Happy Memorial Day

When you google "Twilight Memorial Day" (which I do often) This is the first thing to appear titled "Kristen's Memorial Day Salute"

Dear non-American LTTers who are NOT stuffing their faces with hot dogs today,

Today is Memorial Day in the US which is when we remember those who lost their lives fighting for our freedom. Or that’s Veteran’s Day. I actually don’t remember which is which, which probably makes me the worst American ever. I could just Wikipedia it and say it correctly to sound smart, but that would be a lie. Plus you all think my name is “UnintendedChoice” anyway, so it doesn’t really matter now, does it!? Anyway, today is a holiday in the US and Moon & I tend to throw crappy, not thought-out letters up on holidays because we like to save the good stuff when the majority of you are around to enjoy it (Plus we’re lazy on holidays). However, the last time I looked at the break down of our readership, I think our global readership rivals, if not exceeds, our American readership. Soooooo…. what to do? What to write about today?

I was trying to think of something to write today that would be strictly for the internationals.  Maybe I could post a funny video that would actually play in your country, or I could do a Spanish translation of “We are the Rob” and make a video. Or I thought of trying to find the Chinese version of “New Moon” and listen to “They’re Not Bears” and “Let’s Do This” and talk about whether or not it’s as funny in another language. But those ideas sucked, sooooooo Plan B.

Q: Why in the world is Kristen dressed like this?

I want to get to know YOU. And I mean that. We have such a great community here at LTT & sure I’ve emailed with a few of you- & met a few others (even 1 international!)- but most of you I do not know AT ALL. One of the great things of getting picked to interview Stephenie is that it brought a ton of you out of the woodwork. People who have been reading for OVER A YEAR and never commented or emailed wrote us to introduce themselves! We had so many people “Delurk” just to say something. I LOVE THAT. It makes those numbers of people we see who read the blogs every day REAL.

Anyway, I want to know about YOU, so I’m going to host “mini-interviews” and you’re going to respond, in the comments. If you don’t want to, okay- you suck (no just kidding- go eat another hot dog. Don’t google “what’s in a hot dog” if you’re not familiar. You’ll never want to visit our country) but I think this will be fun- and NOT just for ME! You guys read each other’s comments every day too- won’t it be fun to learn about each other’s Twi stories & life outside (or inside!) of Twi!?

I’ll answer the questions too, don’t worry!

Q: How long have been reading LTT:
A: Since I started writing it on 12/8/2008

Q: When did you read the Twilight books for the 1st time
A: On vacation (Hilton Head Island represent!) in August of 2008- the WEEK Breaking Dawn came out!

Q: Team Edward or Team Jacob
A: Duh, Edward

Q: Always?
A: Yes. Except I DID want Bela to kiss Jake back during the tent scene in Eclipse.

Q: How “out” are you about Twi in your “real life?”
A: Much less so than you’d think. Everyone knows I like it. Most people close to me know I run a blog, but VERY FEW know what it is and/or have been to the sites. I only told my bffs, sisters & grandma about getting to meet Stephenie.

Q: Top 5 people in the Twi world you want to meet the most
A: I’ll count down. 5. Big Daddy Lautner (I hope I’m drunk & have the balls to ask for a hug)  4.Kristen Stewart (I want to see if I like her in person) 3. Taylor Lautner (I think it would be fun) 2. Rob Pattinson (He’s either #2 or not on the list at all. I can’t decide) 1. Stephenie Meyer (And I’m NOT just saying that!)

Q: What are you reading?
A: I don’t have a lot of time to read, which is sad because I’m a reader, but on vacation I read two Jewish/WWII books that were great. The first was “The Book Thief” and the other was “Sarah’s Key” (Which would make a good movie. Actually both would) I highly recommend.

Q: Do you have Eclipse Plans?
A: YES! Flying to LA (with Mr. Choice- my hubby!) on 6/27 (sadly, after the premiere- I can only do one- movie with Moon or premiere. I went for movie) and staying for almost a week. I’ve claimed the Edward pillow & the empty spot on Moon’s bed already, so Mr. Choice will have to find a couch or something. There are a TON of gals we’ve met through LTT/LTR flying in for that week, so there is a big group (Moon literally bought 37 tickets) seeing the movie opening night (I know this is supposed to be for our international readers, but if you ARE in the US and/or driving distance to LA- EMAIL US– b/c we’re going to throw a BiG LTT/LTR shin-dig that week!)

Q: Three sentence bio (tell us where you’re from!)
A: I’m a 26 year old, married girl from the Philadelphia area of Pennsylvania in the USA. I do marketing for a living (for a hot tub store!) and I love cats, probably more than people. My husband is a musician and I’m Type-A, probably to a fault. Oh, and I like Twilight (oops- that was 4)

Q: Random Twilight Fact (about yourself)
A: I saw Twilight for the first time with gals I know, but no one I’m super close to. Crazy to think that some of my very closest friends are now in this Twilight-world, and I went to see the movie with a group of randos we just threw together because we knew no one else!

So now it’s YOUR Turn! Answer the questions in the comments so we can get to know each other. Okay, so it really is a holiday here and I really am going to be stuffing my face with hot dogs (veggie dogs- I don’t eat meat!) all day, but I promise to read ALL of your responses either after I feign an ankle injury after 10 minutes of volleyball (I hate sports) or tomorrow night when I’m niiceee and tipsy! Ready, set, GO!


Now really, I LOVE how many people around the world we’ve met through LTT & LTR. Whether it’s our friend Darja bringing Moon & I underwear all the way from Europe (They were from Mark & Spencers- she had to!) or playing “Words with Friends” with Jayde in Australia & using the chat feature so it’s like we’re texting or calling Alice_NaA my best friend in Belgium- it amazes me. Here we all are, in so many different places around the world- united by this one thing! TWILIGHT BRINGS PEOPLE TOGETHER! (I also love all of you I didn’t mention AND our American friends!  Basically everyone except JanetRigs*)

Our internet game is ridiculous: LTR, The Forum, Twitter

*that’s a joke about Janetrigs. I wish it went without saying after a year+ of us telling each other we hate each other, but I don’t think it does!

Memorial Day Salute pic from Radar other pic from google images

361 Responses

  1. Q: How long have been reading LTT:
    A: I think I found ya’ll sometime in fall 2008

    Q: When did you read the Twilight books for the 1st time
    A: August 2008

    Q: Team Edward or Team Jacob
    A: Edward

    Q: Always?
    A: Usually

    Q: How “out” are you about Twi in your “real life?”
    A: I’m pretty out. My family knows I’m obsessed and I am referred to as a Twilight pusher. I am responsible for several of my former coworkers becoming obsessed as well as converting several family members.

    Q: Top 5 people in the Twi world you want to meet the most
    A: In no specific order, UC & Moon, Callie, Ashley, Daniel, PFach

    Q: What are you reading?
    A: I’m currently reading the Aunt Dimity’s series by Nancy Atherton. Also about to re-read Eclipse.

    Q: Do you have Eclipse Plans?
    A: Yep, will be seeing New Moon at 9pm central and Eclipse at midnight with my hubby, as well as my bro-in-law, sis-in-law and neice. We all saw New Moon at midnight together last year and have made a tradition of it! My sis-in-law and neice are totally obsessed with all things Twi related too!

    Q: Three sentence bio (tell us where you’re from!)
    A: I’m 29 born and raised in south Louisiana with a husband, 2 dogs and 3 cats. I am a family therapist but not sure for how much longer…I love my family like crazy and would do anything for my friends.

    Q: Random Twilight Fact (about yourself)
    A: Well this isn’t about myself but my husband. He can quote Twilight word for word, but picks on me when I do it…

  2. Q: How long have been reading LTT:
    A: about 6 months or so.

    Q: When did you read the Twilight books for the 1st time
    A: after i finally buckled and watched twilight with my mom a week before new moon came out. how was i supposed to know what i was missing? i only hang out with boys!

    Q: Team Edward or Team Jacob
    A: totally Edward. first off, why not be on the winners team anyway. and secondly, i am too pale to be for someone to tan.

    Q: Always?
    A: every second. even when he was being all overly protective.

    Q: How “out” are you about Twi in your “real life?”
    A: not very. as previously mentioned, i only hang out with boys really and my husband really dislikes the whole sparkly vampires thing so i keep it hush hush. unless my mom is here and it is it all out.

    Q: Top 5 people in the Twi world you want to meet the most
    A: jackson rathbone, nikki reed, liz reaser, peter facinelli, kristen stewart (not in this order) i also want to meet rob and taylor and everyone else but these five are just edging out the competition.

    Q: What are you reading?
    A: currently, i am not allowed to buy new books (i read a lot and my bookshelved just can’t take the stress anymore) so i am reading my husband’s collection of chuck palahniuk books.

    Q: Do you have Eclipse Plans?
    A: going to see it with my mom the day of and then we have some family coming in town for my birthday the weekend of the 4th of july so we will be seeing it with them again. and possibly a few time after that.

    Q: Three sentence bio (tell us where you’re from!)
    A: i’m a 25 year old married lady and i am from kansas city MO, but currently live in KS -the flat state. i work in health insurance (boo) but i would rather be writing poetry. i have 4 (non-twilight related) tattoos and i love to dance.

    Q: Random Twilight Fact (about yourself)
    A: i don’t own breaking dawn yet because i have all the other books in paperback and i refuse to ruin the look of my collection. i am rather peeved about this and i have to borrow my mom’s copy a lot. this has brought my mother and i ever closer…. and has drove my husband and i apart. (just kidding… he just LOVES to complain!)

  3. What a great idea! I have always wanted to know those I have chatted with from time to time here. What a great way to get to know everyone. Well here I go…

    Q: How long have been reading LTT:
    A: Not sure, since some time last year. I came across your blog and it now a daily stop for me. I love it!

    Q: When did you read the Twilight books for the 1st time
    A: Before the 1st movie came out. I noticed my copy of Twilight says “Soon to be a major motion picture” on it. They had no idea did they! My cousin’s teenage daughter got her to read them and she insisted that I read them too. My husband had to go away for a week on a business trip and so I took that time to start “Twilight”. I was a mess by the time he got back…I was totally hooked. I finished Twilight and went out and bought the other three right away. In fact, one night while in the middle of Eclipse I finally told him I would be completely useless until I finished all of the books. He and my kids were such good sports.

    Q: Team Edward or Team Jacob
    A: Edward all the way!

    Q: Always?
    A: Yes.

    Q: How “out” are you about Twi in your “real life?”
    A: I don’t hide the fact I am a fan and those that know me know that I am passionate about it. I have a “Twilight” sticker on my silver Kia Sedona mini van. I had a customized sticket that said “This car likes to pretend it’s a shiny Volvo” but while brushing snow off my car one morning I was nearly brought to tears when my sticker started coming off with it. My husband was crushed! LOL! I did get a comment from another mom in a Wal-Mart parking lot one day. She parked next to me and pointed at it and looked at me and said “I LOVE THAT!” It made my day.

    Q: Top 5 people in the Twi world you want to meet the most
    A: Let see, Stephenie Meyer, so we could pick her brain. Robert Pattinson, just so I can hear that laughter and see that smile for myself. Chris Weitz, because I just watched New Moon with his commentary and really enjoyed it. What a great sense of humor. Melissa Rosenberg so I can ask her why she didn’t just write “Twilight” from the book. HONESTLY! What happened there! I hate to say it but maybe meeting Kristen Stewart would help me once and for all decide if she is the b*tch I think she is or is she really just misunderstood.

    Q: What are you reading?
    A: I am really into audiobooks right now. It was the only way I could get back to my normal life and away from the Twilight books was to get them on audiobook. I don’t really have time to sit down and read so audiobooks are perfect for me. I am trying to make my way through “Bel Ami” but it isn’t available in audiobook, so it is taking me some time. I did just finished “The Art of Racing in the Rain” by Garth Stein which I really enjoyed and I just downloaded “A Dirty Job” by Christopher Moore. His book “Lamb” I highly suggest. You will laugh, cry and go “Oh I get it now!”.

    Q: Do you have Eclipse Plans?
    A: My Mom will be here visiting from Arizona so I will be going to see it with her. She is also a fan, although not as nuts as I am. I also just meet another Twilight fan and she has a group of friends that are all planning on going to the midnight showing so I am making plans with them too. I found out on Friday that my local theater will be showing the “Twilight Marathon”. I would love to go, other wise, we’ll just be seeing the midnight showing. To see what I did for “New Moon”, check out my youtube video at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=amBhYWfMb3g

    Q: Three sentence bio (tell us where you’re from!)
    A: I am 35, married for 11 years and I am a stay at home mom with two daughters ages 6 and 3. I am originally from Arizona and currently live in Maine. I love to travel, spend time with family and friends and I probably spend way to much time on the internet.

