Monday Funnies & a Twilight Meme

Dear New Moon,

I’m excited for you to be released for many reasons, including the influx of 2nd-hand embarrassing t-shirts, necklaces & wolf costumes we’ll have at our disposal, not to mention the bet I have with Moon about how many guys we think will moon us anytime we mention the movie in a 1 week period, but mostly because of the blog content that will come as a result of the movie being a smash hit.

For now, on Mondays, we can still laugh at Twilight stuff:



Unless you have vampire-ish eyes, click to make bigger

The website where these comics were posted had the following disclaimer:

I’ve never read the books or watched the movie, and — as I’m sure most of my fellow Y-chromosome compatriots would agree — am convinced and afraid that the worldwide “craze” over this Edward character is the first sign of a coming apocalypse.

Thanks to Jacob’s girl Anja for sending us these comics!
After the jump, enjoy something really random: Continue reading