Perfect Sunday activity: The Twilight Art Gallery

Dear Art lovers,

It’s Sunday- the perfect day to take a stroll scroll through the Twilight Art Gallery.

First up, we have a beautiful depiction of what it is like when Jacob dreams of Bella:


Apparently Jacob dreams that Bella has a brown bear coming out of her head. And Raven claws for hands...

You can find this masterpiece on Etsy for a mere $8.00

Next we have a beautiful pencil drawing of Edward:


Edward "Crooked-face" Cullen

This, also available on Etsy, is a steal for $5.00

Our next artist has done a beautiful job depicting what Edward might look like as a drag queen.

Unfortuneately, "Drag Queen Edward" was not her intended result...

Unfortunately, "Drag Queen Edward" was not her intended result...

Add this to your collection of “Handsome men turned drag queen creepers” for a mere $15

And last but not least, introducing the perfect addition to your outfit the next time you stalk Robert Pattinson in a foreign country, men’s bathroom or the secret garage under his hotel:


I'm less afraid of the BIG BAD WOLF than I am of these shoes...

Perfecting your outfit for Rob Pattinson stalking does not come cheap. These custom shoes are $130.

This concludes our Sunday tour of the Twilight Art Gallery. I hope you are inspired!


Thanks for Sara & Li Li for the links!

Cleanse your mind with actual good Twilight art: Bella and Deepest Loss

*Etsy links not shown to protect the artist we are making fun of honoring. If you would like to puchase one of these pieces, please e-mail us & we’ll be happy to send you to their Etsy stores.  And then we will make fun of you. Behind your back. And probably publically.

Not sure what else to do on a lazy Sunday? Hop on over to LTR then to The Forum