    Q: Random Twilight Fact (about yourself)
    A: I am a big fan but I have NOT decated whole rooms to it. No offense to anyone that has, I love you just the same. I keep all of my books and magazines in my bedside table. I tried to sell my Twilight Saga audiobooks at my daughter’s school yard sale since I have them on my ipod…I couldn’t do it and I brought them home with me. I am happy to say, no one donated their Twilight books to the sale, otherwise I would have had to buy them. Oh and everytime I fly out of Phoenix I have to start singing “When the thorn bush turns white that’s when I’ll come home”. To myself, of course 🙂

  4. ps. i hate laptop typing and it looks like i cannot spell. but i promise, i have a college degree. i am just too fast for these tiny keyboards.

  5. Q: how long have I been reading LTT?
    A: a year & a half I think.
    Q:when did I read the saga the 1st time?
    A: well it was after I saw Twilight on DVD. Then my sis said she had the book Twilight but had not read it yet so I borrowed & started. Although I only got like 18 pages in & was real busy for a few weeks. Then picked it back up on spring break & read the entire saga in less than a week. I read BD in a day! I was HOOKED!
    Q:team Edward or Jacob?
    A: Team Edward all the way!
    Q: always?
    A: always! I was irritated reading Jake in BD! Only buy Jacob stuff for my sis!
    Q:how out are you about twilight in RL?
    A: some but only my bff & sis know the depth of my Rob craze!
    Q:top 5 people I would wanna meet in Twi world.
    A: #1 Rob, #2 Stephanie, #3 Ashley, #4 Kristen, & #5 probably Kellan because my bff loves him! But I would be grateful to meet any of Twi cast!
    Q: do I have Eclipse plans?
    A: yes. Midnight showing with bff & my sister!
    Q:three sentence bio.
    A: I am 25 year old female from south carolina, & would love to move to Europe or LA or really anywhere awesome! I am a nurse, & would love to figure out one day how to be a movie set nurse or to do disaster relief or mission nursing! I’m not married but had the same bf for almost 8 yrs, & I am completely obsessed with Rob (& loves the way LTT makes me feel normal)! Q: random Twi fact?
    A: I like most of the cullen names & hope one day to name my kids after some of the cullens!

  6. Q: How long have been reading LTT:
    A: Since some point on my last maternity leave, so between March and July 09. I’m another that came over from Lauren’s Bite (which I totally miss!).

    Q: When did you read the Twilight books for the 1st time
    A: Feb 09. I resisted for a long time, but my husband had his monthly Army drill one weekend so I knew I’d be bored. I put my kiddo to bed early and proceeded to read through the first book in one sitting (it took about 7 hours). I went and got New Moon the next day.

    Q: Team Edward or Team Jacob
    A: Jacob

    Q: Always?
    A: I was with Edward until about my 3rd reading through the series. I realized at that point that I really found him annoying and a jerk.

    Q: How “out” are you about Twi in your “real life?”
    A: I’m subtly out. I have some Twi t-shirts that I like to wear, but you really have to “know” the series to know they are Twi shirts.

    Q: Top 5 people in the Twi world you want to meet the most
    A: Taylor and Stephenie. I think that’s it.

    Q: What are you reading?
    A: Nothing, I’m ashamed to say. I’m hoping to pick up The Help soon, though.

    Q: Do you have Eclipse Plans?
    A: I’m either going to the first showing alone or later that night with the husband. It’ll depend on if we can get a sitter or not.

    Q: Three sentence bio (tell us where you’re from!)
    A: Married mother of 2 boys (5 and 1) with one on the way living in a crappy little town in Arkansas. I’m a licensed jr high/high school social studies teacher, but the area I’m in is pretty rural so I’ve been out of the field and staying home with the kids since we moved here a few years ago. I’m a big hippie and had my last baby at home.

    Q: Random Twilight Fact (about yourself)

    I’ve been to Forks! When I was about 3 months pregnant I needed a break. My 1 year old still wasn’t sleeping all night (and still isn’t) and still wanted to nurse around the clock even though I had practically no milk supply b/c of the pregnancy. So I took a solo mommy vacation to the pacific NW. I’d always wanted to go to Seattle and couldn’t NOT go to Forks since I was so close. I pretended I was just there for no real reason and acted really amused at all the Twi stuff (the town is infected). I also went to La Push and First Beach, which really made the trip worth it. It is beautiful.

  7. 1 I started reading LTT after the 2009 Mtv Movie awards when I googled the shiz out of ‘Popcorn drop 09’

    2. I started reading the books August 2007. Worked in a bookstore where one pesty customer would not stop calling asking when the Eclipse book would be released. So I finally relented to reading it after I asked her WTH was up with these books. I think I deserve a medal for being in this fandom since the beginning. lol.

    3. Team Edward

    4. Absolutely!

    5. My family are aware that I love the series but have no idea how deep. My laptop is off limits and I routinely erase my internet history Although,I couldnt help but tell my sister about LTT after my letter was posted but she didn’t believe that ‘hepurn’ was in fact me. My friends from college have no idea and I work really hard to keep my fangirl in check around my pretentious film snob classmates.

    6. 1. Kristen- I’d want to gush about On the Road and her working with Francis Ford Coppola but it would have to be in some alternate universe where Im a working producer in Hollywood. 2- Catherine Hardwicke 3. Alexandra Pastavas 4. UC & Moon- You guys count as one 5. Alexandre Desplat. (In all honesty, I dont think Id ever approach any of the actors on the street and will never attend a convention or autograph signing)

    7. Currently reading: Ceci est ma femme by Oliver Sacks and The Wayward bus by John Steinbeck

    8. Hoping to see Eclipse with my bff who is not a fan and has no idea that Im a fan so casually gonna suggest ‘Seeing that Twilight film with that hot guy’ and be obligated to mock everything aout it afterwards

    9. Im a 21 year old film student from Cape Town, South Africa. Also an independant filmmaker, well… more of a hustler in the industry lol. Hoping to advance my skills abroad, study at a French film school at some point.

    10. I have what I like to call ‘Twi-dar’, the ability to sniff out Twifans in public. Recently met a girl in a pub who knew waaay to much about Remember Me to be a casual fan and sure enough after a round of Heinekins we were bonding over all things Twi. Still perfecting my ‘LTT-dar’

  8. Q: How long have been reading LTT:
    A: A little over a year

    Q: When did you read the Twilight books for the 1st time?
    A: I read the four books in january 2009. One book per week… no, I didn’t made them last, I just read each a couple of times. I devoured Twilight in like 5 hours

    Q: Team Edward or Team Jacob
    A: Edward

    Q: Always?
    A: Always

    Q: How “out” are you about Twi in your “real life?”
    A: Completely out. Sometimes I wish I wasn’t, but I don’t exactly regret it.

    Q: Top 5 people in the Twi world you want to meet the most
    A: 1. Kristen (just because I’m dying to know if she’s as annoying in person as she’s on interviews/public appearances asd so on), 2. UC & Moon, 3. Stephenie 4. Peter, 5. Alex Patsavas (she’s my hero). I deliberately didn’t include Rob in that list, I love him too much to disturb him with a street fan encounter. Maybe if we were at a bar, slightly drunk I would reconsider.

    Q: What are you reading?
    A: The last book of the Millenium trilogy by Stieg Larsson. (I heard a rumor somewhere about Kstew playing Lisbeth Salander in the Hollywood version of the films. I swear I’l kill someone if that happens to be true)

    Q: Do you have Eclipse Plans?
    A: Midnight screening with BFF’s. And after that debating the cuality of THE leg hitch drinking mojitos

    Q: Three sentence bio (tell us where you’re from!)
    A: I’m a 22 year old from Montevideo, Uruguay (that little thing between Argentina and Brazil). I’m a Foreign Relations student but lately tha only Foreign thing I’m intrested is in a certain British guy. And I’m not talking about the prime minister…

    Q: Random Twilight Fact (about yourself)
    A: I have an “I Drive like a Cullen” sticker in my car… And since there’s no “Hot Topic” here, or anything like it, I had to have it custom made

  9. Q: How long have been reading LTT:
    For over a year, but I’m not sure of the exact date. And I’ve only commented like 5 times…

    Q: When did you read the Twilight books for the 1st time:
    On a 26 hour long road trip from South Dakota to Georgia, and then another 26 hours back. I really didn’t want to read the books because they didn’t sound interesting to me at all, but I was in a 15 passenger van for a loooooong time and had nothing else to do.

    Q: Team Edward or Team Jacob
    A: Edward

    Q: Always?
    A: I didn’t really care until I started reading Eclipse… and then definitely Edward.

    Q: How “out” are you about Twi in your “real life?”
    A: Basically anyone who knows me well enough to consider me a friend knows. And I get a lot of crap for it. But, I’ve also gotten many of those people to read the books and become addicted with me! Otherwise, I try to keep it on the down low around people I’ve just met or people I don’t know. My mom tried “outing” me to the entire family in our Christmas letter last year. I made her change it…

    Q: Top 5 people in the Twi world you want to meet the most:
    A: not in any particular order: Rob, Kristen, Stephenie, Kellan, and Ashley

    Q:What are you reading?
    A: Nothing at the moment. I need to go to the library and get WFE, but I haven’t had time yet. Otherwise just fanfics 😀

    Q: Do you have Eclipse Plans?
    A: YEP! I’m taking 2 days off from work and heading to where I go to college to meet with friends. When they’re done with their summer classes for the day, we’ll go to Hot Topic at the mall and buy shirts, put them on, and then stand in line for hours at the movie theatre. Then when the movie is done, we basically never wear the shirts again… unless we’re painting or sleeping or something!

    Q: Three sentence bio (tell us where you’re from!)
    A: I’m 20 and from South Dakota, but I go to college in Minnesota and am studying to be a Special Education teacher. During the summer I work at 2 daycares and the local grocery store to load myself up on cash for the next school year. The only FUN thing I’m doing this summer (besides going to Eclipse) is playing softball. 😦

    Q: Random Twilight Fact (about yourself)
    A: Last summer I went to a Twilight convention and met Peter Facinelli, Gil Birmingham, Chaske Spencer (OMG his voice!), Bronson Pelletier, Christian Serratos, Edi Gathegi, and Cougar Cathi. Many people think I’m crazy for going, and going again later this year, but it was really a great time and fun to see all of the people that were even more obsessed than me. Plus watching Bronson get a little tipsy, and Edi sing a line from Lion King while sitting RIGHT next to me was awesome! But the best part was definitely meeting the Hillywood Show cast 😀

    Unfortunately I’m not doing anything fun for Memorial Day… Just gonna sit around and do nothing because I don’t have to work!

  10. Q: How long have been reading LTT:
    A: Since last summer. I found it after googlig “letters to Robert Pattinson” because I actually wanted to write him a letter #normal

    Q: When did you read the Twilight books for the 1st time
    A: Last summer. I was bored out of my mind and sick of all the Twitalk, so I bought the books just so I could tell people that I have, in fact, read them and hated them and that they’re stupid for liking such infantile prose. That turned out great.

    Q: Team Edward or Team Jacob
    A: It’s team Threesome or nothing! OK, I’m gonna say Edward, just because I was Team Edward at the beginning.

    Q: Always?
    A: No, I’m pretty much over him.

    Q: How “out” are you about Twi in your “real life?”
    A: My friends know I like Twilight and that I am currently reading porn because of it. Other than that, they’re clueless.

    Q: Top 5 people in the Twi world you want to meet the most
    A: Rob. I’ve had so many conversations with him in my head, that I am truly curious what the real deal would be like (just one condition: I would have to be drunk.) Then Kirsten. I don’t give a crap, but I have this weird curiosity about her. I can’t explain it.

    Q: What are you reading?
    A: Fanfiction. I want to get away so badly, but I just can’t.make.myself.stop. (Scrambled letters: MOBS, MOTU, Edward Wallbanger, EP, Gynazole<–read it!!!)

    Q: Do you have Eclipse Plans?
    A: If you can call trying to stay away from LTT/R for TWO FREAKING WEEKS “plans”, then yes. The f*cker isn’t in cinemas here until July 15th.

    Q: Three sentence bio (tell us where you’re from!)
    A: 21 yo informatics student from Austria, but born and raised in Romania. A weird thing about me is that I like loud drum and bass music and dubstep (among many other not so scary genres). I love dogs.

    Q: Random Twilight Fact (about yourself)
    A: I seriously think these blogs have had an impact on my sense of humor. I get more and more confused looks in RL.

    I don’t comment often, but I read it almost religiously and I heart every one of you who brighten up my every day!

    • ” I seriously think these blogs have had an impact on my sense of humor. I get more and more confused looks in RL”

      Moan, honey, that’s NORMAL!

      xo obava

  11. Q: How long have been reading LTT:
    A: I’m pretty sure it was around April/May 2009.

    Q: When did you read the Twilight books for the 1st time
    A: In March 2009, at the suggestion of my friend. Like most folks, I finished them in three days. Even called in sick to work to stay home and read.

