this year) and collect music of various genres.

    Q: Random Twilight Fact (about yourself)
    A: Friends of mine recommended that I read Twilight and I stubbornly refused for several months. (I don’t like things that get too much hype, it makes me feel like a sheep) When one friend gave me an extra copy of the book to take home, I didn’t actually plan on reading it. When I started reading it I didn’t like it and gave up quickly. Finally when home sick one week I read it and suddenly loved it. I’m now much more obsessed than the friends who were pushing me to read it in the first place!

  47. Q: How long have been reading LTT:
    A: Since at least late 2008, I can’t honestly say.
    Q: When did you read the Twilight books for the 1st time
    A: May 2008, because my sister thought I should read them, which she immediately regretted doing.
    Q: Team Edward or Team Jacob
    A: Duh, Edward
    Q: Always?
    A: Yes. Although, I seem to go Team Jasper in the movies.
    Q: How “out” are you about Twi in your “real life?”
    A: I wear a Cullen crest I bought from Etsy, I will talk about Twilight around people who know me, but that’s about it.
    Q: Top 5 people in the Twi world you want to meet the most
    A: Jackson Rathbone, Kellan Lutz (and so does my little sister, who wants a bear hug), Ashley Greene, Peter Facinelli, and Robert Pattinson.
    Q: What are you reading?
    A: I just finished reading “Dead in the Family” by Charlaine Harris
    Q: Do you have Eclipse Plans?
    A: Yes. I plan to be down in San Diego for vacation the weekend Eclipse comes out, so I am going to be sitting in the movie theatre I grew up watching movies at with a bunch of strangers I don’t know.
    Q: Three sentence bio (tell us where you’re from!)
    A: I’m a 26-going-on-27 year old, living in Oregon and hating it, who loves all things Vampire.
    Q: Random Twilight Fact (about yourself)
    A: I have an odd habit of trying to write Edward Cullen’s name with an old-fashioned flair. I tend to love the time period he’s from, so I pay close attention when they do flashbacks to see if the costuming is correct.

  48. This is a great topic for a holiday – it’s informative PLUS you’ll get tons of comments, cause duh, people like to talk about themselves. People like me apparently.

    Q: How long have been reading LTT:
    A: Since April 09 – right after I saw the movie and started googling all things Rob, found Robsessed and found #normal.

    Q: When did you read the Twilight books for the 1st time?
    A: I sense a theme here – in April 09 after my husband rented Twilight one night. Read them all in a week. Ridiculous.

    Q: Team Edward or Team Jacob
    A: Edward – I do not understand Team Jacob at all. Seriously. I mean, I get if you think Taylor is cuter than Rob (and by “get” I mean “I understand that you are 13 and don’t like body hair”) but I don’t understand wanting the character of Jacob to end up with Bella. That does not make sense.

    Q: Always?
    A: Yes. Of course. See above. There is not a moment in any of the books where I thought she would be better off with Jacob. Sorry, Stephenie, I heard you were going for a love triangle – but you just came across as Bella looking selfish in Eclipse. See: Hunger Games for real indecision.

    Q: How “out” are you about Twi in your “real life?”
    A: I think I once told a table of my closest friends and their husbands that I had seen NM 4x in the theater, but I’m blaming the mexican waiters and their devil tequila. Other than that, I’m not out at all. A few people know that I read it, and have seen the movies, but no one knows about my alternate alias on twitter or LTT or fic or the stack of Robporn under my bed. The only Twilight related thing on my FB page is the someecard about wanting to screw Robert Pattinson, and I’m hoping my pastor and my FIL don’t see it.

    Q: Top 5 people in the Twi world you want to meet the most
    A: 5. Chris Weitz. I think he’s great. 4. Bill Condon – he needs some prayer and guidance, dontcha think? 3. Kristen Stewart – I would like to compare our legs. I’m pretty sure my knees are knobbier, and I would like to know how someone that white never has visible bruises (unlike me). 2. Stephenie Meyer – I have lots of questions. LOTS. 1. Rob (needs no surname) – for obvious reasons. But mostly just to share a beer and make him play Rock Band. I need to laugh.

