Twilight video time with Jena – Edwards Lullaby

*Hey LTT-ers, This Saturday’s video’s will be hosted by none other than Jena our very own video mod from the forum! She finds, creates and posts all the best so we’ve asked her to bring some of that goodness over here for you! Enjoy! Moon&UC*

Dear Twilighters,
Weekends are about relaxing, spending quality time with those you love, doing something fun, or curling up and watching your favorite
movie.  Which is why I bring you the latest in Twilight Theater.
I’m about to provide you, FINALLY, with the true lyrics to Edward’s lullaby to Bella. Get verklempt ya’ll!

But seriously, what would Edward’s famous Bella’s Lullaby lyrics really be?
We’d love to your compositions and read your lyrical inspiration.
A proud commentator in MST3K,
Thanks to JodieO and her facebook page for the vid*** alert!
(***video is in representation to the MST3K days (Mystery Science Theater 3000)

Head over to LTR to see some smokin’ Rob vids!
Want more Jena? Go to the forum and make some new pals!