    Q: Team Edward or Team Jacob
    A: Edward

    Q: Always?
    A: Yes, forever, I really don’t like Jacob, I was sooo mad at Eclipse when I read it…I could never figure out his allure. I will say that New Moon, the movie, at least let me see how she could *possibly* like him.

    Q: How “out” are you about Twi in your “real life?”
    A: Not much at all, I’ve made a few FB comments on it, have some girlfriends that also like it, but no one know about my FF habit or my interwebs habits.

    Q: Top 5 people in the Twi world you want to meet the most
    A: This is a tough one, I’m not really into real-life Twi stuff, except for Stephanie Meyer, so she’s #1. #2 would be Kristen, just cuz I vacillate between wanting to hug her and wanting to smack her. #3 Peter F…seems like a cool dude, #4 Billy Burke, best tweeter of the bunch, by far, #5 hmmm, tough one…I think I’m done, cuz unless I’m meeting rob and he’s falling in love with me, I think it would be pretty awkward and embarrassing, on both of our parts.

    Q: What are you reading?
    A: Currently, I’m in an intensive language program, so I have no time, but I did pick up water for elephants because I’ve been seeing at Costco for two years and then Rob’s making the movie, so I gotta right?

    Q: Do you have Eclipse Plans?
    A: Yes, low-key because of school. I did midnight premiere with New Moon, but will have to settle for the weekend. With a friend who hasn’t read the books, but enjoys the movie.

    Q: Three sentence bio (tell us where you’re from!)
    A: I’m a 32 yo single gal, back in school after working for 10 years. I’m living in California for the first time and really enjoying it. I have two cats and don’t admit my Twi obsession to guys because I already have the deck stacked against me :).

    Q: Random Twilight Fact (about yourself)
    A: There is not a day that goes by when I don’t see something around me that reminds me of Twilight. I literally see the world through Twilight-colored glasses, uhh, that may be a problem :). At least I can make fun of myself for it!

  12. Q: How long have been reading LTT:
    A: Since July 2009

    Q: When did you read the Twilight books for the 1st time
    A: In June 2009 on my father-in-law-to-be’s sailing boat. My 14 year old sister-in-law-to-be happened to have a copy of Twilight with her and she suggested I read it.

    Q: Team Edward or Team Jacob
    A: Edward

    Q: Always?
    A: Always.

    Q: How “out” are you about Twi in your “real life?”
    A: My S/O knows that all things Twilight are my “hobby” and obsession. My parents and sister also have some idea, as does the aforementioned sister-in-law-to-be.

    Q: Top 5 people in the Twi world you want to meet the most
    A: 1. Rob 2. Kristen 3. UC&Moon 4. Stephenie Meyer 5. Jamie Campbell Bower

    Q: What are you reading?
    A: Just finished Living Dead in Dallas by Charlaine Harris

    Q: Do you have Eclipse Plans?
    A: I will go to the midnight showing with my S/O (he is not a unicorn but he is nice enough to come with me if he doesn’t need to pay it himself). After that, I will go watch it maybe 2-4 more times on my own.

    Q: Three sentence bio (tell us where you’re from!)
    I’m a 26 year old girl from the city of Oulu in Finland. I’m living with my S/O and work as R&D scientist at a biotech company. I love cross-country skiing and other outdoor sports.

    Q: Random Twilight Fact (about yourself)
    A: After I had read Twilight the first time, I had a lengthy debate with myself about whether I wanted to see the movie or not – I thought that it would ruin the book for me if the actors looked like shit and not at all like I had imagined their characters to look like, especially in case of Edward. I ended up watching Twilight between finishing New Moon and starting Eclipse, and the experience definitely didn’t ruin the books for me – actually it had the opposite effect…

  13. Q: How long have been reading LTT:
    A: Close to a year. I came to LTT after Stephenie Meyer said she added it to her stalk list. I was at work when I read that day’s letter to Stephenie and was laughing “outloud” at my computer screen.

    Q: When did you read the Twilight books for the 1st time
    A: It was November 2008 after my friend saw the first movie and went on and on about how good it was. I read the first book in one day, then saw the movie that night. I went home and read all the other books in the next 4 days.

    Q: Team Edward or Team Jacob
    A: Team Edward or more specifically team Robward.

    Q: Always?
    A: Always!

    Q: How “out” are you about Twi in your “real life?”
    A: Well, I am a high school teacher, and I started doing funny things in the classroom like made my bathroom passes pictures of Rob and Kristen. Mostly, it was so I could joke around with my students, but it turned into an ongoing debate with all of my kids about Twilight. The school newspaper then wrote a story about why I like Twilight. I play along. And whenever a kid wants to butter me up they bring my Twilight pictures, candy or other Hot Topic-esque trinkets. They are just high schoolers so I don’t care what they think about me. But in the real world I try not to show I am a Twilight fan. I never buy magazines with Twilight related articles on the cover unless I am in disguise. Haha.

    Q: Top 5 people in the Twi world you want to meet the most.
    A: Number 1 is Rob and you know why. 2. Ashley Greene- mostly because I hope she is like Alice and will make me her barbie doll for a day and dress me up and put makeup on me and do my hair… 3. Kellen- I want to join his bible study group :). 4. Gotta give it up to Stephenie Meyer. 5. I guess K-Stew as long as she doesn’t show me a picture on her I-pod of a familiar man holding her cat.

    Q: What are you reading?
    A: I just finished the book House Rules. It was really good and I reccommend it!

    Q: Do you have Eclipse Plans?
    A: My sister and I are going to buy LTT/LTR shirts, and go to a Twiathatlon (the 3 movies all in a row- I think I made up that word all by myself) on June 29!

    Q: Three sentence bio (tell us where you’re from!)
    A: I’m 23 and graduated from Washington State University with my BA in Interior Design last May. I couldn’t find any jobs in the Design/Architecture field but I did land a job teaching Architectural Drafting at my old High School – still don’t understand how that happened. And my dream job would be to be Rob’s interior designer for his LA bachelor pad…plaid all the way!

    Q: Random Twilight Fact (about yourself)
    A: My favorite Twilight quote to use in my classroom is to ask my students “Green is what?” pause for confused faces and no responds… “Good!” Although now they have caught on and know how to respond when I ask.

  14. Q: How long have been reading LTT:
    A: Since January 2009

    Q: When did you read the Twilight books for the 1st time
    A: 2 weeks before Chrismas, just after I saw Twilight for the first time.

    Q: Team Edward or Team Jacob
    A: Team Edward, what else?

    Q: Always?
    A: Yes, even when Edwards showed up in a grandpa-suit

    Q: How “out” are you about Twi in your “real life?”
    A: I’m pretty much out. Most people know I like Twilight, but they have know idea how much. Only my twi-buddy are in the know.

    Q: Top 5 people in the Twi world you want to meet the most
    A: 1- Rob 2-Jackson 3-Kristen 4-Chris Weitz 5-Bill Condon (just to ask if he please can get the Twilight Edward bouffant back)

    Q: What are you reading?
    A: I haven’t read anything in a while, but I would like to reread The Mortal Instrument and the Hunger Games this summer.

    Q: Do you have Eclipse Plans?
    A: Next mondag I’ll be waiting in line to get my tickets. So me and my best Twilightbuddy can see Twilight, New Moon and Eclipse on June 29th.

    Q: Three sentence bio (tell us where you’re from!)
    A: I’m a 23 year old girl from the Netherlands. Love animals, don’t freak, but I like rats (not the kind that live in the sewer) Just back from a 2 week vacation with my 3 friends in the States, went to Forks and La Push and saw the Cullen House in Portland and Bella’s House in St. Helens.

    Q: Random Twilight Fact (about yourself)
    A: Went on a personal mission to get people reading Twilight. Got a lot of people hooked, just not as hooked as I am. I now also own a Edward Cullen dollar bill (how lame is that?)

  15. Q: How long have been reading LTT:
    A: Jan. 2010. The first post I read was the one by The Font

    Q: When did you read the Twilight books for the 1st time
    A: Camping, last November, right when New Moon came out

    Q: Team Edward or Team Jacob
    A: Edward, mostly

    Q: Always?
    A: No. Variety is the Spice of Life.

    Q: How “out” are you about Twi in your “real life?”
    A: Medium out, but completely closeted about my Robfondness (except to my friend Julie, because Rob looks like someone we both know).

    Q: Top 5 people in the Twi world you want to meet the most
    A: The trinity, PFach, and The costume, wig and make up department because they’re doing it wrong.

    Q: What are you reading?
    A:I’m not a reader. I just started “The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society” upon referral by my mom.

    Q: Do you have Eclipse Plans?
    A: Playing it by ear. I am driving distance to LA so I would love to partake in some festivities (but I’ll pass on the midnight show, I haven’t been out in LA past midnight since college).

    Q: Three sentence bio (tell us where you’re from!)
    A: I live in Orange County, CA with my husband, daughter, 2 dogs and a cat. I’m a graphic designer who heads up the art department for a custom screen printing company. I once auditioned for Snow White at Disneyland so that’s where my screen name comes from. I love shoes, tacos, and artsy necklaces and I’m 2 Taylors old.

    Q: Random Twilight Fact (about yourself) I only bought the book because I liked the font. Years before my friends said ,”you should read this” I thought I was over my goth/vampire phase so I passed. Little did I know…. oh, and I’ve had the Alice haircut for 10 years.

    • “The costume, wig and make up department because they’re doing it wrong”

      Bwahahaha!!! Best anwer EVAH!

      PS I LOVE the designs for the LTT/LTR shop- you did great, SWD 🙂

    • “2 Taylors old”! LOVE IT. That sounds so much better than the truth…..’cause I’m the same age.

    • you’ve only been reading since JAN!? WHOA…. you are SO involved now:):)

  16. Let me just start by saying that I love you girls! Your letters sometimes echo my thoughts exactly!

    How long reading LTT?
    Since August 09, I think it was after Moon caught Rob and Kristen leaving the concert getting in the cab in LA!

    1st time I read Twilight…
    June ’09 on vacation at the beach with my parents. Since my son was occupied fishing and playing with the grandparents and uncles so I had time to read for the 1st time in 5 years. Read all 4 books that week at the beach.

    Team Edward or Jacob?

    Absolutely, it took my 2 times aleast reading the series before I could appreciate Jacob.

    How “out” are you in “real life?
    I think most know that I love it and are obsessed, Most don’t know how much. Even though my son calls Rob my “boyfriend”

    Top 5 to meet..
    1) Rob 2) Steph 3)Kellan 4)Kristen 5)Ashley

    What are you reading?
    Ok, so I started reading the series again in excitment for Eclipse. When I’m done, I’m going to finish the Harry Potter books! Oh wait, and Bree’s story is coming out soon!

    Eclipse Plans?
    Just so happens I’m heading to pick up my son from the grandparents that week, so I’m sneaking over a little further west to see my cousin so we can hit the midnight show! I think she’s the only one that’s right there with me that would make the midnight show.

    3 Sentence bio
    I’m a married 30 year old, mother of a 5 year old son who is Team Jacob (he loves the wolves) . I’m a stay at home mom but use to work in the child welfare system. Living in the Tampa Bay area we enjoy our time outside in the FL sun!

    Randon Twi Fact
    saw the movie first and was not that impressed, just thought Rob was HOT! Then I read the books and there was no going back!

  17. WHAAAAT?! YOUR NAME IS NOT UNINTENDED CHOICE?! I need time to process this.. the world as I knwo it has ended 😦

    okay… here are my answers

    Q: How long have been reading LTT:
    I am not sure, but something in my mind says “august 2009”

    Q: When did you read the Twilight books for the 1st time
    I actually heard the audiobooks first, and then I read the books. It was a few weeks before I found this blog and months before the Twilight movie.

    Q: Team Edward or Team Jacob

    Q: Always?
    uuhhh… nope.I used to hate Jacob, but not anymore. I still have a sign that says “Casting for Edward, line up here” in my bedroom door.

    Q: How “out” are you about Twi in your “real life?”
    I was really really really obsessed with Twilight and related EVERYTHING in my life with the books or Edward.

    Q: Top 5 people in the Twi world you want to meet the most:
    1-Taylor. 2-Kristen 3-Jessica (cant remember her real name! :@)4-Seth (the character.. not real, I dont know much about BooBoo) 5-Peter F.

    Q: What are you reading?
    The Looking Glass Wars by Frank Beddor. Really cool.

    Q: Do you have Eclipse Plans?
    ummm… watch it?

    Q: Three sentence bio (tell us where you’re from!)
    I am a 15 year old girl, I live in Santa Fe, Argentina.I looooooove watching TV and reading this blog (its the only thing that attaches me to the Twi world, besides the books and movies) I read a lot and I am glad Cathy Hardwick didnt direct anymore stuff that matters to me.

    Q: Random Twilight Fact (about yourself)
    I was the first of my friends to discover twilight. I used to talk aaaaaaall the time about it and spoil them all the fun just because they didnt read fast enough.