    Q: What are you reading?
    A: Besides a crapload of fic, I’m rereading Harry Potter and Water for Elephants with the flatmates, and also an Anthology of American Gothic stories for shiggles.

    Q: Do you have Eclipse Plans?
    A: I will be sitting on my couch stewing with jealousy for everyone who is getting to meet up in LA. Oh, also, my best friend and I are headed to the midnight show all the way across town so we don’t accidentally run into the embarrassingly zealous Twi-hards with whom we are unfortunately acquainted.

    Q: Three sentence bio (tell us where you’re from!)
    A: I’m 30, married to a younger hottie, and I have two little girls who are insane but cute. Born and raised in Memphis, to a family full of preachers and musicians so most of my life revolved around church or performing. I majored in literature in college and spend my non-mom time reading or writing – even for work as I’m part SAHM and part writer and social media manager for a web-based marketing company.

    Q: Random Twilight Fact (about yourself)
    A: I relentlessly and publicly made fun of Twilight before I saw it, enough to send a text to my bff when her little sister made her watch it one night that said, “We are no longer friends.” Then, not two weeks later, after I had seen the movie and read Twilight twice in 15 hours, I sheepishly sent that same friend a text that read, “I will understand if you never speak to me again, but I just read Twilight twice in less than one day, and I’m headed to Walmart to buy the next one. Feel free to delete me out of your contact list.” We’re still friends, AND she bought me a Rob calendar for Christmas.

    • I totally agree about the indecision in the Hunger Games. I’m almost nervous to find out how it ends. (Mostly because I think someone is going to have to die and make the decision for her.)

      • Choosing between Peeta and Gale is something Katniss needs to take up with King Solomon. I don’t think you can handle that one on your own. However – no deaths! I don’t want Peeta to be a consolation prize because Gale died, and I don’t want Peeta to die at all!!!! (I think I just outed myself as TeamPeeta because obviously, it only bothers me if Gale dies because it will hurt Peeta). Geez. Sorry.

      • Me three! I’d have to say I’m team Gale. Without the interference of the capitol she’d have end up with him.

    • Team Jacob doesn’t make sense, unless you are 13. Great. That’s it.

      Maybe the older girls are the wrong people to really like books two, three and four. That makes me feel sad, because Edward is an adult sweet sexy hot vampire man.

  49. Q: How long have been reading LTT:
    A: Umm, last Thursday? no, friday. uhh, i think it was thursday. yeah, definitely thursday.

    Q: When did you read the Twilight books for the 1st time:
    A: a week before Twilight came out of the theaters. I was so curious why the movie was such a big fuss around here. And everyone I knew who read it liked it and recommended to it to me. And there was even a guy asking me to read too! lol! yeah, unicorn.

    Q: Q: Team Edward or Team Jacob
    A: Are you kidding me? Who’s Jacob? Duh, only Edward for me, sorry.

    Q: Always?
    A: Kinda. Cullen Boys can be distracting with their Hotness.

    Q: How “out” are you about Twi in your “real life?”
    A: Not so much. I’m a closet twi-hard. Though, all of my classmates and closest friends know that i’m insane about it. But sometimes I need to shut up so I can’t scare people who aren’t close to me away so much. LOL

    Q: Q: Top 5 people in the Twi world you want to meet the most:
    A: 5- Kristen Stewart (i’m actually pretty scared of her. she’s a badass), 4- Kellan Lutz, 3- Peter Facinelli! 😀 2- Stephenie Meyer(I wanna personally thank her for creating Edward in my life, now i’m hopeless at everything. LOL), 1- (Do you really need the name? I suppose all of our #1s are pretty much the same) ROBERT PATTINSON- just wanna touch his hair and kiss him in his cheeks…if i can help not jumping on him. LOL

    Q: What are you reading?
    A: Right now? i’m reading what i’m typing. Kidding. well, most of the books i’ve bought are still on their standby mode and pretty much still inside their plastics coz i just don’t feel reading it. But i will… someday. But Twi Fanfics keeps me entertained for a while. 🙂

    Q: Do you have Eclipse Plans?
    A: I don’t even know what to feel on June 30. I’ve just graduated from High School and going to start college this June 14(i’m from the Philippines, btw). And me and my bestest friends are going to different universities. So, i’m partly sad that I can’t watch it together with them and forced to suppress my screams and stop twitching and clawing someone beside me whenever Edward comes out. Oh, and maybe suffer explaining everything again because i’m probably going with someone who doesn’t care about this. But, yes, I’m still excited with it!

