Happy Memorial Day

When you google "Twilight Memorial Day" (which I do often) This is the first thing to appear titled "Kristen's Memorial Day Salute"

Dear non-American LTTers who are NOT stuffing their faces with hot dogs today,

Today is Memorial Day in the US which is when we remember those who lost their lives fighting for our freedom. Or that’s Veteran’s Day. I actually don’t remember which is which, which probably makes me the worst American ever. I could just Wikipedia it and say it correctly to sound smart, but that would be a lie. Plus you all think my name is “UnintendedChoice” anyway, so it doesn’t really matter now, does it!? Anyway, today is a holiday in the US and Moon & I tend to throw crappy, not thought-out letters up on holidays because we like to save the good stuff when the majority of you are around to enjoy it (Plus we’re lazy on holidays). However, the last time I looked at the break down of our readership, I think our global readership rivals, if not exceeds, our American readership. Soooooo…. what to do? What to write about today?

I was trying to think of something to write today that would be strictly for the internationals.  Maybe I could post a funny video that would actually play in your country, or I could do a Spanish translation of “We are the Rob” and make a video. Or I thought of trying to find the Chinese version of “New Moon” and listen to “They’re Not Bears” and “Let’s Do This” and talk about whether or not it’s as funny in another language. But those ideas sucked, sooooooo Plan B.

Q: Why in the world is Kristen dressed like this?

I want to get to know YOU. And I mean that. We have such a great community here at LTT & sure I’ve emailed with a few of you- & met a few others (even 1 international!)- but most of you I do not know AT ALL. One of the great things of getting picked to interview Stephenie is that it brought a ton of you out of the woodwork. People who have been reading for OVER A YEAR and never commented or emailed wrote us to introduce themselves! We had so many people “Delurk” just to say something. I LOVE THAT. It makes those numbers of people we see who read the blogs every day REAL.

Anyway, I want to know about YOU, so I’m going to host “mini-interviews” and you’re going to respond, in the comments. If you don’t want to, okay- you suck (no just kidding- go eat another hot dog. Don’t google “what’s in a hot dog” if you’re not familiar. You’ll never want to visit our country) but I think this will be fun- and NOT just for ME! You guys read each other’s comments every day too- won’t it be fun to learn about each other’s Twi stories & life outside (or inside!) of Twi!?

I’ll answer the questions too, don’t worry!

Q: How long have been reading LTT:
A: Since I started writing it on 12/8/2008

Q: When did you read the Twilight books for the 1st time
A: On vacation (Hilton Head Island represent!) in August of 2008- the WEEK Breaking Dawn came out!

Q: Team Edward or Team Jacob
A: Duh, Edward

Q: Always?
A: Yes. Except I DID want Bela to kiss Jake back during the tent scene in Eclipse.

Q: How “out” are you about Twi in your “real life?”
A: Much less so than you’d think. Everyone knows I like it. Most people close to me know I run a blog, but VERY FEW know what it is and/or have been to the sites. I only told my bffs, sisters & grandma about getting to meet Stephenie.

Q: Top 5 people in the Twi world you want to meet the most
A: I’ll count down. 5. Big Daddy Lautner (I hope I’m drunk & have the balls to ask for a hug)  4.Kristen Stewart (I want to see if I like her in person) 3. Taylor Lautner (I think it would be fun) 2. Rob Pattinson (He’s either #2 or not on the list at all. I can’t decide) 1. Stephenie Meyer (And I’m NOT just saying that!)

Q: What are you reading?
A: I don’t have a lot of time to read, which is sad because I’m a reader, but on vacation I read two Jewish/WWII books that were great. The first was “The Book Thief” and the other was “Sarah’s Key” (Which would make a good movie. Actually both would) I highly recommend.

Q: Do you have Eclipse Plans?
A: YES! Flying to LA (with Mr. Choice- my hubby!) on 6/27 (sadly, after the premiere- I can only do one- movie with Moon or premiere. I went for movie) and staying for almost a week. I’ve claimed the Edward pillow & the empty spot on Moon’s bed already, so Mr. Choice will have to find a couch or something. There are a TON of gals we’ve met through LTT/LTR flying in for that week, so there is a big group (Moon literally bought 37 tickets) seeing the movie opening night (I know this is supposed to be for our international readers, but if you ARE in the US and/or driving distance to LA- EMAIL US– b/c we’re going to throw a BiG LTT/LTR shin-dig that week!)

Q: Three sentence bio (tell us where you’re from!)
A: I’m a 26 year old, married girl from the Philadelphia area of Pennsylvania in the USA. I do marketing for a living (for a hot tub store!) and I love cats, probably more than people. My husband is a musician and I’m Type-A, probably to a fault. Oh, and I like Twilight (oops- that was 4)

Q: Random Twilight Fact (about yourself)
A: I saw Twilight for the first time with gals I know, but no one I’m super close to. Crazy to think that some of my very closest friends are now in this Twilight-world, and I went to see the movie with a group of randos we just threw together because we knew no one else!

So now it’s YOUR Turn! Answer the questions in the comments so we can get to know each other. Okay, so it really is a holiday here and I really am going to be stuffing my face with hot dogs (veggie dogs- I don’t eat meat!) all day, but I promise to read ALL of your responses either after I feign an ankle injury after 10 minutes of volleyball (I hate sports) or tomorrow night when I’m niiceee and tipsy! Ready, set, GO!


Now really, I LOVE how many people around the world we’ve met through LTT & LTR. Whether it’s our friend Darja bringing Moon & I underwear all the way from Europe (They were from Mark & Spencers- she had to!) or playing “Words with Friends” with Jayde in Australia & using the chat feature so it’s like we’re texting or calling Alice_NaA my best friend in Belgium- it amazes me. Here we all are, in so many different places around the world- united by this one thing! TWILIGHT BRINGS PEOPLE TOGETHER! (I also love all of you I didn’t mention AND our American friends!  Basically everyone except JanetRigs*)

Our internet game is ridiculous: LTR, The Forum, Twitter

*that’s a joke about Janetrigs. I wish it went without saying after a year+ of us telling each other we hate each other, but I don’t think it does!

Memorial Day Salute pic from Radar other pic from google images