  18. Q: How long have been reading LTT:
    A: I’m not sure…about 2 months, maybe…

    Q: When did you read the Twilight books for the 1st time
    A: In October,last year…right before New Moon’s release. I hadn’t seen Twilight yet, so I watched it first so that I could get what the story was about… Then I fell in love with Robward and found myself reading all 4 books nonstop in about 5 days.

    Q: Team Edward or Team Jacob
    A: Team Edward | Team Rob 😉

    Q: Always?
    A: Yes.

    Q: How “out” are you about Twi in your “real life?”
    A: Lately I’ve been pretty obsessed about the Saga because of all the Eclipse buzz. I’ve already read this book like 3 times in 6 months!

    Q: Top 5 people in the Twi world you want to meet the most
    A: Mostly those who are into music. First of all, obviously, has to be Rob. Then, in no particular order: Billy Burke, Jackson Rathbone, Kellan (because he’s such a sweetheart!) and…Nikky I guess.

    Q: What are you reading?
    A: I’m very much a classics fan, so I’ve just purchased ‘For whom the bell tolls’ by Hemingway. I haven’t started reading it though because I’m finishing ‘The Prince’ by Machiavelli.

    Q: Do you have Eclipse Plans?
    A: Besides going to the pre-release at the theatres? Well, since I live in the corner of the earth [Fortaleza – Brazil, have you heard about it? No, I guess not… =) ], there isn’t much to do over here. But I do hope that Rob comes to São Paulo for the Eclipse promotion tour. If so, I’d gladly travel almost 3,000 km just to see him. I’m pretty sure it won’t be possible due to his tight schedule for WFT, but a girl can dream…

    Q: Three sentence bio (tell us where you’re from!)
    A: As I’ve mentioned in the answer above, I’m from Fortaleza, which is situated in the Northeastern brazilian coast. I’m 28 and I help with translations of all news about Robert Pattinson for a brazilian website. Since I’ve started these activities I got to know a lot of cool blogs twi-related and Rob-related wich have been my favorite past time for months now. LTT is one of my faves.

    Q: Random Twilight Fact (about yourself)
    A: I learnt what the Saga was about right before New Moon’s release. I’ve had heard about it a few times but I thought it was just another teen fashion of those fantasy films, so I wasn’t interested at all. Then a friend of mine invited me to watch NM, so I forced myself to watch Twilight first. Then, all my defenses went down on the first scene when Edward enters the cafeteria and gives that little cute smirk… For weeks I felt embarassed of myself for having surrendered to such a ‘foolish’ story. Well, now look at me, all Robsessed and obsessed with the whole Twilight world….Who could tell? 🙂

  19. 1st have to say…I love Kstew…and that is the best pic I have seen of her!

    Ok the questions!

    1. Been reading LTT since almost the beginning I’m pretty sure…although I hated it at first (ducks out of way of flying daggers) b/c I didn’t understand…I thought they were spewing blasphemy about my Twilight…but I kept reading and realized they loved it just as much & really all their thoughts mirrored my own…lol…so I was hooked!

    2. First read Twilight in Dec 2008 (I was a movie convert). Read the series in three days…couldn’t put it down & then read it a consecutive 6 more times before I needed a break (I know shame on me) lol. In total I have read the entire series 7 times and it never gets old.

    3. Def Team Edward….forever, will never change no matter how hot JB’s abs are…lol

    4. Yes!

    5. I’m pretty out..I mean I don’t have really anything that SCREAMS TWILIGHT! Most of my shirts and stuff are more low key (like t-shirt : stupid shiny volvo owner & soon to have : fake lesbians, leg hitch) but that is only b/c I think of it as a inside joke…if your a fan then you’ll know what the t-shirt means…if not…well then your loss! I’ve written a paper for my advanced comp class about Twilight, so yeah I guess I’m pretty OUT! lol

    6. Top 5 to meet: (5)- UC & Moon (no lie really) (4)- BiggDaddy P! I know he would be hilarious (3)- Rob, of course…lol (2) Kstew…have been a fan for a long time & (1) Nikki Reed..also been a fan for a long time…13 was like a mirror of my life at that age.
    I would want to ask my top 3 one question: If going back to the beginning of all of this, had they known how big it would all get, did their characters interest them enough throughout the series to still sign on?

    7. Reading right now? haha mostly tutorials on how to do design shit!

    8. Waiting to see if Eclipse will be here in Louisville KY IMAX, and will prob be seeing the movie by myself…

    9. I am a VET, army wife, mom, student, household CEO, random & a complete work in progress. I love meeting new people, but have a small group of people I really trust. I am loyal and would do just about anything for anyone that I can.

    10. Random Twi Fact: At the very beginning I made NR, Rob, and Steph personalized journals, completely handcrafted, but nothing twilight-ish more just quotes and abstract design…never knew if they got any of them though…that would be cool.

  20. Q: How long have been reading LTT:
    A: Since the summer of 2009 when I accidentally discovered the post with the awesomeness of Bella’s womb in felt. “Why Breaking Dawn Shouldn’t be a Movie” post. The picture of Jake, Nessie and Quil did me in.

    Q: When did you read the Twilight books for the 1st time
    A: I began reading and not sleeping at nights in the Summer of 2009 while I was a presenter at the National Educator’s Computing Conference when I thought I needed something to read for down times. I almost suffered an aneurism when I connected my laptop to the LCD projector and forgot that I had a folder titled TWILIGHT in all caps on my desktop… and that was BEFORE I even knew about fanfic. Just had an idea! I should title all my folders in Spanish… why didn’t I think of that before!

    Team Edward or Team Jacob?
    A: I am ambidextrous, bi, flexible in this department. In the books I am Team Jake… but in the movies I am Team Edward. I think it has to do with the temperatures…. so don’t relish cold marble anywhere near my privates. In the movies, however, Edward doesn’t seem so cold.

    Q: Always?
    A: Yes, I’ve always been undeceive. Seriously!

    Q: How “out” are you about Twi in your “real life?”
    A: Not very. Although as an educator, I’ve been able to use some of the elements of Twilight to get through some of my students. It’s been amazing! Other than that I am a strict closet case among my sane academic colleagues. *sad face*

    Q: Top 5 people in the Twi world you want to meet the most?
    A: Rob, Chris W, Stephanie M., Michael Sheen, Slade (These are the folks I would like to talk to over drinks) If Stephanie doesn’t drink, then I would like to say Rob again… just to increase my chances and if that’s not allowed, then Coughwick because can you imagine how much craziness she can share? Plus she would probably gift me the sheets on which the Robsten magic happened out of gratitude for having made my list. Although I’m sometimes Team Jacob, I have no desire to meet Taylor. Doing so would make me feel too much like the lady who stole the cutout of him and ran through the mall. As for Stewey, I think I know as much as I can know of her and still like her. Don’t want to ruin an almost good thing.

    Q: What are you reading?
    A: My brain was dying a slow death from re-reading the Saga and reading Fanfic. To reset my tele-dendrites I had to go to one of my favorite tweed authors. I’m currently reading James Mitchner’s “Caribbean”. The cannibalistic Taino Indians make the Volturi look like Powder Puff Girls…. and they were real people!

    Q: Do you have Eclipse Plans?
    A: Sadly, not yet. I will see it. I just don’t know when. Occupational hazard of being 30 something and liking teen vampires, I guess.

    Q: Three sentence bio (tell us where you’re from!)
    A: I am a 39 year old high school educator who lives in Maryland, on the outskirts of Washington D.C. (Approx. 20 mins from the White House). Since entering this Twi-mania, I have become a lazy painter and don’t exhibit as often as I used to (My addition to LTT has not helped matters because it makes me smile and snark… in that order and here THAT’S NORMAL).

    Q: Random Twilight Fact (about yourself)
    A: I am a fan of the story and hope that before it’s all over we will get at least ONE movie that will come close to depicting what I so enjoyed in the books. Although, alas! I know I will never get my 6’7″ Jacob. 😦 I have tried to quit my Twilight madness on at least three occasions so that I can be a much more productive person, but alas here I sit happily participating on a LTT interview when I should be installing my new John Louis closets. I am giving up on trying to quit. I am going to let it run its course just like the I did with the Michael Jackson mania. Hopefully the holy trinity will stay clear of any child molestation charges… Although given the story line in BD, Taylor’s chances don’t look so good.

    P.S. UC: When I read your “I am reader” comment, I totally pictured that fanfic-loving Twi-mom on Oprah. I think she now own a very small and sad corner of my brain because I will always think of her when I hear that sentence.

    • I forgot to mention that I first watched the movie, because it was the next film in my Netflix list. Shortly after (and maybe during) I began a Rob Pattinson internet research marathon that almost brought down Google. All the Twihards were professing of how much better the books were so I did what every thirty something who is not going to get caught reading a YA book in public… I read the synopsis for all the books on Wikipedia. I still kick myself for this. I spoiled the whole series for myself and still ended up buying and enjoying all the books in hard cover. I still envy everyone who read these books spoil-free.

    • ewwwww!!!! bad connection!












  22. Q. How long have you been reading LTT?
    A. I discovered this wonderful website in July 2009 and I haven’t looked back:)

    Q. When did you read twiligt books for the 1st time?
    A. I started Twilight in June of 2009 after my coworker told me to read them and finished every book in about 2 weeks! I thank her everyday!

    Q. Team Edward or Team Jacob?
    A. Team Edward all the way baby!

    Q. Always?

    Q. Top 5 people in the Twi world you want to meet the most
    A. U.C. and Moon are at the top of my list. then Rob most preferrably at a bar where I can use liquid courage to say something to him and not sound like a complete idiot, Kristen because i would really want to know how she is in person, PFach cause he seems really down to earth, Billy Burke cause he’s Charlie!,

    Q. What are you reading?
    A. Just finished Water for Elephants, was an awesome read!

    Q. Do you have Eclipse plans?
    A. Yes, I am going at midnight with my precious sister whom I brought down the rabbit hole with me last year!

    Q. Three sentece bio
    A. I am a 34 yr old married twiholic from Nashville
    I have a beautiful 4 yr old Boxer. My husband thinks I’m crazy but glad that this really makes me happy not to mention how fanfic makes him happy!

    Q. How out are you about TWI in your real life?
    A. Just my sis, and husband know of my true obsession,

    Q. Random twilight fact about yourself
    A. I reference random quotes from the movies, it’s funny how anything always goes back to twilight!

    I just wanted to thank UC and Moon for providing me with smiles and but gusting laughs everyday! I wish I could meet all of you and give you a big hug!!

    • Yay for Nashville. My husband and I are considering moving there later this year. Can you recommend any good blogs to familiarize myself with the city?

  23. Q: How long have been reading LTT:
    A: Since Summer of ’09 — distinctly remember suffering through Southern heat being really really pregnant, reading LTT/LTR

    Q: When did you read the Twilight books for the 1st time
    A: Started in Fall 2008

    Q: Team Edward or Team Jacob
    A: Team Edward, but very sympathetic to Jacob

    Q: Always?
    A: Yes.

    Q: How “out” are you about Twi in your “real life?”
    A: Firmly in the closet. Only my husband knows about the depth of my obsession. He encourages it….he knows he benefits!

    Q: Top 5 people in the Twi world you want to meet the most
    A: 1. Stephenie 2. Rob 3. Taylor 4. Paco 5. PFach

    Q: What are you reading?
    A: Millenium Trilogy – Just finished “The Girl Who Played with Fire”…need to go buy next one

    Q: Do you have Eclipse plans?
    A: Not yet. A really good friend mentioned seeing it with me, but is it wrong I want to see it alone? I’ve seen them all at least once in the theater alone. I like to be able to have my inner fangirl moments without fear of my friends catching on!

    Q: Three sentence bio (tell us where you’re from!)
    A: I’m a 33 year old, stay at home Mom of 2 precious boys who has been married going on 6 years. I live in the Greater Atlanta area. I used to teach middle school Language Arts before having my kids.

    Q: Random Twilight Fact (about yourself)
    A: Happiest moment of my Twilight obsession — getting my letter published on LTT! HOLLA! That was an awesome day.

  24. Q: How long have been reading LTT:
    A: I think 9 months or so, but have never commented.

    Q: When did you read the Twilight books for the 1st time
    A:Jan ’09, I was jobless and read all 4 in 4 days. Bought the 1st two in paper back so I could start over again then got impatient for the others and ordered the box set from Amazon.

    Q: Team Edward or Team Jacob
    A: Edward

    Q: Always?
    A: Yes, although I do think he is a crazy stalker.

    Q: How “out” are you about Twi in your “real life?”
    A: Only fully out to my two sisters who I converted. Our family functions are so fun with us making random inside joke comments the whole time.

    Q: Top 5 people in the Twi world you want to meet the most
    A: Steph, UC, Moon, Jacksper & Cop Stash

    Q: What are you reading?
    A: Rereading Harry Potter Series for the ??th time. (pins on NERD pin proudly!!) FYI if you want a cure for “fade to black” try Laurell K Hamilton, she is an author from St Louis MO who writes vampire books also.