    Q: Three sentence bio (tell us where you’re from!)
    A: My name is Jannieca. I’m from the Philippines. I’m taking up information technology in college, and a graphic designer. (i guess that’s 3. unless you put a period after college. that’s gonna be four. but i didn’t, so.. it’s 3 LOL!)

    Q: Random Twilight Fact (about yourself)
    A: I didn’t give a sh*t before about reading books, but i read some but not much… okay, i didn’t read. I’m a shy person and a noob with computers. But when i read Twilight, I think it, I was like a newborn on the loose and did every newly converted twi-hards did. I was High for a few months, like i’ve taken drugs and got people asking me if I was really using one. I’m not. Robert Pattinson is at fault, people! But the ones closest to me said reading Twilight was really my turning point and made me a sociable and friendly person, not to mention funny (their words, not mine). And it inspired me to write blogs and read more books and actually made me decide taking up I.T. in college coz i was, or still am, addicted to the internet and computers because i can’t stand a day without any twilight news. 🙂

  50. Oh fun! I’m a local, but I’m going to play too before I head off to my in-laws and gorge on hotdogs and other grilled foods.

    Q: How long have been reading LTT:
    A: About a year. Commenting only a few months.

    Q: When did you read the Twilight books for the 1st time
    A: August 2008 when a friend who worked in a book store loaned the first one to me. I immediately purchased all 4 in leiu of waiting for her to loan me New Moon. I was hooked.

    Q: Team Edward or Team Jacob
    A: Edward

    Q: Always?
    A: Yes

    Q: How “out” are you about Twi in your “real life?”
    A: Most people are well aware that I like the books, as I’ll recommend them to most anyone who’ll listen. But only one person in my RL knows the depth of my obsession 🙂

    Q: Top 5 people in the Twi world you want to meet the most
    A: Rob (duh), Stephenie (obviously), Kellan, Kristen, Taylor

    Q: What are you reading?
    A: I just started ‘The Bretheren’. Though I’m waiting for the 3rd ‘Hunger Games’ book to come out, and the 4th “Mortal Instruments” to come out. I just got done reading ‘Hush, Hush.’ I also recently read The Thorn Birds, and the 1st ‘Almost Human’ trillogy. Sounds like I read a lot, but normally I don’t have the time to read quite so much… its just I had a lot of time on my hands recently due to being home w/ a broken neck and nothing else to do.

    Q: Do you have Eclipse Plans?
    A: YEAH! My best RL Twi-friend and I both took the day off of work to go see it. I. Can’t. Wait.

    Q: Three sentence bio (tell us where you’re from!)
    A: I’m a 29 year old from Minnesota with my husband (who’s my highschool sweetheart and yes, his name IS Jacob Edward) and our kids. I work in Human Resources at a large corporation in the Twin Cities. And I survived a broken neck and TBI at the beginning of the year w/o paralysis and Drs say I shouldn’t have perminent effects from the TBI.

    Q: Random Twilight Fact (about yourself)
    A: I sneak in Twilight references at every opportunity. Not even on purpose half the time. Non Twi people are never the wiser, and it gives me little happiness.

    That was fun! Now I’m going to read everyone elses replies before heading to celebrate Memorial Day by stuffing my face. 🙂

    • I just read those books too! I can’t wait foe mokingjay to come out!

      • I know! I have August 24th marked so I can run to the book store and get The Mockingjay.

        I hate the wait. One reason I was glad I was a little late to the Twilight party, I didn’t have to wait, the 4th one had just come out.

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