    Q: Do you have Eclipse Plans?
    A: My sisters and I are toying with the idea of getting a DD and rather than going to the movie, driving around and making fun of all the full on CRAZIES and their out fits. We have even talked about creating a “BINGO” card and marking off the diiferent type of crazy fans we see. I might have been drinking the night I came up with the game. If we do it I have thought about writing a letter and sending it in to let you all know how it went.

    Q: Three sentence bio (tell us where you’re from!)
    A:I am a 36 yo married mother of 1, from the Show Me State. Can’t think of much else, it feels like I am filling out a match.com add.

    Q: Random Twilight Fact (about yourself)
    A: When I am slow at work I will read “Midnight Sun” and then minimize it if my boss comes in. I check LLT constantly.

  25. So I am de-lurking myself … you really earned it!
    Q: How long have been reading LTT:
    A: March 2010. Thank God I found you the second day of my internet search of anything Rob-related.
    Q: When did you read the Twilight books for the 1st time
    A: March 2010. I started with Breaking Dawn (on display in the public library, and I didn’t have time to find something better). Read it in 1 night. Ordered all four books at Amazon, but could not wait and borrowed them from a friend. By the time they arrived, I had finished all four. I had also ordered the Twilight film and watched it – five times? From then I went down what I learned later was the absolutely normal Robsession career …
    Q: Team Edward or Team Jacob
    A: Edward.
    Q: Always?
    A: Sigh. Mostly.
    Q: How “out” are you about Twi in your “real life?”
    A: I always mention it with friends, and stop talking about it as soon as it becomes clear they don’t ‘get it’. My husband knows, and does not like it …
    Q: Top 5 people in the Twi world you want to meet the most
    A: 1. Rob 2. Rob 3. Rob 4. Taylor 5. Kellan. In my Dreams.
    In reality: No one never ever. I so do not exist in their world …
    Q: What are you reading?
    A: Currently: Nora Roberts. Every book from Stephenie Meyer, including the Midnight Sun script. Neil Gayman. Douglas Adams. Lord of the Rings. Harry Potter. Smilla’s sense of snow. C.J. Cherryh. Terry Pratchett. Sara Paretsky. Sharon Shinn. Fanfiction. Lots of others.
    Q: Do you have Eclipse Plans?
    A: I very much wanted to see the Twilight triple, as I didn’t see the first two films on big screen. Sadly my daughter has a kindergarten party that day. I hope to be able to see Eclipse with two friends. They are much less emotionally hooked up with that whole thing, but at least it means I won’t have to be the only grown-up in a room full of screaming teens.
    Q: Three sentence bio (tell us where you’re from!)
    A: I live in Germany, 38 years old, married with three little kids. I used to work as IT consultant. I am a housewife right now.
    Q: Random Twilight Fact (about yourself)
    A: I feel like I fast forwarded through this whole fan thing. I mean I was really late to get on the train, but went from ignorant to spending a lot of time with it, embarassingly falling in love with a then 23-year old, to overload and cool down very fast. Well, cool down did not last … you always bring something here that makes me channel my inner fangirl again.

    Thanks for all the fun! And telling me again and again that it’s normal. Moon and UC, you are brilliant, as are all the people leaving comments here.

  26. Q: How long have been reading LTT:
    A: Since you guys got picked to interview Stefenie. I’m a newbie.

    Q: When did you read the Twilight books for the 1st time
    A: Fall of 2008. I was looking for something to read and the guy on the cover was hot. (I bought the movie promo cover)

    Q: Team Edward or Team Jacob
    A: Edward.

    Q: Always?
    A: Yup. I’m not gonna lie though, I kinda go Team Jacob for New Moon, both the book and movie. But he irritates me so badly in Eclipse that I switch back.

    Q: How “out” are you about Twi in your “real life?”
    A: Way more than I should be. I don’t think people grasp how deep it runs though.

    Q: Top 5 people in the Twi world you want to meet the most
    A: 1.Taylor, because he’s from Grand Rapids, MI and that’s less than 2 hours from where I live and thats cool. 2. Stefenie, because she’s an effing genius. 3. Ashley, because I love the character she plays. 4. Chris, because he makes miracles. 5. Would be a tough call.

    Q: What are you reading?
    A: Just finished Dead in the Family, most recent installment of the Sookie Stackhouse series.

    Q: Do you have Eclipse Plans?
    A: Me and Claire’s Daddy (my husband) are going to see it on the 30th. Poor guy 🙂

    Q: Three sentence bio (tell us where you’re from!)
    A: I’m a 20 year old, married stay at home mom to 2 kids, Brennan age 2, and Claire 7 weeks. I’m going to school for medical assisting. We live in a tourist town in Michigan, USA.

    Q: Random Twilight Fact (about yourself)
    A: From the first time I read Twilight I thought Esme was such a pretty name, but my husband wouldn’t let me name our daughter that because it came from Twilight. So just to spite him I chose Claire and didn’t tell him it was from Eclipse. He’s going to be pretty pissed when that scene comes….

  27. Q: How long have been reading LTT:
    A: Ever since the Mtv Movie Awards 2009, when I googled the shiz out of ‘Popcorn drop 09’

    Q: When did you read the Twilight books for the 1st time
    A: July 2007. I worked at a bookstore where a customer would call routinely asking when the Eclipse book would be available that I asked her WTH was with these books, and ever since that I’ve been a goner. I think I deserve a medal for enduring this fandom for as long as I have. I even think I was one of those fans who vehemently opposed to Rob’s casting. (Although I did not sign any internet petition).

    Q: Team Edward or Team Jacob
    A: Edward

    Q: Always?
    A: Yes. Although I admit to falling for Jacob in Eclipse for as long as Bella did, which was what? 5 pages long?

    Q: How “out” are you about Twi in your “real life?”
    A: My family know that I love the books, watch the movies, admire the actors but have no idea of how deep this goes… Although, I could not hold me excitement when my letter was posted here not so long ago that I had to show my sister, who did not believe that ‘hepburn’ was in fact me. She still to this day thinks I’m lying about emailing you guys. I am fully in the closet though at college and amoungst my friends who are pretentious film snobs, so I mock the films along with them at times (sometimes deservedly so!)

    Q: Top 5 people in the Twi world you want to meet the most
    A: In no particular order: 1. Kristen- mainly because I’d want to gush about On the Road and her working with Francis Ford Coppola, but this would have to happen in an alternate universe where I’m a successful producer in the industry. 2. Catherine Hardewicke. 3. Alexandra Pastavas. 4. UC & Moon- you guys count as one! 5. Alexandra Desplat. (I don’t think I’d want to meet any of the actors, apart from Kristen, mainly because I don’t think I’d have much in common with any of them and I will never attend a convention or autograph signing where I’d have the opportunity.)

    Q: What are you reading?
    A: Ceci est ma femme- Oliver Sacks and The Wayward Bus- John Steinbeck

    Q: Do you have Eclipse Plans?
    A: Plan to coerce my bff to watch it, who is in not a fan and has no idea that I am a Huge fan. So, plan to approach it with: ‘Wanna go watch that new Twilight film?…. Yes, with that hot English guy.’ Then be obligated to mock it incessantly afterwards.

    Q: Three sentence bio (tell us where you’re from!)
    A: I’m a 21 year old, Film Student from Cape Town South Africa. I am also an independant filmmaker… well, more of a hustler in the industry lol.

    Q: Random Twilight Fact (about yourself)
    A: I have an ability I like to call ‘Twi-dar’ which is a skill I have developed that I’m able to sniff out fellow Twi- fans. This came handy when I met a girl in a pub recently who knew way to much about Remember Me, so we ended up bonding over Heinekens of all things Rob and Twi. Still developing my ‘LTT and LTR- dar’ so occasionally drop references such as ‘purples cool’, ‘fake lesbian’ or ‘Big Daddy’ to see if anyone bites. Sadly, nobody yet… 😦

  28. On a separate note…am I the only one who hates that pic of KStew flicking off the paps? I mean, really. Any affection I was slowly starting to feel for her is gone. I keep trying to like her, but she makes it so hard (TWSS) to like her.

  29. I know I’m a total dork, but I don’t see where my survey posted. Did I do something wrong? I think this is only my second or third post, not sure what I’m doing…

  30. Q: How long have been reading LTT:
    A: ever since EOnline’s ted casablanca mentioned it on his blog ‘the awful truth’. when was that? early 2009? late 2008? i guess it was about the same time this whole robsten thing began.

    Q: When did you read the Twilight books for the 1st time
    A: april 2008. my guy friend gian (who may or may not be a unicorn) suggested it to me. that time, i didn’t even know that the book was gonna be made into a movie. heck, i didn’t even know who kristen and rob were (well, not until i googled him and found out he played cedric. see, i was originally an oliver wood girl. so i didn’t care much about him).

    Q: Team Edward or Team Jacob
    A: Eduardo!! ♥

    Q: Always?
    A: fudge yeah. when i read eclipse and got to the “kiss me, jacob” part, i THREW the damn book! …seriously.

    Q: How “out” are you about Twi in your “real life?”
    A: my closest friends know about it coz most of them are twi fans too. however, their fanaticism has since waned. mine hasn’t (..and i have LTT to blame for it!). not a lot of people who know me are aware of this crazy obsession though. i TRY not to talk about it on FB and twitter. and certainly, i don’t broadcast it. when people mention some twi news, i shrug nonchalantly as if i haven’t known of those days before.

    Q: Top 5 people in the Twi world you want to meet the most
    A: 1st: ROB. not due to the obvious reasons though. i mostly just want to jam with him. we could both play guitar together. i’ve been playing guitar for 13 years so i’m quite confident that rob and i would get along, if only for this.
    2nd: Kristen. i find her taste in music very interesting so i’d want to talk to her about it.
    3rd: UC and Moon. this requires no explanation.
    4th: Taylor. i just find him to be a really nice boy. and pleasant to talk to.
    5th: Stephenie: coz i want to get to know the crazy stuff behind everything. like, is she as NORMAL as we are NORMAL? does she get offended when people make fun of twilight? yada yada yada..

    Q: What are you reading?
    A: i mostly just read anything that’s considered “in”. yes i’m a pop culture whore. now i’m reading charlaine harris’ sookie stackhouse novels (i’m a proud truebie!). next on the agenda are the dexter series and dan brown’s lost symbol. i also read paolo coelho and amy tan. i’m not sure if these count but i subscribe to time magazine, people and national geographic.

    Q: Do you have Eclipse Plans?
    A: ermm. my best friend and i have planned to see it together. though no concrete plans as of yet.

    Q: Three sentence bio (tell us where you’re from!)
    A: i’m an average 22-year old girl who lives in an inconsequential part of south east asia (w/c i’m sure some of u may not even know how to find on a map.) ever since i graduated a year ago w/ a degree in computer science and philosophy, i’ve worked as a programmer (ya i know, booorring~~). i used to work as a freelance writer and an english tutor to koreans. i have the weirdest fascinations: indie music, jazz, kpop (i bet i’m the only 1 who knows about this) and i love learning foreign languages too. *oops, that’s 4 sentences*

    Q: Random Twilight Fact (about yourself)
    A: august 2008. breaking dawn was released internationally. i pre-ordered it coz i was obsessed (and that’s normal!). in my city, the book wasn’t available yet. so i would go to the mall with my copy of BD and flash it around kids who i assumed to be twi fans (but the fandom wasn’t very huge at the time). i knew it was silly and quite cruel but, deep inside, i was laughing hysterically.

  31. Q: How long have been reading LTT:
    A: A few weeks after it all began. Creepy Uncle Rob had me hooked! It took me a long time to comment.

    Q: When did you read the Twilight books for the 1st time
    A: Dec 27th, 2008. The movie was out but I had not seen it yet. Picked up Twilight on a whim at Target, and a week and a half later, I had read the series and seen the movie twice.

    Q: Team Edward or Team Jacob
    A: Edward

    Q: Always?
    A: There has never been a doubt.

    Q: How “out” are you about Twi in your “real life?”
    A: Pretty out. Not in a “cardboard-eddie-rides-in-my-passenger-seat” kinda way, but my friends and family do know.

    Q: Top 5 people in the Twi world you want to meet the most
    A: The Coug. We can get drunk off ‘Ritas and go back to her place so I can worship at the shrine of “THE Bed”. Either that or brur it so she will shut up about it. And then Aman-DUH. I am hoping to star in her next masterpiece. And PPL. Just because.

    Q: What are you reading?
    A: At the moment, The Maze Runner.

    Q: Do you have Eclipse Plans?
    A: Midnight showing with the BFF, of course! Possibly also a sneak screening on the 29th. 😉

    Q: Three sentence bio (tell us where you’re from!)
    A: I’m a 31 year old, married SAHM of 3 kiddos (5, almost 4, and 4 months!) from Nashville-born and raised-with a degree in Biology. Pre-kids I was a zookeeper, and most days post-kids doesn’t feel much different! I love to bake and run in what free time I can find.

    Q: Random Twilight Fact (about yourself)
    Uh, I saw NM 4 times in the first week it was in theaters. Oops.

    Great idea, UC! It’s been fun reading about everyone!!

  32. Q: How long have been reading LTT:
    A: Since 2005 (I was in Iraq when it came out)

    Q: When did you read the Twilight books for the 1st time
    A: I read Twilight three days after returning from a 17 month rotation in Iraq (June 2005). I then read it every other day after that because I had duty. By the fourth day, I had crossed out Bella’s name in my book and replaced with my name. So now my Twilight is about a girl named Lita and her love of a vampire named Edward.

    Q: Team Edward or Team Jacob
    A: Team Edward (really Team Cullen)

    Q: Always?
    A: Yes

    Q: How “out” are you about Twi in your “real life?”
    A: Completely. I work on a missile testing base and EVERYONE – even the Post Commander- knows about myTwiMania

    Q: Top 5 people in the Twi world you want to meet the most
    A: 1.The movie directors ( I have questions about how they see (or saw) what they read (assuming they read The Saga); 2. Nikki Reed – really. She is the lonely redheaded stepchild that we never ever hear about; 3. 100 Monkeys/TomStu – I want to know if they think they would have made it “Big” if they weren’t friends with certain actors; 4. Steve/Dean – do you have a wife/kids/pets? and lastly, 5. Kellan Lutz. I’d like to ask him to come participate in the Memorial Bataan Death March we have every year. He’s athletic – he could finish it.

    Q: What are you reading?
    A: The Black Dagger Brotherhood – never heard of series unti this past Wednesday. And lots of FanFiction.

    Q: Do you have Eclipse Plans?
    A: I was hoping to be LA but the Department of Defense has other plans for me. And there are no movie theaters where I am going.

    Q: Three sentence bio (tell us where you’re from!)
    A: Texas Twilighter who survived OIF/OEF and a crazed Twi Con in LA. Not quite 40, government employee who has an office decorated a la Twilight and I am training to run the above mentioned Memorial (hence the reason why I think Kellan should do it). I also have a PaperRob that I take on my trips- He clears airport security quite easily.

    Q: Random Twilight Fact (about yourself)
    A: I didn’t even know that Twilight was a movie until it came out on video. Yeah, being a soldier didn’t leave alot of free time for movies.

  33. I love getting to know all you great gals! Thanks for doing this UC and Moon!

    Q: How long have been reading LTT:
    A: I started reading last summer, and this year was involved in the Big Loser 2 for all of a week. I believe I linked here through ‘Twi Crack Addict’. I have to have my daily morning LTT fix to feel ‘normal’ I honestly would not still be so into Twilight if it weren’t for this website- perhaps I’m really addicted to LTT now…

    Q: When did you read the Twilight books for the 1st time
    A: I borrowed ‘Twilight’ from a friend in May 2009. Really didn’t like it at all. Nor the movie She convinced me to stick with it and read ‘New Moon’, saying that it got better as you went along. Somewhere in the middle of NM, the switch turned on and I haven’t been able to turn it off since.

    Q: Team Edward or Team Jacob
    A: Edward

    Q: Always?
    A: Yes, always and forever. Even the horror of him in a white sleeveless button up didn’t change my mind.

    Q: How “out” are you about Twi in your “real life?”
    A: I was Semi-out to a few friends that I knew also liked (not loved) Twilight, and of course my husband is well aware of my Twi/Rob love. Soooo….. for my birthday this past year, he gave me a birthday cake with a photoshopped picture of me and ‘Edward’ on the top (along with ‘sparkles’ all around the sides). Did I mention that we were having a party, with lots of folks who I never had any intention of outing myself to??? Yeah, you can be 2nd hand embarrassed for me.

    Q: Top 5 people in the Twi world you want to meet the most
    A: 1. UC and Moon (for reals) 2. Rachel- let’s go out drinking so you can tell me what really happened with Summit 3. Nikki- let’s go out drinking so you can tell me what really happened with Kristen 4. Taylor- let’s go out and…. hang out? eat bags of meat? watch American Idol? I think you need a friend. 5. Rob. On second thought, maybe just keeping the fantasy alive is a better way to go.

    Q: What are you reading?
    A: I usually have a few going at a time- TWSS- I just started the ‘Life As We Knew It’ series, and ‘On The Road’. Also reading ‘The Poisonwood Bible’ and ‘In Defense of Food’. Oh, and Emancipation Proclamation when it updates…

    Q: Do you have Eclipse Plans?
    A: No, and I am Sad Panda. My husband is going to be away on a business trip that week, so I am not going to be able to get a babysitter for the midnight showing. I will probably end up going alone when he gets home 😦

    Q: Three sentence bio (tell us where you’re from!)
    A: I’m a 38 year old (yeah, I know… waaaaaaay too old for this!) married gal with a 2 yr old little girl. I currently live near Philly- waves to UC- but we are trying to sell our house to move to the Houston area for my husband’s new job. I’ve always lived in the Northeast, so this will be a huge change for me. I love music, so the breakdowns of the Twi Soundtracks are my favorite time of the year here on LTT!

    Q: Random Twilight Fact (about yourself)
    A: I finally caved to FanFic and read Wide Awake. I love it even more than Twilight, and true TwiConfession— now I seek out perfume, soaps, etc that smell like cookies and flowers.

    • So true! I don’t think I’d be so into Twilight without this blog and the girls that I’ve met through here.

      Good luck in Texas!

  34. hey everyone! I won’t do the quiz because I’ve already done enough love letters to LTT and I’m sure you are all sick of it.

    Anyhoodle, just wanted to say how cool it is that everyone’s doing the quiz and it’s really awesome to see how many people found the blog because of Stephenie’s mention.

    Can’t believe so many of you lurked for so long without saying anything! come hang out!

    • Aww I want to read your answers too!

      • Brooke-

        Just a little friendly peer pressure, babe 🙂

        • Folding to the peer pressure….

          Q: How long have been reading LTT:
          A: March 16, 2009 and I commented on the first day too. I soon emailed UC so I could stalk her down since we both live in the Philadelphia area. Pretty sure I invited her on a Pacific Northwest vacation by my second email. (UC claims that this was #normal.) I also went by a different name from March-May of last year…changed it because, well, didn’t want real life people finding me.

          Q: When did you read the Twilight books for the 1st time
          A: Driving from Florida to Pennsylvania (Feb 2009) – my brother drove the Uhaul and I read with a flashlight.

          Q: Team Edward or Team Jacob
          A: As a hopeless romantic, I choose Edward.

          Q: Always?
          A: Is it wrong that I routed for revenge sex with Jake in NM? I’m kidding! I wanted revenge sex with Newton.

          Q: How “out” are you about Twi in your “real life?”
          A: Two besties follow me on twitter and understand my obsession. Other besties and roommateknow that I read and have friends through the blog. I also played the Podcast part to my roommate when Moonie surprised called me and I had no idea I was on. She thinks it was unfair too. Otherwise, I try to keep this from the general public.

          Q: Top 5 people in the Twi world you want to meet the most
          A: Stephenie Meyer, Rob, Kristen, Ash (to get the full scoop on how many of the cast she really slept with) and Kellan.

          Q: What are you reading?
          A: Just finished rereading the Hunger Games (preparing for the newest book’s release this summer). Next on my reading list is Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. I have a full pile of books on my nightstand waiting to be read.

          Q: Do you have Eclipse Plans?
          A: Hell yes! Flying to LA and will be there for nearly two weeks including the premiere, the movie release and bonding with my online besties.

          Q: Three sentence bio (tell us where you’re from!)
          A: I’m a 30 year old (that was painful to write) single lady who is living it up in center city Philadelphia. I work in advertising, but for a very specific industry which is SO incredibly boring. I am the proud mommy of two cats.

          Q: Random Twilight Fact (about yourself)
          A: I planned a forks (PNW) vacation well before finding this site. I was lucky to have a bestie join me along with Marta and Freya, both of whom I met through this blog.

          And that’s it folks. If there’s spelling or grammar mistakes, I blame the ice cream brain freeze that I’m currently experiencing.

  35. Q: How long have been reading LTT:
    A: I found ya’ll sometime in the fall of 2008 around the time Twilight came out

    Q: When did you read the Twilight books for the 1st time
    A: August 2008

    Q: Team Edward or Team Jacob
    A: Don’t get me wrong, I love me some Edward, but I consider myself team Jasper too

    Q: Always?
    A: Usually

    Q: How “out” are you about Twi in your “real life?”
    A: I’m pretty “out.” I’ve converted several friends and family members and am referred to as the local Twilight pusher. I don’t however wear anything obviously Twilight related, instead I like to find things that are inspired by the series. I did have to force my “outness” one rainy night however when I couldn’t find my regular umbrella and had to carry my Edward/Bella one my cousin’s highschool basketball game.

    Q: Top 5 people in the Twi world you want to meet the most
    A: In no particular order: UC, Moon & Callie(I’m gonna count ya’ll as one), Stewie, Jackson, BBurke, DCudmore

    Q: What are you reading?
    A: The Aunt Dimity Series by Nancy Atherton and about to re-read Eclipse

    Q: Do you have Eclipse Plans?
    A: Will be doing the double feature of New Moon and Eclipse (I don’t think I can make it through all three) with my husband, his brother, wife and daughter.

    Q: Three sentence bio (tell us where you’re from!)
    A: I’m a 29 year old born and raised in south Louisiana with a husband, 2 dogs, and 3 cats. I work as an in home family therapist for families with children at risk of being taken into state custody but not sure how much longer that will last(it’s very emotionally draining work and I’m not sure I’m cut out for it after all). I adore my friends and family and will do anything to make someone smile or laugh.

    Q: Random Twilight Fact (about yourself)
    A: Not about me, but my husband can now quote Twilight word for word yet still picks on me when I do it…

  36. Q: How long have been reading LTT:
    A: 6/2009

    Q: When did you read the Twilight books for the 1st time
    A: 4/2009

    Q: Team Edward or Team Jacob
    A: Edward

    Q: Always?
    A: Yes

    Q: How “out” are you about Twi in your “real life?”
    A:I am so “in the closet” that you would have to dig around behind the Christmas crap to find me!

    Q: Top 5 people in the Twi world you want to meet the most
    A:. 5. Christ Weitz 4.Kristen Stewart 3.PFatch 2. Rob Pattinson 1. Stephenie Meyer

    Q: What are you reading?
    A: I don’t have much time for reading other than a few fanfics here and there. I have a half read copy of Water for Elephants on my nightstand. Does that count?

    Q: Do you have Eclipse Plans?
    A: This is the golden question – jeeze. I did have plans that fell through. I was actually meeting my sis in LA that weekend, but her hubby made other plans and now she has to reschedule our get together. Of course I have plane tickets to LA from the Friday before to the Thurs afterwards and no freakin plans. So now I need to decide if I should change my tickets to go somewhere else or become brave enough to invite myself along to the LTT get together.

    Q: Three sentence bio (tell us where you’re from!)
    A: I am 29, married mom to three young kids. I live in Virginia. And I love to travel a lot. If I didn’t travel I might go insane.

    Q: Random Twilight Fact (about yourself)
    A: I first saw the movie twilight right after I had my third baby. I hated it. Part of the reason may have been because we had to pause the movie 60 times to deal with newborn baby stuff and I was exhausted, but it stuck with me. After I was more rested I tried again and I was hooked.

  37. I never have time to comment, but here it goes. 🙂
    I’m from the US, but I just felt like filling this out.
    Oh, and Happy Memorial Day!

    Q: How long have been reading LTT:
    A: Hmm… not sure. I read it off and on, then finally bookmarked and haven’t stopped since. So let’s go with over a year.

    Q: When did you read the Twilight books for the 1st time
    A: A week before Twilight premiered = the end of my normal life.

    Q: Team Edward or Team Jacob
    A: Team Edward. End of story.

    Q: Always?
    A: Pretty much.

    Q: How “out” are you about Twi in your “real life?”
    A: My best friend knows. But I’m pretty sure she doesn’t know how bad it is. My close circle of friends and family know that I’m into the whole Twilight thing, but they have NO idea.

    Q: Top 5 people in the Twi world you want to meet the most
    A: Big Daddy. Kristen. Stephanie. Rob. UC & MOON! (do I win something?!)

    Q: What are you reading?
    A: Nothing at the moment. I loathe/don’t have time for reading. (Don’t hate me!)

    Q: Do you have Eclipse Plans?
    A: Is this a serious question? I’m dragging my best friend to the midnight showing. A few more friends might go, but it’s not definite.

    Q: Three sentence bio (tell us where you’re from!)
    A: I’m originally from Louisiana, but now I live in downtown Chicago. I’m a photographer and I like music. A lot.

    Q: Random Twilight Fact (about yourself)
    A: I have literally one real life friend who has read Twilight (in like 2005) and still enjoys it. So, it’s pretty lonely, especially because I never see her anymore. Letters to Twilight is the only way to make me feel normal nowadays. 🙂

  38. Q: How long have been reading LTT:
    A: Sometime August 2009 when I really needed a laugh. I’m a binge-everything and got hooked immediately but mostly lurk here.

    Q: When did you read the Twilight books for the 1st time
    A: May 2009 – a couple of months after seeing the first film.

    Q: Team Edward or Team Jacob
    A: Both frustrate me so… Team fan fiction.

    Q: Always?
    A: Definitely. I may have binned the books last year and moved to an alternate universe.

    Q: How “out” are you about Twi in your “real life?”
    A: In the closet. My partner suspects but no one else knows about my special fondness.

    Q: Top 5 people in the Twi world you want to meet the most
    A: None from the films but it would be great to meet with LTT/LTR readers!

    Q: What are you reading?
    A: Currently I’m reviewing manuscripts for a bioinformatics conference. The last book I read was a text book on human evolutionary genetics written by a friend and a colleague. My last fiction book was a Discworld novel by Terry Pratchett called Making money. Loved it!

    Q: Do you have Eclipse Plans?
    A: Hide under a rock and buy the DVD once it hits the stores in UK. Hopefully by Christmas 2010!

    Q: Three sentence bio (tell us where you’re from!)
    A: I’m 35 and a senior scientist at a research institute in Cambridge, UK. I’m married to my high school sweetheart and have a daughter. I have no life.

    Q: Random Twilight Fact (about yourself)
    A: I don’t own any Twi-merchandise apart from DVDs.

  39. Q: When did you read the Twilight books for the 1st time
    A: The summer before BD came out. My DD had gushed about the series but she made it sound really lame. I ran out of books to read, and borrowed Twilight from one of her friends. Fell in love.

    Q: Team Edward or Team Jacob
    A: Team Edward!

    Q: Always?
    A: Um, no. When I first read the books, I was Team Bella- I trusted that she knew what she wanted, although I though Edward was a dick in a douche bag. But once I read MS, I realised Edward is a beautiful soul who is deep and misunderstood and I fell in love with him. Edward, I understand you!

    Q: How “out” are you about Twi in your “real life?”
    A: Hmph. Prolly more than I realise. I try to be real cool about it, but sometimes I can’t help it and blow my wad.

    Q: Top 5 people in the Twi world you want to meet the most
    A: I don’t like meeting people. But if I could fuck with the space-time continuum and meet Rob when I was in my early 20’s, he would totes fall in love with me and I would rock his world!

    Q: What are you reading?
    A: FF and Harry Potter for the book club over at Rob’s Flat. I just finished Bad Mother’s Handbook have a stack of books to move on to. Prolly The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane.

    Q: Do you have Eclipse Plans?
    A: Yes! For my graduation present, my friend got us tix to the midnight showing and a hotel room in the big(ish) city!! Then I will see it again at home with a new Twi friend.

    Q: Three sentence bio (tell us where you’re from!)
    A: I am 39 years old, single mom with 2 kids. I just graduated with my Master’s degree. I live in the Rocky Mountains, USA.

    Q: Random Twilight Fact (about yourself)
    A: I cried really hard the first time I saw New Moon. Almost sobbed in the movie theater. See what I mean about blowing my wad sometimes?

    xo obava

    • um…i cried during New Moon too. and then my bf (who actually came with me) asked who was crying around us when we got out. he quickly realized it was me….

  40. Oh- I have been reading LTT/LTR for a long time, commenting for less. When I first found it, there were a few months’ worth of archives to read. I prolly found it through Lauren’s Bite.

    (She was so funny! Why the fuck is she blogging about stupid headbands now and not Twilight?!?)

  41. I’m lame and have no plans for MemDay so here I am:

    Q: How long have been reading LTT:
    A: Summer of 09 I think. I googled and found that HILAR comic strip of Bella begging Ed to change her and then she dies and Ed talks to Laurent. (I don’t even remember the punchline)

    Q: When did you read the Twilight books for the 1st time
    A: May 2009. Saw Twilight on DVD after I gave in to the tweenie sensation. Mentioned it to a friend that it was “not bad” she brought me the books and…

    Q: Team Edward or Team Jacob
    A: Jacob all the way

    Q: Always?
    A: Yep. I am NOT an Edward/RPatz fan. And I am not ashamed.

    Q: How “out” are you about Twi in your “real life?”
    A: I’m not fanatical, but I could care less who knows. Part of my new “be me” campaign.

    Q: Top 5 people in the Twi world you want to meet the most
    A: Anna Kendrick (she’s brilliant), PFach, Rob (yes, you read that right), LTT fandom (cause I’m all alone), and Stephenie.

    Q: What are you reading?
    A: This Is Not the Story You Think It Is by Laura Munson; waiting on The Alchemist at the library; and lots of fanfic. I like to read fanfic and then watch the movies again. Puts a new spin on things.

    Q: Do you have Eclipse Plans?
    A: Not yet. Prob just go the to the midnight show with my sis. There’s an IMAX 20 mins away, but I don’t think I want 3D my first time.

    Q: Three sentence bio (tell us where you’re from!)
    A: 27 yo mom of 2 boys, (sort of) wife, and internet junkie. Currently unemployed medical transcriptionist who is going stir crazy with nothing to do all the time.

    Q: Random Twilight Fact (about yourself)
    A: I wrote a oneshot. Personally, I think it was brilliant. People fave me on FFn and it makes me giddy. I have 2 other stories I’m working on, but I’m lame so it’s taking forever.

    • P.S. I live in Cleveland, TN near Chattanooga. If anyone is near here, PUHLEEZE let me know. No one I know in RL has heard of LTT so I look like an idiot when I grin as my 6-yo son yells ‘They’re NOT bears!’ and when I tweet about tweed.

      • Hello Moonjenn! You are in my neck of the woods! I am just outside of Cleveland myself!

    • I’m a (sort of) wife too, lol.

  42. 1. I’ve been reading ltt for about a year, only recently started posting
    2. Read the twilight books for the first time last early spring… as in 09
    3. Team Edward, no question there… really more team rob
    4. Yes, always
    5. I’m out about twilight at work (high school) and with hubby/some close friends. Most of them just roll there eyes except for fellow ltters/bffs VAL and Jess.
    6. Top 5 two people- first and foremost rob, then in any order really peter, kellen, Dakota, and Kristen.
    7. Currently I am reading a lot of Ellen Hopkins books and patiently waiting for the third book to be released in the hunger games trilogy.
    8. Yes, dear friend Jess and VAL and myself are seeing the midnight show in Nashville
    9. I am 25 years old living in the Nashville area. I work in a high school as a guidance counselor. My husband is currently in law school, and we have a dog named penguin.
    10. I don’t listen to the radio in the car, I listen to the twi series on my iPod. I also crack up during the kissing scene post b-day party in NM because rob tods come in his pants.. hysterical

    • There seem to be a lot of us in Nashville!

      • Hubby & I might move to Nashville soon. Either of you have any good blog recommendations I can check out? I’ve never been there, but he used to live there. I’d appreciate the info! Thanks!

        • i dont know any, I have lived here my whole life so I kinda just know… I will keep a look out however and send you a link if i find a good one!

  43. @ Cam – I agree! That photo of Kristen doesn’t show me she’s badass, she just looks like a trashy little girl with no manners!

    I’m sorry that she gets the papped all the time, but there are respectable ways of handling it.

    Walk back inside. Don’t look at the camera. Cover your face, or even give a small wave and walk away.

    This photo is just another reason why I don’t like her.

    Get it together girl, be a respectable actor and don’t flip off the cameras.

  44. I don’t comment much at all but I can’t resist! And I may need a break from the hotdogs…

    Q: How long have been reading LTT:
    A: April 2009..I think?

    Q: When did you read the Twilight books for the 1st time
    A: March 2009 after I saw Twilight
    Q: Team Edward or Team Jacob
    A: Edward. But I can see what drives Team Jacob

    Q: Always?
    A: Yup
    Q: How “out” are you about Twi in your “real life?”
    A: Not out at all really. I have one friend who I tried to turn but she dug in her heels after New Moon – something is clearly wrong with my friends. Oh, my insane sister in law knows, kind of but we relate on different levels. She has posters on Edward in her basement and shops at Hot Topic..we are from 2 different planets.

    Q: Top 5 people in the Twi world you want to meet the most
    A: I would like to meet Rob and Kristen since they really do make Bella and Edward for me, and I would like to tell them to not get jaded..And talk to Kristen about On The Road. Pfach impresses me with his career and philanthropy. Of course Crazy Cathy would be fun to have a cocktail with and Twilight is still my favorite. Lastly for some odd reason I would like to go for a hike with CWeitz. I am so excited for Moon and UC to talk to Stephanie – I can’t wait to read about it.

    Q: What are you reading?
    A: Kill Your Friends and Wallace Stegnar’s Collected Stories

    Q: Do you have Eclipse Plans?
    A: Sadly, not really. Probably fake sick to see a matinee…sigh. Hopefully see it again with my Hubs sister.

    Q: Three sentence bio (tell us where you’re from!)
    A: I am a hard working, hard playing 30 yr old Coloradan. I have a wild man 2.5 year old and a husband who rocks my socks off. I spend as much time outside as possible except when it rains and I can read all friggin day!

    Q: Random Twilight Fact (about yourself) I have never been a fan of anything…ever…really and truly. I read all the books in about a week and a half, stayed up into the wee hours. I still pick them up all the time to read certain parts that I love. In so many ways the stories have altered me in great ways…even though no one close to me (besides my hubs) really knows that. I am so happy for places like this to make me feel that I can relate…this Fandom amazes me to no end!

    Happy Memorial Day!

  45. Q: How long have been reading LTT:
    A: Since April 2009. I actually started out on LTR first with this post: http://letterstorob.wordpress.com/2009/04/29/robert-pattinson-loves-grandmas/

    Q: When did you read the Twilight books for the 1st time
    A: January 2009. I read them to get over a bad break up. Thanks for nuthin’ New Moon!

    Q: Team Edward or Team Jacob
    A: Team Charlie. I think Edward is a bit controlling for my taste.

    Q: Always?
    A: Well, I was never really Team Edward OR Team Jacob…

    Q: How “out” are you about Twi in your “real life?”
    A: I’m out to family and some friends, but I don’t think any of them just know how deep my Twi-love runs. They are a little more aware of my Rob-love. It’s not something I would admit to a bunch of strangers or casual acquaintances, though.

    Q: Top 5 people in the Twi world you want to meet the most
    A: I’m going to assume that by ‘meet’ you mean hang out at a party playing Pictionary and drinking amaretto sours with. I’m not much of a meet/picture/autograph type person.. 5. Stephenie 4. Jackson 3. Rob 2. Peter 1. Billy

    Q: What are you reading?
    A: Right now I’m starting Harry Potter (book club, HOLLA!), I’m about 1/3 through Water for Elephants, and I just started the 3rd book in the House of Night series.

    Q: Do you have Eclipse Plans?
    A: Going to the midnight show with my nephew’s wife. Thankfully it’s the midnight show and NOT the 3am show like I did with New Moon. UGH!

    Q: Three sentence bio (tell us where you’re from!)
    A: I’m a 30-something year-old awesome chick from Maine. I like to knit Bella mittens and sew messenger bags. I don’t handle sunlight very well, which is why I’m killing time until I can head back out to the yard to plant my flowers.

    Q: Random Twilight Fact (about yourself)
    A: I first saw Twilight in the 2nd run theater in January 2009. I was extremely grateful for the row of rowdy girls behind me who kept drowning out my loud guffaws through the whole movie. I saw it again two nights later.

  46. Wow…so many comments. Here is me:

    Q: How long have been reading LTT:
    A: Since sometime in the summer of 2009.

    Q: When did you read the Twilight books for the 1st time
    A: Started April 2009.

    Q: Team Edward or Team Jacob
    A: Um, Edward. Srsly, why is there even a “Team Jacob” choice?

    Q: Always?
    A: Yes – as Bella tells Jake at the end of New Moon, it’s always been Edward.

    Q: How “out” are you about Twi in your “real life?”
    A: I am further out than I’d like to admit. It started with just my RL Twi-friend who turned me onto the saga. But with the ever growing Twi-merchandise in my home and the fact that I accidentally outed myself at work right before the release of New Moon, I’d say people know. But I think most people don’t know the full extent of my acute fondness.

    Q: Top 5 people in the Twi world you want to meet the most
    A:. None really. I love meeting LTTers but I’m not really interested in meeting any of the stars. I like the fantasy, and I’m afraid that RL wouldn’t live up to my expectations.

    Q: What are you reading?
    A: Just started a book called Crazy Love. And *hangs head in shame* The Vampire Diaries. Srsly, this is it! After I finish those books there will be no more YA series for me!

    Q: Do you have Eclipse Plans?
    A: Not really. A few people have mentioned opening night to me. But I’m not really keen on the fangirling of a midnight show. TBD.

    Q: Three sentence bio (tell us where you’re from!)
    A: I live in Tennessee *waves to Allryans and Tuesdaymidnight* and have all my life. I work in communications and marketing, currently at a hospital. And I’m old enough that I have to constantly remind myself that having the hots for a sparkly teenage vampire and having a Rob Porn folder on my desktop and attending 10 p.m. Monday night concerts of random British singers is in fact Normal.

    Q: Random Twilight Fact (about yourself)
    A: I have always been a movie snob…much prefered independent movies and “Oscar” movies over blockbusters. And then there was Twilight. Now amazon.com thinks I am a 12-year-old girl because of my purchase history over the past year. I’m at a point in my life where I probably have more disposable income than I have in the past…and a ridiculous amount of said disposable income goes toward Twi-related purchases. Sad. But true.

    • I read the Vampire Diaries, too. I’m very curious of what you think of them (or if I’m the only one who isn’t that impressed, to be specific.)

      • No opinion yet. I literally just started reading. I watch and enjoy the tv show. But I suspect that is mainly because of the yumminess of the actors who play Damon and Stefan mixed in with the teen angst style of Kevin Williamson. Hello, Dawson’s Creek with a splash of Supernatural. Not sure the books will live up to that.

        • Oh I am in LOVE with the show (hello, half naked hot guys every second episode!)
          The books are pretty different (except for Damon. He’s the same and very much yum) but can deliver the tension and scare sometimes (I was literally to scared to sleep at one point.)
          Tell me what you think 😉

          • One thing I knew right away…THANK YOU for Jeremy instead of a little kid sister. At the beginning of the tv show, I only thought of Jeremy as “Elena’s kid brother” but by the end of the season I was like “holy crap, when did he get all buff?”

    • *waves back to Ang*

      If going to 10pm Monday night shows for British boys is wrong, then I don’t want to be right.

      You’re reading Crazy Love? That’s one of the best books I’ve ever read. So good.

      • Allryans – Just started Crazy Love for a summer book study at church that starts this week. I’m looking forward to it!

  47. : How long have been reading LTT:
    A: since 2009

    Q: When did you read the Twilight books for the 1st time:
    A: a couple of months after I saw twilight because I was curious about the continuity of the story of the movie twilight and Kristen is so not Bella!

    Q: Q: Team Edward or Team Jacob
    A: Edward please who”s Jacob?
    Its just stupid Summit marketing. Is there teams in HP films? Thats why the fandom is crazy.

    Q: Always?
    A: always and forever and ever

    Q: How “out” are you about Twi in your “real life?”
    A: My cousins like Twilght, even the boys thought it was cool, but not New Moon. In NM, Bella becomes Kristen, Edward becomes Robert, thats how terrible it is mostly because the director tried to be buddies to the cast instead their boss.

    Q: Q: Top 5 people in the Twi world you want to meet the most:
    A: Catherine Hardwicke, Billy Burke, Rob (want to pinch his cheeks), Catherine DOP and makeup team

    Q: What are you reading?
    A: nothing, don;t have time, maybe will read Books Rob read or any recomendations? Prefer to read biographies than fiction Twilght is so chicklit

    Q: Do you have Eclipse Plans?
    A: No, after New Moon disaster (No More), will wait for the reviews, as a movie buff, I can see from the trailer and stills if a movie is good or not. If it wasn’t for Rob, I wouldn’t be seeing or reading the books, but I prefer the books than the movies except Twilght.

    Q: Three sentence bio (tell us where you’re from!)
    A: I am from Indonesia, graduated in mass communications, work as a personal PR for companies

  48. Q: How long have been reading LTT:
    A: march 2009. i’ve only commented twice.

    Q: When did you read the Twilight books for the 1st time
    A: the day after i saw twilight on dvd, i bought the box set and never looked back.

    Q: Team Edward or Team Jacob
    A: edward ftw

    Q: Always?
    A: i’ve always hated jacob. always. he’s a tricky little guy, and i don’t trust him.

    Q: How “out” are you about Twi in your “real life?”
    A: more or less out to my circle of friends, but i keep it a secret for the most part due to the fact that i’m not a 13 year old girl. and i work in a bar, soo… i don’t wanna get beat up.

    Q: Top 5 people in the Twi world you want to meet the most
    A: really, i don’t want to meet any of them… i’d rather keep the dream alive, you know? i don’t wanna ruin the illusion. but i guess i’d like to have a beer with billy burke. or maybe be drunk in a locked room with rob. if i HAD to.

    Q: What are you reading?
    A: miss wyoming by douglas coupland. just finished the fuck up by arthur nersesian, and it was rad.

    Q: Do you have Eclipse Plans?
    A: obvi! my best friend is flying from vancouver to go to the midnight show in toronto with me. then we’re heading to montreal so we can see it again dubbed in french. french eddie is a good eddie.

    Q: Three sentence bio (tell us where you’re from!)
    A: i’m a 28 year old married bartender that lives just outside of toronto, ontario. that’s in canada. my top three favourite wild animals are squirrels, mallard ducks, and deer. i’m a grown up indie girl that only buys stuff on vinyl, and wears only vintage dresses.

    Q: Random Twilight Fact (about yourself)
    A: i’ve carried the eddie action figure in my purse for over a year because i used him to escape a mugger when i was walking home from work one night. the local newspaper headline was “you’ve got to ‘twi’ harder to catch this girl!”


    • I LOVE this! Do you have a link to this story? Pocket Edward saved you…I can hear Cyn swoon from here.

      • it USED to be online, but i think it’s been archived since then… i totally can’t find it. they didn’t put my name or photo in there though, thank jebus. i literally stopped the guy by grabbing edward from my bag and yelling like a crazy woman “YOU WANT THIS? YOU WANT TO MUG A GROWN WOMAN THAT CARRIES A VAMPIRE DOLL IN HER PURSE? COME GET IT!” and then he LITERALLY backed away slowly from me.

        best. moment. ever.

        • I LOVE YOU! That is so awesome I can’t even type streaight….please please write a letter to LTT about this! XXX

        • DYING!! That is the most amazing twi-story I have ever heard. I guess there is some benefit to the crazy twi-hard fandom reputation after all. I don’t need to carry mace anymore when I go jogging–just a pocket-eddie and maybe a t-shirt from Hot Topic . . .

    • hahaha that’s hilarious!! You’re definitely an “out” fan after the newspaper runs that kind of story!

  49. Q: How long have been reading LTT:
    A: For about a year when I got a link from “boys who sparkle” mentioning a certain DILF and big daddy… I was intrigued to say the least 🙂

    Q: When did you read the Twilight books for the 1st time
    A: January 2009 but only read the rest in April (see random Twi fact 🙂 )

    Q: Team Edward or Team Jacob
    A: Edward…who’s Jacob?

    Q: Always?
    A: Yep. I actually wanted to slap Bella in Eclipse when she’s whining about the little bit of ribbon (or whatever) that belonged to Jacob…It’s the only time in the entire saga that I lose patience with her emo…

    Q: How “out” are you about Twi in your “real life?”
    A: I’m coming more out of the closet everyday, especially as I have some twi friends now… However I do still giggle hysterically when seeing a book by somebody named Patterson, or mention fanfic to non- twilighters and get these extremely weird looks. These often make me retreat back into my closet and slowly shut the door…

    Q: Top 5 people in the Twi world you want to meet the most
    A: 5) Peter Facinelli (because he seems sooo lovely and I love him….) 4) Jackson Rathbone (just so I can bask in the beauty…) 3) Snowqueens Icedragon (author of master of the universe…just to thank her for bringing us Fifty) 2) Kristen Stewart (to tell her to carry on being the weird awkward girl she is and just ignore everybody else) and duh duh duh… 1) Robward!! (Ok i couldn’t decide…I would love to meet Edward obviously but then Rob is British and I feel I need to fly the flag…)

    Q: What are you reading?
    A:I have given up reading of actual books in favour of fanfiction though I fear this is ruining both my intellect and my innocence…. my excuse is that i’m building up my angst resistance in order to read Atonement…. though I did just read my sister’s keeper which had me in floods of tears at 3am….so i that’s your kind of thing go read it 🙂

    Q: Do you have Eclipse Plans?
    A: I WAS going to see it at midnight on release day with all my twi friends but some stupid stupid people decided that we in the UK don’t deserve eclipse until the 9th July which is after university finishes for the summer so my new plan is to travel all the way back to Birmingham 2 days after I leave to go see it… Luckily my friend is a lot more, shall we say…vocal in her appreciation of especially Jacob so we fit in with all the 14 year olds 🙂 Am ridiculously excited about this and am possibly buying a “it’s tweed serious” shirt for the occasion…

    Q: Three sentence bio (tell us where you’re from!)
    A: I’m 21, from the UK and I’m studying Psychology at university. I’m in my final year and actually should be studying for the exams I have tomorrow rather than writing on here and reading fanfiction but i’ve never had the best impulse control. I’m hoping to be an educational psychologist, oh…and i’m ridiculously obsessed with twilight. Trust me…I’m a psychologist.

    Q: Random Twilight Fact (about yourself)
    A. Knowing what an obsessive personality I have in relation to books, after reading Twilight in a day and ordering the rest of the series online. I actually hid them in a suitcase underneath my bed to prevent myself from reading them when I was supposed to be revising for exams…. You can see the pattern here 🙂 Anyway, after exams I read the series in 2 days, watched an hour long vanity fair shoot and the rest is history 🙂

    P.S. I wish we got memorial day, we have nothing interesting like that in the UK…….. 😦 But we did spawn Rob…and Hugh Laurie 🙂

  50. Q: How long have been reading LTT:
    A: Just a couple of weeks now. Newb.

    Q: When did you read the Twilight books for the 1st time
    A: After finally watching Twilight on Showtime in February this year (yes, 2010) out of complete boredom. Watched New Moon later that day just to see what happened next, and then ran out and bought all four books like a junkie to find out what I had been missing these last few years. I’m kind of glad I waited though, The suspense of all the releases would have killed me.

    Q: Team Edward or Team Jacob
    A: Team Jacob, because he never gave up on fighting for her humanity, even when she wasn’t on his side.

    Q: Always?
    A: No. Before Edward left Bella over a papercut I was Team Edward, but even after he returned I couldn’t shake wondering what chapter he’d “have to” leave her again. Jacob won me over because he never faltered in fighting for her life to the very end where Charlie and Renee didn’t know enough to do it themselves.

    Q: How “out” are you about Twi in your “real life?”
    A: Barely. My kids know, and tease me ceaselessly about it, but I don’t talk about it with my adult friends and hide all evidence of it when I have company. I have posters (literally) in my closets, and thousands of stills and video clips on my share drives, but that it. 🙂

    Q: Top 5 people in the Twi world you want to meet the most
    A: #5. Peter Facc – I love him as both Dr. Cullen and Dr. Coop & I love how he loves Jenni, #.4 Dan Lautner I want to hug him too, and ask him parenting advise ;), #3. Rob Pattinson – I love his british wit and selfdepreciating manner. Seems very easy to hang/talk with all night. #2. Stephenie Meyer – Shake her hand to thank her for inventing the Twilight world, and ask her to confide what she was thinking/where she was “at” when she wrote the Saga’s contradiction (imo) that is Breaking Dawn, #1. Taylor Lautner – For loving Twilight seemingly as much as the fandom does, for commiting himself to keeping the movies consistent even when Summit was ready to recast, and because I want to meet the ‘real Taylor’ that I know is in there..somewhere, away from the cameras.

    Q: What are you reading?
    A: Not a big reader, but I’ve read a lot of fanfic this year! 😉

    Q: Do you have Eclipse Plans?
    A: Going to the midnight premiere at a local theatre, then making a trip to an IMAX theatre to see it on a big screen Saturday July 3rd.

    Q: Three sentence bio (tell us where you’re from!)
    A: I’m from Florida, 41, divorced, and have 3 kids. I like shopping, movies, music, photography, and trying new foods. I stay busy between, kids, work and college classes. Twilight is a guilty (newfound) pleasure that I’m happy to have discovered.

    Q: Random Twilight Fact (about yourself)
    A: I now live just a few hours from Forks, WA but have yet to visit since Twilight took over the town, reinforced by the fact that none of the movies were filmed there.

    • Oh, you should go to Forks! I’ve lived in Seattle most of my life and have rarely gone to the Peninsula. We always went east for vacations. But my sister and I just went for the first time last week and it is so beautiful. The town is totes crazy –no joke. But you kind of get into it. La Push is absolutely gorgeous though and the hiking is awesome!

      • Oh i’m a washingtionian too!!! I agree, the olympic peninsula is beautiful!!!! you should check it out, even if you dont actually go to forks (there is really nothing there besides rob taylor and kristen plastered everwhere)

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